South Dakota
Related: About this forumVulgar (?) Aberdeen License Plate Sneaks Past Department of Revenue
UpdateAs I learned back in 2017 when I questioned the states issuance of a vanity license plate that read ARYAN, the Department of Revenue rigorously reviews requested vanity plates to ensure they follow state standards, including that the maximum seven characters contain No vulgar words, terms, or abbreviations and do not express, represent, or imply a profane, obscene, or sexual meaning.
At peril of our friend Patrick Duffy coming back to haunt me (although, he, if this gets his ghost to make an appearance in my office, Ill take that interview!), I note that one of my Aberdeen neighbors appears to have caught the Department of Revenue asleep at the switch:
No hoax: PHUCDAT is a real South Dakota license plate on a real car on a real street here in the Hub City.
Im not sure Im inclinedafter all, maybe its an expression of political frustration with Kristi Noems irrational, hypocritical governingbut
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Chipper Chat
(10,229 posts)Born in the USA?
Thomas Hurt
(13,931 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)for several years.
Something like Fukina. He convinced the DL clerk that it was Hawaiian for Good Luck. He kept on getting pulled over for various driving violations, mainly because his license was so memorable. It was finally pulled, because the cops were on to the "joke".
(10,998 posts)YSSUP for a few years. At red lights I saw a lot of people laughing in the rearview mirror.
After that I had URAPNES for as while. I got a complaint letter from the state about that one.