2016 Postmortem
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The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)O'Malley is a good guy; I hope he doesn't get out of politics. Jim Webb, on the other hand, is a borderline Republican and I don't recall seeing any support for him here.
(17,502 posts)which means he is a liberal, not a progressive. In the first debate, the question being "who is your favorite enemy", his answer was the only one that didn't disgust me. Fellow Americans who we disagree with politically are not "enemies".
Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)Dixiecrat shitbag!
(6,849 posts)He should go ahead and switch parties.
(119,940 posts)Other than that I don't know much about him.
(138,717 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 6, 2016, 12:56 AM - Edit history (1)
(65,303 posts)elleng
(138,717 posts)
(65,303 posts)Things are bad here in Ohio. Passing real extreme abortion bills. It's just the start oh things.
(138,717 posts)Hard times.
(138,717 posts)3catwoman3
(26,328 posts)...for O'Malley.
(138,717 posts)c'mon over.
(96,598 posts)....because I thnk he presents a valuable point of view, not because I want him as President. Turns out I was probably right about that, you know? I still wish we could have had that conversation and think it was a missed opportunity on our part.
(17,502 posts)the reason being that I found most people are basically classical liberals, especially people who vote issues and have no party loyalty.
Those folks are growing. A good friend of mine once told me that the first party to get the NRA, Planned Parenthood, and pot coinsurers together would leave all the others in the dust.
(96,598 posts)....by the moderator at the first debate. I was aghast at the mod's behavior -- whoever it was ignored Webb and was dismissive of him. I've read the phrase "incandescent with fury" but had never seen it before -- it just radiated off him.
And a good man that we needed to listen to went away.
I keep recommending "Born Fighting" to all who will listen -- it was a complete revelation to me. It was the first time I ever came close to understanding Scots-Irish culture. I am Irish-American, but my family came from Colorado, then California, then Hawai'i and back to California. His first chapters, on the Gauls and Celts, the inhabitants of Scotland and Ireland, were fascinating and I was rooting for my remote ancestors ( you think they wouldn't submit to the British? Ha! They were so awful to the Romans that the Romans built a wall against the Scots and decided not to go to Ireland at all). Then we moved on to Appalachia, where I found myself in psychologically alien territory. He points out that the Disney heroes of our 1950s-60s childhoods were Scots-Irish -- the Swamp Fox and Davey Crockett, as well as a host of others who fought idiosyncratically in the Revolutionary War. I never knew. And on and on, including things that are not pretty to look at. He's unsparing of his people.
(10,721 posts)Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)But now I can't remember what it was. Maybe it is his choice stance? There's something.
(17,502 posts)I had to look them up.
He might have mentioned restrictions similar to countries like Germany and Denmark. It isn't an issue I follow.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)On March 4, Webb stated that he would not vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, but he declined to rule out voting for Donald Trump.[84]
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)3catwoman3
(26,328 posts)... with solid convictions. Not unlike the person about to depart the office.
(55,894 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)He struck a cord in me when he said our troops aren't just boots on the ground. I also think he has the most to complain about.
(20,080 posts)I'd be delighted to see him run again. Maybe the media wouldn't sabotage him, the next time. Maybe.
(138,717 posts)Dems have a lot of work to do, to assure fairness in selecting a candidate.
(20,080 posts)COLGATE4
(14,859 posts)Don't care much for Webb - he's way too much of a blue dog dem for my taste.
(17,502 posts)I would use the term classical liberal to describe Webb. Classical liberal and individualist. He was the one closer to my principles. I read a couple of his novels a few decades ago. During the first debate, when he was allowed to speak, he actually had his own ideas. Everyone else was just groupthink. When asked who their "favorite enemy" was, he was the only one who gave an appropriate answer. Calling millions of Americans who disagree with you politically "enemies" was, to be charitable, illiberal.
(30,709 posts)I hope we hear more from him in the future.
(10,777 posts)Jim Webb, not so much. (But any Democrat is better than Trump.)
(30,481 posts)SQUEE
(1,320 posts)But Having met him numerous times due to his serving with my uncle in Vietnam, I admit there was a very personal bias beyond his strong military roots and passion for the welfare of the troops.
I then went for O'Malley, after he dropped out I focused time and money on state issues, and then just voted for the party choice.
(885 posts)That being said, I think O'Malley has a bright future ahead with our party. I hope we see more of him.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)do better
(3 posts)I liked Webb as I thought he had a good chance against Jeb (fav at the time) due to his populist economic message. However he wasn't a very good candidate and I though his wanting to start a naval arms race in the pacific would not be good. Looking at it now though he probably would have been the only candidate to win.
(10,721 posts)Webb is barely even a Democrat, and everyone knows it.
(17,502 posts)He is a liberal, but he isn't a progressive. Kind of like JFK. It is also the type of liberalism that most people in the US believe in. Progressivism is losing appeal in most places in the West. Bernie's loss would have been worse.
(10,721 posts)forjusticethunders
(1,151 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)And these two are relatively undistinguished ones who don't even promise much change.
(9,359 posts)Think Biden with a filter.
Zing Zing Zingbah
(6,496 posts)I think we need to get ourselves someone who's mouthy because that is what the common folk seem to like now. I think our next presidential debate will be something like a battle rap contest minus the rapping. Lots of boasting and bragging and it will probably even feature cursing.
(9,359 posts)People loved Obama until he decided to compromise. People would rather fight and lose than not fight at all.
(51,720 posts)Zing Zing Zingbah
(6,496 posts)but it was really all about Bernie and Hillary even then. He didn't stand a chance against them.