The Woo Woo Credo...
yes, it's getting a bit dated, but it's still good for a chuckle.
I thought it needed a thread of it's own at our new home, as a piece of historical skepticism from those fun-filled Usenet days.

(113,131 posts)and proof there are some oldies but goodies that some of us ::twitch:: haven't seen yet.
Bookmarked for future reference.
I've always found it amazing that wooheads accept preliminary research as the troof but will never accept any established science after large scale research has been done and duplicated.
(40,416 posts)Perfect! I've seen that one more than once.
E. G., Bob Dole doesn't agree with global warming.
(41,318 posts)Or sometimes parents of toddlers: 'Mummy will give Johnny his nice dinner now'.
(41,318 posts)The writing-a-book one reminds me of the time that a particular poster on DU2 flared up in defence of Jenny McCarthy, and argued that she MUST be right about autism, or why would she have been offered TWO book contracts?
(2,560 posts)SidDithers
(44,326 posts)Yeah, I know I've used it lots of times back at DU2, but thought it needed to be brought to DU3. Kinda funny that I posted it back in January, and now the thread gets some activity
My fave from the list is the one about quoting Einstein:
(7,237 posts)#11 Two more words: Paradigm shift.
#22 Refer to anyone who does not immediately agree with you as being uneducated on the matter, lacking in important information, or just plain too stupid to understand your magnificent statements.
#42 (Corollary to #11 for advanced purveyors of Woo) Drop the word "paradigm" and just talk about "The Shift" with knowing certainty. If probed for details, see #22.
#43 If you can't explain something clearly and/or are short on detail, just claim "It's visionary!!!".