2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forum"Ive Had It With This Absurd War Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Supporters"
A relevant blast from the recent past.
Yes we are going to change the focus of the Democratic Party.
But we aren't going to get anywhere if we continue to cling to the false narrative that there was some sort of massive "Ideological Chasm" between the policy goals of Bernie and HR Clinton.
Nor is there a massive ideological chasm between the majority of DU members.
Let's get real and fact based as we do this postmortem. Otherwise it is pointless.
Ive Had It With This Absurd War Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Supporters
April 16, 2016 By Allen Clifton
Weve reached a point where I really wont be shocked if Republicans win this November. An election I thought was going to be a slam-dunk has turned into an event where many on the left seem to be going out of their way to screw things up. Ive never seen anything like it.
Progressives, liberals and Democrats bickering between the two candidates as if theyre really all that different.
I hate to break it to both camps, but theres not nearly as much of a difference (voted on the same side of the issues 93 percent of the time) between Clinton and Sanders as some of their supporters might think. Though I can see why some think that there is. Like never before, people have wrapped themselves up inside their bubbles of pro-candidate bias where theyre inundating themselves with nothing but your candidate is amazing while his/her opponent is awful information.
But when you get right down to it, Democrats are in the envious position of having two solid candidates heading toward the partys nomination. Good Lord, look at what Republicans have to choose from. Two candidates who the party doesnt even want winning the nomination, who are both pushing the GOP to the brink of total collapse. Two men whove built campaigns by pandering to hate, bigotry and ignorance.
Yet quite a few on the left are whining and bickering over the relatively small difference between two candidates who both want to:
* Raise the minimum wage.
*Protect gay rights.
*Expand our current health care system.
*Protect Social Security.
*Make college more affordable.
*Protect womens rights.
*Raise taxes on the rich.
*Expand efforts to combat climate change.
*Pass immigration reform.
Its so completely and utterly stupid.
I hate to break it to both sets of supporters, but politics isnt a sporting event. Despite what anyone might think about their particular candidate, theyre all flawed people at some level who often lie and distort the truth to push a narrative. Its exhausting watching this foolishness play out. Here we are, barreling toward one of the most important elections in many of our lifetimes, where literally millions of Americans face an uncertain future if Republicans win, and many on the left are selfishly bickering over silly nonsense.

(1,865 posts)Honest to god it is not only ridiculous but it deflects from the shit storm that is about to be unleashed on us by a Republican Government loaded for bear.
(11,078 posts)The shit needs to stop.