Related: About this forumWell, I've survived another wreck
I don't want to drive or ride in a car ever again. I was hit headon last fall.
Yesterday I was driving my little ragtop and...yes it was a schizo squirrel in the road. I swerved to the right to miss the little fellow, not realizing how deep the drop off was.
I panicked and slammed on my brakes, making my car spin in the grass. When I tried to correct and get back on the road I lost control and flipped my car.
I'm lucky to be alive. My hand is broke, have a goose egg on my head, and some scrapes.
Luckily my neck and back are fine and I'm not decapitated.
Not sure what the Universe is trying to tell me. Wish She'd just call and let me know...
Looks like you all get to put up with me for a little longer.

(66,283 posts)backtoblue
(12,069 posts)If I didn't live out in the boon docks, I'd just ride the bus.
(10,752 posts)You must be really shaken up by that. Im glad your injuries werent any worse.
Sending you hugs and wishes for the angels to protect you and heal you.
(12,069 posts)I'm a little loopy from pain meds and crying on and off. I think I need to be wrapped in bubble wrap lol
(10,752 posts)Hot chocolate or hot tea or something that would comfort you. Maybe wrap up in a blanket and use a heating pad for whatever hurts. And watch some comforting, silly tv, maybe a kids movie or something funny.
(12,069 posts)I'm alone tonight, so I'm thinking a nice cup of chamomile tea and pajamas.
Might watch Finding Nemo
PS I wish you were my neighbor!
(10,752 posts)Because then Id make you look at all my latest stupid paintings, LOL!
(12,069 posts)
I love drawing and like to try to paint. It's soothing and kinda puts me in a trance.
No art for me for a while...
(10,752 posts)Thats why I do it too. One of the reasons. Its like meditation for me.
(10,752 posts)You will feel better tomorrow!
(12,069 posts)I was given a "probable" diagnosis recently. It's relapse-remittant. I've actually had decent mobility for a while. I lost feeling in my right leg a year ago and had weird tingling/burning in my feet and hands.
No problems yet with my eyes, but brain fog, stuttering, and slurring are pretty annoying.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this disease. Please PM me anytime! I think we'll have alot to talk about!
Have a good, restful night.
(53,061 posts)backtoblue
(12,069 posts)I've had all the symptoms for about ten years. At first I was devastated to hear it was MS, but then I felt relieved to finally know what was wrong with me.
For a short period of time I was convinced that I had mad cow disease. I guess im lucky in that regard...
(34,776 posts)backtoblue
(12,069 posts)
Thank you my sweet friend.

(5,349 posts)are loopy with meds.
(12,069 posts)How have you been?
I think I've got the best *worst* luck on the planet. As bad as the awful things I've gone through, I always seem to get through them fairly well.
Maybe I really have good luck. (Considering how much is thrown at me) lol
I wrote an OP a few days ago about being angry. Guess the Universe decided I needed a distraction...
(5,349 posts)I felt myself constantly nodding my head in agreement. As for the distraction the Universe decided you needed, perhaps it was just a reminder to be kind to yourself.
(11,156 posts)Or maybe something with a roll cage and five point harness built in.
(12,069 posts)
It was a peculiar thing to be hanging upside down in my seatbelt. The strange things that I'll always remember from this wreck.
(11,156 posts)Around here, that's about $1200 for a fill-up. But you never have trouble finding a parking space. If there's a car where you want to park, just crush it.
(343 posts)By far the most dangerous thing people do every day is driving. I have lived in Los Angeles and Atlanta. But freeways are bad everywhere. It is really insane, people going 80 mph, weaving in and out, motorcycles with people wearing no helmets, trucks, buses, you name it. I have had a couple of serious wrecks and it makes you think. I am more careful now driving than I have ever been. If I could drive around in a Sherman tank I would. Mostly I avoid heavy traffic, rush hours, and take trains when I can. It is amazing to me there are not more wrecks than there are. Glad you came out of your wreck with just minor injuries.
(12,069 posts)I buried so many car accident victims that I lost count. Being in my wrecks have definitely triggered my PTSD.
Alot of people don't survive a convertible roll over. I walked away with my head and my life.
My son is close to driving age and that terrifies me. There seemed to be a much higher accident rate among young males.
(11,349 posts)Sending you healing hugs.
(12,069 posts)Thank you!
(23,954 posts)Turns, then going straight!
(12,069 posts)They made a left turn, then another left turn, ...
Sorry for your wreck. I've got silly pill brain and your post took me to a laughy place.
(15,179 posts)Sorry about your accident. I guess that's why they call them squirrels. Cause they are squirrely.
(12,069 posts)I've always braked or tried to miss running over anyone from doggies, kitties, birds, turtles.
Never had time to miss a butterfly though. For some reason hitting those make me feel absolutely awful.
I wish squirrels could spontaneously evolve and learn to not dance in the road.
(15,179 posts)that lesson vicariously long ago, thankfully. Not one you want to learn the hard way.
I knew this lady named Evelyn. She and her husband were fairly wealthy and had some horses. Evelyn had a jeep and one day she was driving. A deer came out in the road. She veered away, rolled the jeep and ended up in a wheelchair, paralyzed.
Oh, she started a horseback therapy organization that helped handicapped kids, so she did some good stuff. But once, she and I were talking about the accident and how she'd made lemonade out of lemons, and she gazed out of their picture window at the stand of pine trees that blocked view of their house from the road.
In spite of the beauty of the day, a great sadness emanated from her. A tear ran down her cheek.
"I'm sick of pine trees," she said.
I've never forgotten that moment, or the vicarious lesson. So, I hit the brakes if an animal jumps out, but I don't swerve.
(5,240 posts)
I am glad your injuries were fairly minor. It must have been very scary, I am so sorry you went through that.
(12,069 posts)

(5,240 posts)captain queeg
(11,780 posts)No idea what happened. Woke with EMT trying to figure out how to get me out. Likely I fell asleep at the wheel, I hadnt been sleeping well at that time. Broke my back again leading to my 3rd and 4th surgeries. Your first statement made me think; I had my dog in the back seat. He was shook up but ok, someone took him to the veterinary hospital. But for months after that he wouldnt get in the car with me. His favorite thing to do was go out to a nearby public area where I could let him off the leash. It took him at least a couple months before that desire outweighed memory of the crash.
(12,069 posts)I usually have my teenager or my lab with me. I can't even imagine if they'd been with me..
(20,068 posts)Know how you feel. Scary stuff. Last accident I had, for some reason I had the presence of mind to actually notice that time does dilate. And the seat belt bruise. Ouch! That's still painful to think about.
(12,069 posts)I just noticed a bruise going all the way from my should to my hip. My hand has been hurting so bad that I didn't even feel the huge bruise!
There's a sore spot across my collar bone that's likely from the seat belt.
(16,903 posts)a little longer!!
(12,069 posts)I'm only 39, so you guys have got a long time to put up with me! Suckers!