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This message was self-deleted by its author (left-of-center2012) on Mon Dec 24, 2018, 07:01 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(7,725 posts)You scheduled immediately w your doctor. I hope you're ok.
It WILL be ok. Call somebody near you so someones aware of your posture. You've got the afternoon to see how you can get yourself there. Lots of stress this time of year. Physical therapy is a terrific idea. Good tidings!
(12,256 posts)My mom was taken off of Xarelto due to falls. If another blood thinner will work for you, perhaps your doctor will prescribe it.
(776 posts)It sounds a lot like Syncope. (essentially fainting). But it feels like your body has just dissolved onto puddle on the ground. Last year I had Sycope and I fell about 8 times, each time I briefly lost consciousness (for 2 seconds) and collapsed on the floor. Hurt my back each time. Turns out I had something called Heart Block where the heart slows down to a dangerous level (mine was 44 beats). It was "fixed" by installing a pacemaker.
(12,706 posts)I've got plenty of scars myself. They make us interesting.
Do you have someone to check on you?
(34,195 posts)No. Im a 'hermit'.
Thus posting this in the "Loners" group.
(24,954 posts)Watch yourself over the next few days, and good to hear that you've called and setup doc's appt. Doesn't hurt to be too safe. A story you could tell your friends and so forth is that you drove off a mugger and beat the mugger w/ a cane or something. Might as well make the story fun.
The physical therapy is a good idea, as well as perhaps stretching your back and rest of body, to loosen the muscles up and not let them get clenched up and then cause other muscles to clench up too (causing a chain reaction).
Take care!
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)You were very lucky not to hit your head and pass out, when this could have been much worse.
I'm glad you're okay and seeing your doctor.
(34,195 posts)I use one when I go out but not at home.
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)Got all bruised up and passed out the last time. Thankfully she didn't break any bones.
Please use the cane at home, too! If anything that's the most important place, since if you fall and pass out at home, nobody will know. In public at least someone would see and call for help.
(34,195 posts)about 5 of my 6 falls were at home.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)Still, if it's quit bleeding you're probably OK. The PT is a great idea! Be careful, LoC!
(9,606 posts)why you're falling.
Mars and Minerva
(369 posts)your glasses will cover it.
(34,769 posts)I'm tossing an idea at you...
A friend made a cell phone sized bag that hangs around my neck. When I 'm not seated or the phone is being charged,
the phone is in there & help is there.
Pouring styptic is a badass move & likely painful.
(34,195 posts)Good idea.
(12,061 posts)Scar stories are fun to play! I've got a shark bite scar from kidney surgery.
I fell into a wall and smashed my glasses into my nose once. It hurt terribly. No scar though. But had to get new glasses and sported two black eyes for a while.
Hope your week gets better. Falling is scary.
(54,770 posts)Don't use it much, yet, but when hiking in rocky areas I sometimes use a hiking stick. I think it is much more stable and helpful than the old canes my granddad used.
Anyway, take care and be sure to see your doc. Physical Therapy sounds like a good idea.
Jane Austin
(9,199 posts)I have so many dog toys, dog bones, drool, and actual dogs around my house that I have been using a three-wheel rollator (walker) for several years now.
And on the tray of that rollator is my phone.
There have been any number of times that I have almost gone down but the rollator kept me upright. It has bicycle-style handle bar brakes, so it can't get away from me, too.
(34,195 posts)Thanks
Jane Austin
(9,199 posts)It's much more maneuverable than the four-wheeled kind, and its triangular shape gets through the more crowded areas of my house.
I don't know what I did before I started using it.
The tray is a lifesaver, as I can carry all my dinner stuff in one trip to the table, and I can carry a moderate load of laundry from my bathroom to the washing machine.
And when my four Goldens stand around in front of me like so many zombies, I use it like an ice-breaker- I poke the front wheel between them and make a high-pitched "beep beep" noise and they make way for me.
Jane Austin
(9,199 posts)It tells me that the wheels are eight inches and that the reason it is so maneuverable is that the front wheel swivels.
Duh. I've used it nearly three years and didn't realize that wheel swiveled!
I can carry my laptop, thermos of coffee and other necessities in the pouch, and I slip the straps of my handbag over the hand grips.
The $70 price is way less than a trip to the emergency room should I fall down.
(34,769 posts)left-of-center2012
(34,195 posts)Some muscle sotrnrss today. Taking regular acetaminophen.
He said the cut on my nose from my falling is healing OK.
He is sending me to the physical therapy place I requested (after googling for one); wants me to get a four wheeled walker; and he's sending me to a neurologist for my continuing memory problems.
(20,856 posts)if you hit your head. You have to be evaluated for a possible brain injury. It's just a better safe than sorry situation, but Natasha Richardson might still be alive if she hadn't refused treatment after she fell during a skiing lesson.