2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe more rantings I hear from the right against the recount
The more I think there is a need for one.
Especially when those rantings are coherently written, with good English grammar. Trump supporters tend to write in Republicanese, which at best bears only superficial similarity to written English. Well-phrased, properly spelled rantings against a recount imply that people sophisticated enough to have had a hand in Trump-favoring fraud are uncomfortable with this. Wisconsin "discovering" 5000 fictitious votes for Trump the minute the recount was announced there only reinforces the necessity of one, in my opinion.

(23,367 posts)The timing of the 5000 vote discovery!
(15,720 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)http://usuncut.news/2016/11/27/more-votes-than-voters-wisconsin-counties-investigating-massive-voter-fraud-details/
Notice the dates of the articles--Friday or Saturday
(72,485 posts)but it's a perfectly legal process that Dr. Stein is entitled to call, even if I think she's building a donor list for 2020. I'm perfectly happy to watch the right squeal and squirm in the process. It got Trump to legitimize the recount process claiming illegal votes were cast.
But we owe it to ourselves to find out.
(9,548 posts)and Michigan but probably not PA because of the machines.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)Whoever rigged it, Trump will be the fall guy, and that means he'll have to step aside and take his ticket with him.
Go Jill!
(57,414 posts)Scott Walker is long reputed to be as corrupt as he could possibly be. Rick Snyder in Michigan to a similar extent. If they find funny business in Pennsylvania, especially if it's systematic, AND they find it in Wisconsin and Michigan as well--THEN it's all over.
The likelihood is small, but it's zero if it is never investigated. Besides, the whole process might uncover things we never even knew about, and can thus guard against next time.
(15,720 posts)Either he's the boss, in which case it's Chris Christie time, or he's dealing with bigger fish than Walker, who know how to keep their hands clear of the blades. That leaves Trump heading for the chopper.
(15,108 posts)but, you really are not connected with where things are in America in 2016 ...
Trump is going nowhere, and the country is perfectly fine with having him as POTUS, and Rs with full control of congress and most states to go full on fascism.
(7,004 posts)Cosmocat
(15,108 posts)He IS going to be POTUS for the next four years.
This is something people aren't getting, and people are doing what they have done the last 1 1/2 years, eagerly diving in the same rat hole.
EVERYONE full well knows what he is, and to help you out I am going to point out the obvious- what we find so repulsive about him is what the people who voted for him love about him, and what every Johnson, stein voter, and person who did not vote hillary is willing to accept.
There is no amount of outrage from us America hating liberals that will change how these people think of him. They gotta figure it out on their own, and honestly us scumbags telling them how wrong they are about him only makes them dig their heals in more.
All this focus on Trump is wasted time and counter productive.
The focus needs to be on Congress, where they are going to do some extraordinarIly harmful shit that will directly and negatively impact this country, that is our only place to get any meaningful traction.
(7,004 posts)About half the people who voted for him are a lost cause. They are in the minority. The others are waking up slowly and realizing they made a mistake. People with access to TV & print media are speaking up in droves.
We may not flip the election but very few are fine with the way things are going.
(15,108 posts)after 1 1/2 years of him saying the most unimaginably insane shit we have ever heard from a national candidate and people have finally started to figure it out now?
Yeah, THAT is happening.
OR, you are believing what you want to believe.
Either way, point stands, tilting at him is a rat hole.
The focus should be primarily on congress.
(7,004 posts)
BTW, his lawyers have a date with a judge 12/16 in re the rape of a 13 yr old. Civil case withdrawn after she received death threats but it's still on.
He may be going somewhere.
(15,108 posts)he will be the next POTUS.
We aren't going to even begin to start to get back on our feet and try to get into the LONG ass fight we need to have to get the country back if people want to live in this fantasy that this is not where the country is today.
(7,004 posts)incorrect. You continue to move the goalpost. It's not a fantasy to not buy into his bs, not consider him normal, not pretend his is fit for office, not pretend everyone is "fine with it."
It's not a fantasy to speak up against his actions, statements and policies.
You have apparently bought into the press meme that all this is normal, that whatever Trump has said is normal, that his crimes are normal. He is a sociopath at least, many think worse.
(9,950 posts)I haven't come across them.
(45,728 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)Well-written, articulate (deranged, but articulate). Not your typical right wing rant using an apostrophe to form a plural, misusing their, there and they're, the usual suspects found in typical rants in Republicanese.
(9,950 posts)Do you think it is right that your state should allow a recount after our country FINALLY BEGAN TO HEAL? Stop the division, stop the recount!
What healing? I assume it means protests have stopped. Or the media has conceded.
(7,004 posts)States are taking measures to defy the worst of the Trump agenda even if it means losing fed dollars.
(7,142 posts)I believe that 80% of the voting machines have no paper trail, I know the one I voted on didn't. I always ask for a receipt and never get one. Since the software is proprietary and a secret even the machine programming can't be checked. Why we allow private corporations to control our voting machines is nutz.
(57,414 posts)And THAT is why someone with DARPA'S sophistication needs to examine the machines. If a state will just allow private companies with their own agenda to report "results" with no possible verification, it isn't worth holding an election in that state in the first place.
the numbers are in there. if they cant recount, they can audit. more important anyway.
i mean, the court might order the whole cart discharged and made public, raw.
i dont think they will, but perhaps pa will have to get it together in the future.
(9,548 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,358 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)I see posts from them all the time. Russian has no articles (a, an, the) and so Russians who aren't well trained in English either omit them, or use them out of context. It also has no verb "to be" in the present tense, so they leave that out frequently as well. Russian is declined, and has a genitive case, so they also sometimes leave out "of" when writing English, as it is just an added/modified ending to a noun in Russian. e.g. автомобиль ("av-ta-ma-BEEL' " means "car," but also "a car," "the car," depending on the context. Aвтомобиля ("av-ta-ma-BEEL-ya"
means "of a car," or "of the car."
"The girl left a basket full of fruit in the house. She is now home getting it." In Russian, this would come out as "Girl left basket full fruit in house. She now home getting it." That's is how many Russian trolls can be easily identified. Some have learned better English, but many of the ones I have seen on American boards have not.
The Republicanese posters are a different group altogether. They use the verb "is" and include all the articles because their native language is some form of American English. They just have no clue how to write it.
(7,004 posts)It's also twitterspeak.
(57,414 posts)That is one language I don't speak!
(1,392 posts)why are they so worried if there's nothing to it?
(57,414 posts)That is what I'm wondering about. If they really did nothing, OR if their own tech people said whatever they did is 100% untraceable, then what indeed is bothering them? Of course, there could be some other systematic fraud that they fear might come to light with this examination. I don't know what their problem is, but the fact that this seems to have them extremely upset does not exactly instill in me the impression they feel nothing will change by a thorough examination of what went on November 8th.
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)That they know for a fact that the results are bogus.
If a recall is done, any missing or improperly counted votes could go to them, also, right? So, no need to worry.
Might be interesting to see which of them are protesting loudest.
(7,004 posts)C Moon
(12,736 posts)I'm not expecting it to change the outcome of the election, but I sure hope it reveals something so we can start repairing things before the next election.
(57,414 posts)The second they heard about a recount, I'm sure they were in full damage-control mode. SOMEBODY had a very good idea the result would be what it was, and if they did, they would have put in safeguards to protect their investment. This time, anyway. We said that 2000 would be the last time we let our guard down. Then we said it again in 2004. Just twelve years later, we got over-confident and we let it happen again. Letting our guard down EVER is a green light for an opponent who knows no shame and has no scruples to do what they do best. And once Trumppence is sworn in, believe me, they will do a maximum of damage as quickly as they can. The people they promised the most to will not need four years to realize they have been had.
(1,174 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)And that they were the ones doing the rigging. Once they "won," they weren't expecting anyone to check.
(10,921 posts)... essentially declared her commitment to accept the results, sight unseen, the assumption that they'd have no "trouble" from her was correct.
Trump's relentless claims that voters "in certain places" are out there casting fraudulent votes is reprehensible -- not because we are so good at conducting "free and fair" elections, but because it has been demonstrated over, and over, and over that the type of fraud he accuses voters of perpetrating just doesn't happen. Repubs have searched and searched. And after all that searching, they've only dredged up handful of "examples" (and most of those are just mistakes, not malfeasance).
But, when he said he would "wait and see" what happened before committing to accept the result, he was not off base. Hillary fucked up. She tied her own hands. After committing to unconditional acceptance, how can she stand up and object to the lines and other methods of voter suppression that were on display?
Big mistake.
(10,921 posts)Voter suppression via long lines in "certain places" is the real culprit here.
Unless lawsuits are filed on behalf of voters that were denied equal access, we'll just see this pattern again, and again, and again. If we continue to tolerate long waits to vote, we might as well just institute a poll tax in "certain places" and have done with it.
(57,414 posts)First of all that any American citizen age 18 or older is automatically registered to vote, and that no election is considered complete until every one who wishes to exercise their right to vote has been allowed to do so.
Republicans would never allow that for the simple reason that when elections are fairly held, they lose.