2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumFitrakis says 19 Wisconsin counties refusing to give
recount team access to ballots. wtf!

(42,649 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)FarPoint
(13,867 posts)Solid to the core.
(5,276 posts)He and Wasserman go where corporate media will not go, truth to power.
(13,867 posts)I adore them both....such energy and passion.
(109,763 posts)He said -- repeatedly, no accident -- that they weren't going to be counted and that Bernie had really won.
Wrong. Every single one was checked ,almost all were eligible and counted, and Hillary still won.
In California, by law, all provisional ballots are counted after they are checked against the registration rolls. None are just set aside.
(21,946 posts)And can they do that?
Aimee in OKC
(161 posts)Ordinary people just might be able to count some ballots independently, especially important if interested in more than just the presidential results.
As Optical Scan machines read a ballot, they capture an anonymous image of it. No personal information means there shouldn't be any legal reason to refuse to release the images.
Use a notarized FOIA request to election officials to demand the images of the election results you want. They could give in, refuse, drag it out ... so to get a yes or no as soon as possible, best to go in person. Take along at least two brand-new, still-wrapped flash drives to download the files. Count the votes & enter into a spreadsheet for tracking.
1. Click on Wisconsin. (Then click on a specific county if you want its quick info.) Scroll down to "Search Equipment" dropdowns in lower left. Select Wisconsin, "Optical Scan" & 2016, and SEARCH.
2. See the 11-page list of Wisconsin cities/towns/villages which use the makes and various models of Optical Scan machines = Dominion, ES&S {Elections Systems & Software}, Premier/Diebold, Sequoia.
3. Explore "Security Concerns" for those Optical Scan models used in Wisconsin: scroll down & select each one in turn & see their vulnerabilities.
Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast Precinct
Election Systems & Software DS200
Election Systems & Software Model 100
Election Systems & Software Optech IIIP-Eagle
Premier/Diebold (Dominion) AccuVote OS
Sequoia (Dominion) Optech Insight
Premier/Diebold (Dominion) AccuVote TSX
Sequoia (Dominion) AVC Edge
Election Systems & Software iVotronic
4. See also other states' machines= in that "Search Equipment", select the state you want & SEARCH.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)WTF?
What did he do to get blocked?
It's that rat bastard Trump who should be blocked by Twitter.
Are you sure?
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)Now, that statement has been removed.
(22,240 posts)red dog 1
(30,367 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)Farmgirl1961
(1,657 posts)Can they do that? What recourse does Stein and lawyers have?
(22,240 posts)Farmgirl1961
(1,657 posts)
(1,657 posts)womanofthehills
(9,548 posts)Must be blocked for a reason - most votes stolen.
(7,666 posts)to the people who are actually counting them = very, very bad
Refusing to give access to ballots to observers from any party = good
(1,716 posts)Basically says all three states could be switched to Hillary in fair recount, and accounting of "uncounted spoiled ballots".
(7,666 posts)Kolesar
(31,182 posts)They don't count them, they dump them on arbitrary grounds like envelope labeling. It is possible to determine "voter intent" and count them if they tried.
(7,666 posts)As for provisional ballots, it varies from state to state. In Virginia, for example, I'm sure that most provisional ballots would reveal voter intent. But if the voter doesn't provide the required information by the deadline, the vote will be tossed.
(9,548 posts)SickOfTheOnePct
(7,666 posts)Provisional ballots often require additional action on the part of the voter. If they don't do what is required, then of course the ballot won't be counted. And I believe federal law requires that anyone voting a provisional ballot has the right to inquire as to whether or not the ballot was counted.
(16,603 posts)Here in PA, the ballots come with a tracking bar code and the provisional voter gets a receipt portion of the ballot with the same bar code on it as is on the prov ballot. You can track the status of your ballot online.
(9,548 posts)Hope the lawyers have access to these ballots.
(7,666 posts)Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)Say, for instance, someone checks the box for Hillary Clinton and then also writes her name in the the write-in area.
Should that vote count in your opinion? Is voter intent clear?
The machine counts the vote as an overvote when in fact it is a valid vote.
I watched the Al Frankenstein recount in pretty much real time. People do all sorts of stupid stuff that causes the machine to not count the votes.
(229 posts)If you check their name and write it also, I'd say that intent is more clear than that of someone who only checked the name....
(13,513 posts)but will do machine counts?
(7,666 posts)otherwise, a strange coincidence.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)dragonlady
(3,577 posts)Observers sit across the table from workers who are counting ballots by hand (verifying whether the number of ballots in the bag matches the number of voters). The observers can point out ballots with problems that would need to be counted specially by hand. The ballots are then counted on a high-speed machine that separates out each candidate and counts the votes for each. Any ballots that are spit out of the machine as an undervote (machine does not detect any vote for president) will be remade on a blank ballot to show the voter's intent and put through the machine again to be counted.
(2,116 posts)TheFrenchRazor
(2,116 posts)the winner by his friends in high places.
(71,046 posts)Drumpt ran up such big numbers.
(229 posts)are some so rural that they maybe didn't have a Democratic party observer?
And in such a precinct, how hard would it really be to "help" some voters show up and vote-- like the ones who actually didn't? We're talking ballot-box stuffing...
(3,577 posts)The added "voters" would have to be registered and sign the poll book so that the post-election cross-checks match. Their votes would then appear on the state website (you can look up your voting history online). If these were for actual people who didn't vote, they would eventually know that their names had been used. Maybe some people would be willing to risk a felony conviction to get some number of extra votes for their favored candidate, but that's doubtful. It's the same reason that poor people actually don't vote several times for some relatively small payment.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)dragonlady
(3,577 posts)But for many counties, the question would arise, why did the machine not spit back an overvote on election day? In counties that don't use machines, the poll workers should have already eliminated any overvotes during counting on election night.
(7,666 posts)but in Virginia, they aren't "spit back" for overvotes. The ballot goes into the machine, and the candidate for each race is credited for a vote, except for any race with an undervote or overvote. Overvotes and undervotes from tabulators aren't even looked at unless there is a hand recount.
(71,046 posts)Yet the results do not support a wave election. Observers are generally sent to large districts not smaller districts...and already some districts have changed their numbers in Wisconsin...and all mistakes favor Trump? They are also fighting the Michigan recount...very suspicious.
(2,892 posts)flamingdem
(40,094 posts)There is something hinky, we need to know!
(9,651 posts)Lawyers need to get there fast!
(7,963 posts)The nonsense that is clearly a big part of this election.
Bet these people NEVER THOUGHT there would be a recount. Bet they thought it was just all gonna be smooth as butter. I hope they get exposed and carted off to jail.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)n/t.
(20,036 posts)A boy named SUE.