Has anyone else noticed how badly the anti-GMO "crusade" has burned out?
This guy is still active though, AFAIK.
In fact when face with (OMG!) actual scientific EVIDENCE, he goes straight to a really juvenile insult.

Blues Heron
(6,545 posts)" It should be unnecessary to point out that you cannot change your DNA through diet. "
If only that were true.
its called cancer which is a mutation in your DNA and you can definitely get it through diet.
(26,889 posts)and is also a carcinogen.
I choose to eat organic food, it doesn't guarantee that I'm not eating pesticides or RoundUp but my odds are better. I also found that organic foods taste so much better, I will always drink organic milk, and eat organic fruits.
Look how many states and countries have banned RoundUP;
I had to delete my link because at the end there was a law firm to contact. I will find another link. Suffice it to say that many countries, states, cities, are banning Roundup.
Try this test at home folks; Put a GMO potato in a glass of water, then put an organic potato in a glass of water and see what happens.
(47,038 posts)Yes, I am saying you were suckered by the anti-GMO hysterics and con artists.
If you want to eat organic, fine.
Just quit giving people like myself who don't want to spend such a high price at Whole Foods the stink-eye.
(26,889 posts)or tell you what to eat, it's none of my business.
Here is an article that gives both sides of studies of glyphosate;
Try the potato test.
Actually, I think the price of organic foods is getting closer to the price of GMO foods. One can also buy from local farms who don't use Roundup. My daughter lives outside of Pittsburgh and she buys from local farms that even deliver her food to her doorstep. Daughter even makes a tasty organic pizza.
(47,038 posts)Last time I was at our local "Pick and Save," I noticed that organic sausages in the organic aisle cost twice as much.
And the facts are very simple, organic producers are not a bunch of hippie farmers singing to plants as they tenderly water them.
Organic producer are just as mechanized, as other farmers, and they use some really nasty chemical fertilizers, and pesticides.
(51,077 posts)The susceptible potato variety and the two resistant ones (GMO) were cultivated comparing common practice, with fungicides applied on a weekly basis, and the IPM2.0 method. The research was carried out in the Netherlands and in Ireland, two prominent potato countries, over several years.
The IPM2.0 strategy on the susceptible variety Désirée, resulted in an average reduction of 15% on the fungicide input. Both resistant varieties however remained healthy with an average 80 to 90% reduction of the fungicide input.
The internationally recognised and publicly available Environmental Yardstick for Pesticides was used to quantify the environmental impact. It quantifies the environmental impact of chemical crop protection on water-life, soil-life and groundwater.

Susceptible variety Désirée cultivated under common practice annually received an average of over 700 environmental impact points. Désirée cultivated under IPM2.0 reduced this score to some 400 points.
Both resistant varieties however scored much better under IPM2.0: cultivation of Sarpo Mira received an annual average of only 40 points, while the cisgenic resistant version of Désirée scored even better, less than ten points.
Also, if you are worried about carcinogens then perhaps you should be eating GMO potatoes. The new varieties actually reduce the amount of the amino acid asparagine that turns into acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen, that occurs when potatoes are cooked at high temperatures. So that's good right?
Finally...the GMO potato in water test. What exactly does this test prove?
(47,038 posts)She was doing it "for her kids" to stop any cancers she hoped they never got.
And she smoked through whole interview.
Guess what! LIFE causes cancer.
(26,889 posts)We know that Roundup has glyphosate in it but we don't even know everything else that is in Roundup, all of the ingredients are a trade secret.
(47,038 posts)gab13by13
(26,889 posts)but the facts are that the anti-glyphosate "movement" is not dying out, it is growing. I just read where Germany is banning Roundup in 2024. I can show you the list of countries and states and cities that have banned Roundup.
Yes, one can get cancer from many things, but if glyphosate weakens one's immune system that person is going to be more susceptible to getting cancer.
Do you know why scientists don't do studies with human subjects to compare GMO v non-GMO? Why do they only do studies using mice?
(51,077 posts)Yes, glyphosate is harmful. Like any chemical, the dosage makes the poison.
Speaking of...
"Organic" doesn't preclude it from being sprayed with chemicals. In fact many aren't even organic. But the industry still gets to use these "organic" chemicals. (It's kind of a long list)
In addition to those chemicals (some which are synthetic), a number of organic farmers are even asking the federal government for permission to use more synthetic pesticides.
(4,040 posts)gab13by13
(26,889 posts)I am slow, can you explain it to me? I am definitely pro-vax. I had to get immunized to travel to foreign countries for my job or I could quit.
(47,038 posts)But did you read ALL of the posted article?
It states flat out this big-time anti-GMO guru and his groupies are stridently anti-vaxx.
In fact, they believe in "chemtrails," "Morgellon's disease," etc. in addition to their anti-GMO hysterics.
reymega life
(675 posts)Archae
(47,038 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)because what passes for a personality is completely submerged into that belief. There's not much you can do about that, they simply will not allow the conversation to be steered elsewhere.
The anti GMO fanatics ran out of gas because people who didn't give a shit kept eating GMO foods and didn't get sick. That took a lot of wind out of their sails. Had they focused on the inability of farmers to hold seed over for the next year, they might have gotten farther as far as longevity goes, but people tune out when ag and patent policies get discussed. The audience would have been smaller, but at least they'd still have one.
(51,077 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Or some starlet with a new diet
Or some faded starlet with a line of crap that no thinking woman would ever consider
Or some life extension hack with a new bunch of supplements
Or some manly man with a homoerotic exercise routine
And the list goes on and on.
And while the internet can do all sorts of wonderful things, it also feeds these whackos.
(35,558 posts)not because it is inherently bad, but because it allows large corporations to take complete control over the food supply by claiming ownership of everything grown or raised. There needs to be legislation to protect food producers from this.
I fully agree with this.