2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe Problem for Hillary was that Russia Controls our Media and a Major Political Party
and pretending we have to revise what we fucking won with is how they control the narrative and divide and conquer.
Don't let them threaten you with "a recount isn't going to change anything anyway"
"There will be white riots on the streets...now do you really want that?"
"Obama doesn't want a recount" (aside: he told us we'd have to make him be that liberal...the Will of the People is more important...just remember that)
Do NOT act as though we OWE them something, or we should have *traded* something or someone for something or someone ELSE.
That is how they control the narrative.
That is how they divide and conquer.
If Bernie were our nominee, we would have heard endlessly about the Vermont College, and the bank, and/or whatever. Their message is not accurate...it doesn't have to be. It's *disciplined* and they will lie their asses off in unison.
Russia saw this. They spread disinformation...they did this on purpose.
There are some motherfuckers on here acting like, "If only JFK Jr resurrected from the dead and *he* ran, we would have won then" <<<----- No, we fucking would not have won.
And it's important to note WHY. It isn't the fucking bathrooms. It isn't HRC. It isn't Bernie. It's that the KGB is entrenched in OUR government. The FBI, the GOP, *AND* the media became functioning arms of the KGB. That foreign government doesn't even fucking deny it, and there are some motherfuckers here pretending that it was somehow *us*.
That we weren't liberal enough...or we were too liberal. It wasn't *any* of that. Russia people. We will NEVER learn how to stop their theft until we fucking recognize what happened.
I'm not pissed about this. I am just resigned. Truth, reason and facts don't work with these people. Spite does. Lies do. Russia spread that...so pretending that any other thing took place here is like letting them drive the getaway car right over us.
You can't complain about a system if you are the one holding it in place. STOP holding that bullshit in place.
Stop watching American news. It hasn't been accurate since before the Fairness Doctrine, and they just provide a bigger megaphone for Russian propaganda.

(16,230 posts)And I am NOT resigned.
And I want to know what that letter from Wyden et al. to Obama was all about.
(10,291 posts)because Russia controls us now
(16,230 posts)And here's what I'm talking about regarding Wyden:
(10,291 posts)and you don't think they controlled that?