2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTHIS is what I saw with my own two eyes but couldn't post because we were hacked
I noticed that for a few years now that you could type in something you heard that you thought was false and you would get pages on Google of sites saying the same fake damn thing!
A little while after the election I typed "Hillary Clinton's emails" into Google and found decent good news. And then, the day that the recount was announced I typed the exact same thing into Google and up popped 3 PAID sites, (There were none right after the election) right in the front talking about Hillary's problems. The first is World Net Daily saying: Court asked to rule Clinton emails involved 'misconduct So I clicked on it and it is a petition to supposedly get her charged with that. BUT when I clicked on the "Judicial Watch" link I realized it was another bullshit fake news site also. It is all done to get people to believe Hillary is untrustworthy.
The Russians are experts at spreading false propaganda.
This HAS to stop! We are the equivalent of North Korea with the amount of fake news being spread. Google and other search sites should find a way to track these propaganda sites.
That's what this article is about.

(109,763 posts)If high school and college students can't tell real sites from fake sites (according to a Stanford study), then when are people going to learn that?
(96,598 posts)
When I was in high school in the 1960s, we had a seminar on propaganda and logic that was very enlightening, and helped us develop critical reasoning. With the mass communication today and proliferation of fake internet "news," it is even more important that young people develop the ability to use logic and reason when acquiring knowledge.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)create a huge contingent of people who are too brainwashed to accept any information that disagrees with their RW propaganda masters' messages. Also, there's the small group who are obscenely profiting both politically and financially by the lies.
And, really, it can be very hard to tell fake news and sites from the real thing. Especially as legitimate sites now stoop to infotainment rather than news. Also, a dead give-away that a site (or post or email) was probably spam used to be unprofessional writing standards, but now, even the NY Times, Washington Post, and other such giants post unedited stuff with all sorts of errors.
(109,763 posts)and news magazine sites we grew up with -- which are certainly flawed but they're not hate sites.
But young people don't have these touchstones. No wonder we're in trouble.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)
(21,252 posts)iluvtennis
(21,083 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)its all fake news. Even the FBI is in on the Putin takeover. I'm protesting the election of Putin by flying a big, beautiful russian flag for my trump supporting neighbors.
(23,212 posts)
(9,048 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)It helps to have a strong sense of skepticism, and to get information from places other than the interwebs.
Many years ago, as in the early 1970's, I didn't have a TV. A co-worker was completely convinced that without a TV I was completely cut off from normal news. He'd quiz me periodically, and then be astonished that I knew what was going on in the world. Around that time the BBC series The Six Wives of Henry VIII was broadcast. I spent an evening with a friend with a TV and we watched whichever episode was broadcast that night, and to her utter astonishment I not only filled her in on what had happened before, but told her what would happen after.
I read. I read books. I read history. I real lots and lots of nonfiction. I do also read fiction of many kinds. The point is, I read. I don't simply depend on what I get from TV. Or, these days, the internet. As a consequence, I almost immediately note what is fake news. Oh, and I spend time perusing Snopes. And before Snopes was out there, I read the books about urban legends. Very enlightening. I can spot an urban legend at 20 paces. Every time.
Do not even attempt to challenge me to Trivial Pursuit.
(37,600 posts)They're both part of the RW noise machine that have been spreading fake news and other horseshit long before the Russians got involved.
There's only so much search sites can do when there's a few million addicts who mainline bile and snort lines of axe-grindings day in and day out
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)Problem is the RW has tons of money to shove into such efforts, not to mention Russian efforts.
We have David Brock and George Soros, who are of course the real source of all evil.
(7,178 posts)Maraya1969
(23,212 posts)Trump scams with links under several pro-Trump videos.
Come to think of it the Democratic party needs to do focus groups to find out what comments under a "Stupid thread" would be most beneficial in leading people toward the truth. They end up following each other after they learn the fake news.
Framing is also something we should be using. The Christians who will support the worst person in the world because the say the are "Pro-life" and "Will stop abortions" should be called HARDHEADED.
(10,291 posts)Maraya1969
(23,212 posts)"Knowledge-Based Education We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the students fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."
(9,048 posts)marlakay
(12,268 posts)I told her great, finally a teacher that believes in science.
She was on her second week of interning and only asked one innocent question from teacher she was shadowing and it got her yelled at by principal! For asking a question!
She never told me what it was but my daughter is a moderate who sometimes votes on the right, this time for Hillary. Her husband is high up in military.
She was told after that she was not Allowed...to talk to the other teachers, so she quit and went to the top people who were in charge of her program. The principal was not allowed to discipline her even if she had done something wrong which she didn't.
So she got special permission to do her internship next semester at base school instead. Originally she didn't want to because her husband is one of the commanders.
They move again this summer, she never knows where, but at least won't have to deal with northern Texas school system.
One of these days I am going to ask her what the question was....
My daughter is very caring, and not the type being a officers wife to say anything wrong.