2016 Postmortem
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world wide wally
(21,835 posts)akbacchus_BC
(5,813 posts)I have no nice name for that person. In the nth hour, he brought back shit!
(109,717 posts)Or that the Senate would confirm anyone Obama appointed?
In view of Trump's appointments so far, the Dems would be crazy to try to get rid of Comey, as bad as he is.
(12,051 posts)appoint. The aim is to punish the person responsible for an egregious example of election fuckery that cost the Democratic Party (whose president appointed the fucker) the presidency. Period.
If we don't swiftly apply punishments to people like Comey, we will continue to have this problem. Of course, IMO, Comey should never have had the job -- it should have gone to a Democrat.
(217 posts)Weiner already had a scandal of this type. That risk was not managed. Hard as it would have been to do, there should have been better management of distance between Hillary and Weiner
Cobalt Violet
(9,950 posts)Stop the establishment. Get rid of Super delegates. Stop the use of crosscheck.
(325 posts)But that would scare the hell out of their corporate overlords. It will never happen and we will lose again and again.
(636 posts)they sit year after year with a few exceptions and just go along.
Dems are going to have to learn to fight back more effectively. The next two years are going to be a great training ground for that, too.
It is going to have to be a minimum of two full years of Democrats obstructing everything put forth by the Republican assholes. Dems will either learn to fight or wimp out and we will all go down the tubes...if we're not there already.
(368 posts)We had some great candidates (Hassan, Duckworth, Kander) and some not so great candidates (Strickland, Murphy, McGinty). Overall, we need less "establishment" picks and more outsiders who won't get tied to the establishment as easily. We need less lawyers/politicians running and more veterans, teachers, police officers, firefighters, laborers. Also, more younger people! We're not represented at all. I'd love to see younger candidates running on an "it's our time to take over" message- Kander did that this year and seamlessly used it against his corrupt opponent. We also need to stop recruiting candidates who might be good fundraisers but not good "messengers" if that makes sense. We've seen with Bernie that if someone has a consistent and strong message, people will throw 5, 10, 50 bucks their way.
We also need to do a better job of finding candidates that fit certain geographical areas. A woman name Emily Cain has run for the house in my state the last two cycles and she is NOT connecting. It's a more rural district. A "prepared, stiff, conventional insider" isn't going to work here. Most people here work with their hands (logging is big here). Get a laborer, a veteran, someone blue collar. Couple that with an updated FDR "people first" message and use ads, social media, etc. to LEAD with positions catered to rural America- broadband, farming, trade, less regulations on small business, some modern day trust busting perhaps? And choose town fairs, union halls, veterans halls over fancy fundraisers and press junkets (the optics of that is just tone deaf). Keep young people involved and utilize social media including reddit to fundraise and Facebook Live sessions, FB/twitter ads that can be a tad longer.
(889 posts)As they say in football, it's not about the x's and the o's it's about the Johnnys and the Joes. Talented candidates make winning easier.
(109,717 posts)DemocraticWing
(1,290 posts)One of the things that came from the Sanders candidacy is that he encouraged his supporters to run for local office, and I know a lot of people have taken up the challenge. I have two friends who won local elections because not enough other people filed to run; now they'll be making decisions for the next two years. I think all Democrats (regardless of who they voted for in the primary) should, like you said, start at the lowest level possible with intense involvement.
Start locally.
(1,061 posts)We need a simple tirade that attracts the core of the average voters:
1. Affordable education
2. Social safety net
3. Labor Unions
The future for working people is to be employed in productive jobs. The 'smoke stack' industries did not go overseas; they went to automation. The next generation of good jobs is in inventing the machines that make products. Educated people invent new things.
The greatest asset is the collected brainpower of the population. Simply discarding the workers because there is a temporary rift in employment is resulting is the lost of what is going to pull us through this downturn. The Social Safety Net is more than holding tank for the down-and-out; it keeps people's head in the game until they get opportunity to play again.
Organized labor that protects the work force as a whole also protects industry. Corporations have crushed the unions and then whittled away the jobs because individual workers do not have the horsepower to oppose it. Healthy, functional labor unions working together to produce high quality goods are far more valuable to manufacturers that the disinterested foreign workforces working at below sustenance wages.
(19,700 posts)main message is that our party, rather than the opposition, is at fault.
(58,724 posts)Democrats will bounce back in the next elections.
Are major changes to our approach really necessary?
(217 posts)whatever the reason for them
this election was record high negatives vs record high negatives. A volatile result should not be a complete shock
(5,125 posts)it's how the Tea Party took over the GOP
(740 posts)...a little crazy can go a long way; which of the following sounds more interesting?
Bubba McGilly (R) promoted legalization of child labor and mandatory birthing as well as lowering the legal age of marriage to puberty.
Bubba McGilly (R) believes he made a deal with the Devil! He thinks that children working in mines are susceptible to having their souls stolen, babies born from unwanted births have no souls and that for every soulless child, Bubba gets an extra hour of life.
To Christians the second one means Bubba is evil and to atheists it means Bubba is crazy.
I just think we're not fun enough. Who wants to hang out with accountant Mom when conspiracy-theorist Uncle Jim is visiting?
(8,090 posts)It's easier to bash the white working class rather than come up with solutions, eh?
(5,813 posts)Just my humble opinion, people do not want to be taken for granted. Failure to hold a rally in Wisconsin was a bad idea. Voters need to know that the person whom they want to elect is in their backyard.
Apart from that, SOS Clinton ran a really great campaign, all her surrogates were backing her. I am just as baffled like most of you that the yellow haired man won the Presidency.
I feel that Johnson is the reason why Mrs. Clinton lost. I kept looking at all the polls and even Kernacki (might be wrong spelling) showed how she would win in the swing states.
Alas, am still sad for all of you who voted for Mrs. Clinton, your hearts were in the right place to elect a woman who would govern intelligently. If it were proportional representation, she would be your President. Honestly, am still sick to my stomach that asshole is President elect, nominating other assholes to his Cabinet to the detriment of the American people. My only hope is that his supporters will wake up one day and realise that he was lying to them. I fail to believe that only democrats are suffering, unless all republicans are rich. If he does not build that wall, some of his supporters will be chanting a different story.
(148,432 posts)That is all.
(17,502 posts)and it goes back to the same problem. I'll put up on OP with my own observations later. For the meantime, I'll offer this German's rant.
My recommendations? Purge the classist authoritarians who are the cancer of the party and the left of center parties in Europe. Stop screaming "racist" at everyone who disagrees and debate the ideas and principles. Don't talk down to people.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,547 posts)vote was allowed to, no republican would win the White House again, ever.
So voting rights is the focus, plain and simple.
You see what they do is they get a million less votes in the House yet still control the House and then lie to the people that they are the majority, they arent.
Then they get several million less votes in the presidential election, and claim they have a mandate, they dont.
Our country has been taken from us in a coup de tat and it had several working legs of this coup all working at the same time. The only way to stop them, to get our country back, is if everybody can vote. Problem with that is the people in charge now will make it even harder if not impossible for minority folks to vote.
(6,430 posts)Investment in state and local races. In particular at the state legislators.
This will allow us to have a pipeline of candidates.
Also Clinton did worse than Obama in rural areas of swing states. We won't win in these place but in 2016 many of these areas were 80/20 GOP. If we can make it 70/30 we win.
We also need to be pragmatic and get over the idea of purity. In swing and red leaning states a Warren or Sanders can't win.
However if we can get a moderate Dem elected in a state like Georgia where a progressive can't win he or she will be 1,000,000 times better than a Republican.
We need to stop calling anyone who doesn't agree with us on 100% of the issues GOP lite.
Victory in politics is often getting 70% of what you want. If we can get 70% of what we want don't scream sell out. Dance in the end zone and go back and fight for the other 30% when you can show the 70% is working.
(14,449 posts)Next Saturday. Then get a list of elections for November 2017 and get to work. After we win those seats begin with a list for November 2018. We need to take the elephant one bite at a time starting with next Saturday!
(3,867 posts)that is if he can keep his stubby fingers off the nuclear button.
(22,651 posts)I recommend we listen to Obama, Warren, Sanders & that D crowd and take their advice to heart.
Now and after inauguration day when some are free from government jobs & can be much more outspoken. Inauguration day, trump has to show his face in public- will be a wild crazy day for sure.
(844 posts)But can be applied to local elections too ; on a smaller scale in districts and neighborhoods. we need to stop letting polling & demographic data dictate where we campaign and who we talk to. When you truly have the more reasoned plans and ideas you have to spread them EVERYWHERE not just where someone says it's going to be received well. In an era where campaign season is seemingly non-stop it infuriates me that either party would just go to swing states because that's where it will be won. Trump's win not only challenges this logic - but in the larger scheme doing this reinforces the unhelpful narrative that the party doesn't care about people or takes them for granted based on nothing but past election results. In a way the swing state philosophy is a self damning strategy where it absolutely will make or break a candidate if you let it.
Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)Statements like this from Democratic leaders, while well-intentioned, don't help white Americans feel welcome in the Democratic Party:
Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said Sunday the Democratic National Committee needs a leader who represents "rising America," suggesting the committee appoint a minority to the position.
"I think that the DNC needs to have leadership that reflects this rising America and you know, a 57-year-old white woman may not be the person," she told MSNBC's Hallie Jackson.
As a 55 year old white American woman, I hear this and wonder if there is any place at all for me in the Democratic Party's vision of America.
DNC needs to FIGHT for Democratic voters
In every state, DNC needs to fight for adequate polling places, fight for accurate voter rolls, send probono lawyers into communities to help people get the needed ID for voting, and FIGHT for hand counted paper ballots.
Also, Democrats need to respect the voters in every pocket of America by putting up a candidate for every ballot line, every time. Put up a candidate who listens to local concerns and asks for the votes of people. We can't have any upset victories if we don't even try.