2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTrump's taxes
Don't we think the one thing that could stop Trump from becoming President would be disclosure of something in his taxes that would be beyond the pale?
I have never seen anything so hack-proof as his taxes. It stuns me that no one has been able to. Who needs to be contacted in order to do this?
Give him credit. He knew by stoking racism and misogyny and hate he could "stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and no one will care." That's how stupid and weak we are, I guess.

(2,003 posts)What do you expect to find on his taxes that would be "beyond the pale"?
The IRS undoubtedly goes through his taxes each year with a magnifying glass. I'm sure he has the best tax lawyers money can buy to make sure that the returns he submits to the IRS have every "i" dotted and "t" crossed.
(26,240 posts)Russian oligarchs? Indebtedness to international crime figures? Still no taxes? Dunno
(2,003 posts)Payments to Russian oligarchs and mob shakedown money on his tax returns?
Honestly, hack Trump's tax returns and we'd likely learn for certain that he pays very little taxes and spends very little on charity. But everyone already pretty much assumed this and Trump himself said he paid as little in taxes as possible because "he's smart."
(406 posts)His best tax lawyers and the IRS's magnifying glasses apparently missed the Trump Foundations' admitted violations of prohibited transactions, or self-dealing. Which are crimes. As a betting woman, I'm willing to bet there's a whole lot more in his returns that he, and his fine team of lawyers, don't want anyone reviewing. Much less a country half-filled with people looking for anything suspect.
Not to mention neither the IRS nor his lawyers give two shits about who he owes money to or where his money originated from. A majority of the American public has a slightly different view.
(16,603 posts)It's the law he'll have to file yearly detailed financial disclosure reports and so will all his political appointees.
(42,649 posts)DeminPennswoods
(16,603 posts)It's not the FEC forms, it's a different set of rules once you're in government. The details are here: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43186.pdf
(42,649 posts)Nwgirl503
(406 posts)His 2015 reports are online. The information contained in those reports is so vague its essentially useless. Returns are where the real nitty-gritty info lives. There is a paper trail for where investment money originates as well as for who receives money out of a corporation. In a very simplistic example, it's much like if your parents give you $100,000 to use as a down payment on a house. You must report that money somewhere. There's a trail. Whether you pay taxes on that money depends on who you have doing your taxes and what loopholes they can find. But money, particularly huge sums of money, doesn't magically appear out of thin air.
Plus, just to satisfy my own morbid curiosity, I'd like confirmation of even more lies from him that he's not as charitable as he likes to pretend. And probably not as wealthy either. I'd also be interested to see how many of his 500-some active companies show a profit or produce any product or service, and are not just tax pass-throughs, and what kind of credits he claims. I'd also be interested to see how well he really takes care of his employees with pensions or profit sharing, or health insurance or other benefits. Not that I can't guess the answers will be similar to how well he takes care of his many vendors, suppliers and contractors who he's screwed, but you know....
(44,239 posts)all know, no one else especially a Dem. would not.
Kathy M
(1,242 posts)Agree he won't show taxes ......
(25 posts)Trump is sort of right when he says you don't learn a lot based on someone's tax returns.
The one thing you do learn is how much tax they pay. Trump boasted that he paid as little tax as he possibly could and it didn't seem to bother his supporters. The average common man can relate to that, but I'm sure they are also unaware of the lengths the ultra wealthy go to to hide their money.
Did you know that really rich people buy major pre-paid life insurance policies that are then tax free to the beneficiaries thereby eliminating the so called death tax? So when our candidates endorse a 65% death tax (on people who leave their relatives 5M+) we take a political hit for a position that accomplishes nothing.
I wish the IRS would have dropped the audit and announced it publically in mid october that trump was no longer under any audit. Then he would have been forced to release all of them.