2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTrump's claim of millions of illegal votes just might be true
because maybe just maybe he knows that the millions of votes he's talking about were tallied illegally for HIM, not for Hillary, and he's trying to cover his sorry ass now that they're close to finding out about it.
There is something very odd, odd even for him, how he would make a claim like this just a few days before the actual re-count is about to begin.
Regardless of whether or not they find anything, it should be painfully obvious by now to everyone, considering Trump's claims he just made, that he is clinically insane and unfit to be a dogcatcher, let alone President of the United States.

(14,489 posts)3catwoman3
(26,328 posts)...out to be exactly what he was doing thoughout the campaign, so this would be completely consistent with past behavior and accusations.
(10,721 posts)A similar tactic is used when talking about the "liberal media." They know it's a bunch of bunk, but framing the media as "liberal" enables them to be seen as victims who win elections in spite of media opposition.
(26,328 posts)...taken it to a whole new level.
(10,721 posts)One of the most recent examples is him saying we had a fair election and a couple weeks later him saying there was massive voter fraud.
But his supporters don't seem to notice or care. That 60+ million people saw fit to vote for him is absolutely mind-boggling.
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)What he's probably saying is that they assumed a million people would vote illegally in favor of Hillary Clinton, so they had to throw some fake votes up for him to make up the difference.
That's how Republicans think.
(8,008 posts)It worked perfectly because it deflected the attention from the pretty significant evidence that he was actually on cocaine.
The man is a master at fooling stupid people and apparently there are enough stupid people in our country to make him president.
(58 posts)Millions of "illegal votes" were tallied for Trump, these are called phantom votes.
What is needed, is a grand tabulation/matrix of states and counties within states of the strategies that have been used up to and on November 8. And then to sort the state and county list by number of strategies (e.g. caging) and the estimate of eligible likely voters who did not vote, with codes/color for the party that controls state offices. It would take some time and it may be necessary to continually challenge the illegitimacy of voting in this country.
(24,876 posts)Thekaspervote
(35,357 posts)If that's clever, we've got this one covered! Clever is studying and knowing your opponent, in this case enemy, knowing history, knowing how to mix fact and fiction and blend it to look authentic. They padded the vote count in WI with more votes than people? Clever this is not.
Clever is the fox, the bobcat watching and waiting for its prey. Let the repubs make their little statements about their concerns of a dump presidency. When you see it write them, or better yet call them and tell them you're concerned. Build their confidence until they write or speak again in a more potent way...Then wash, rinse repeat. Let's beat them at their own pathetic game. It's soooo transparent, and certainly not clever