Alert! Alternative Doctors are being MURDERED!
So I was driving late one night last week and heard about this on Coast to Coast on AM radio.
Erin Elizabeth, intrepid investigator and blogger at Health Nut News, has been uncovering these mysterious deaths and disappearances.
Famous Autism researcher and Doctor, Jeff Bradstreet MD died of alleged self inflicted gunshot wound to chest and found in a river
5 chiropractors die in accidents in recent months, 3 single car
Fit Vegan Cardiologist dies in freak accident, Florida MD dies while jogging Saturday & more
Is This Why Holistic Doctors Are Dying? What you need to know .
See much more at:
And then there is this bombshell from PROFESSOR DOOM !!!1!
So, who is doing it? Big Pharma of course!

Snopes and Gawker debunked it here and here.

(17,505 posts)They're using their own "medicine"?
Now that I've read the debunking articles, it is clear that only one Dr. was under FDA scrutiny....and over half of the Drs involved didn't practice alternative or holistic medicine.... they were just regular Drs. Also, all the deaths are different, with a wide variety of circumstances.
It's obvious that.... well, if we do some research in the USA and Mexico (The Drs that disappeared worked and indeed disappeared in Mexico) on any large set of individuals.....say beauticians or maybe people who drive blue cars.... we'll find the same random sample of deaths from different causes.
The DMV is targeting beauticians in blue cars!!!!! It's the only conclusion!
(51,078 posts)As of March 2015, there was an estimated range of 897,000 to just over 1,000,000 doctors in the United States, and per every 100,000 people (of all vocations) each year, approximately 821 die. Going by those numbers alone, between 6,500 and 8,200 medical doctors will statistically die of myriad causes in any given year. Each month approximately 700 doctors would die (based upon the number of American doctors and the number of overall deaths), thirteen of whom could be expected to live in Florida before accounting for rate fluctuations based on whether a state (like Florida) is exceptionally populous. As such, six to eight deaths is well within the realm of expected doctor deaths.
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