College 'Opportunity Centers' at S.D. campuses merely an expression of Republican Party dog-whistle
Theyre called Opportunity Centers.
But lets be honest, OK? They are political statements, put in place by conservatives who want to use college campuses to send a message to their supporters. This isnt about opportunity or education its about scoring points for upcoming elections.
The South Dakota Board of Regents have mandated that public colleges and universities adopt these Opportunity Centers by Jan. 1. Its to make sure that poor, oppressed white kids on campus get a fair shake, and all those bullies on the left there must be a few dozen or more dont rule our higher education systems.
Its enough to make you laugh, except its not funny.
The South Dakota Board of Regents adopted an Opportunity for All statement and action plan this year. Its intended to target civics, history, and that popular new target of the Republican Party: Critical Race Theory.
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