2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTIME: Meet the rust belt voters who voted for Trump
http://time.com/4591112/time-person-of-the-year-donald-trump-voters/photo/voters-donald-trump-person-of-the-year-poy-08-2/?xid=tcoshareThey profile 9 of them. They are pretty stunning. A lot of them are former Dems, who sadly were just conned big time by Trump. They heard his economic message and not much else, it seems.
The first is a doozy:
Shannon Goodin, 24, Owosso, Mich. A first-time voter who doesnt consider herself a Democrat or a Republican, Goodin says Trump earned her support by being a big poster child for change, adding, Politicians dont appeal to us. Clinton would go out of her way to appeal to minorities, immigrants, but she didnt really for everyday Americans.
Gee, that's not racist, is it?

(24,324 posts)Of course it's not racist.
Why, some of her best friends are even black , and her sister is dating a guy from Venezuela.
(97,964 posts)duffyduff
(3,251 posts)I would be willing to bet there were far more Republicans who voted for HRC than Dems who voted for Trump.
(97,964 posts)TwilightZone
(28,835 posts)Exit polls: Trump won on immigration and terrorism.
(3,251 posts)Coventina
(28,219 posts)

(30,151 posts)These are the exact people that I hope get what they deserve for putting asshole in power. Fuck them and their livelihood.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)but I agree they are fucktards
(26,505 posts)I bet she had no idea that speaking to BLM meant speaking to the issues which affect *all* Americans, not just Blacks. Ie, her understanding was shallow and likely manipulated by the heavy use of Fake News.
The difference between her and a racist is that the racist actively chooses it, low-information people just are ignorant and thus easy to manipulate.
(59,161 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 10, 2016, 02:06 AM - Edit history (1)
Her remark that Clinton ". . . would go out of her way to appeal to minorities, immigrants, but she didnt really for everyday Americans. is nothing but racism.
We run into it everyday. After all, we do live in America.
(26,505 posts)I think that most people here on DU got that when people were saying BLM, they were meaning that to protect everyone's civil rights, we have to start with those being affected them most. The information challenged do not get the inclusive message, and only hear the "or" exclusive case.
I would argue this is one of the motives of the non-news click-bait websites and low-fact based broadcasting done by Fox who do their best to make it only a Black (or identity-based) issue rather than something that affects all of us in some capacity.
I think in the end, this comes down to the following pragmatic difference. These people are still reachable in some capacity - it just takes the right message. They mean well even if they chose to live a life of ignorance.
Or more simply - there is no motivation among low-information people, you may hear parroting, but no understanding On the flip side, there is motivation among those who are racists/bigots with a high degree of motivation.
And yes, I chose to not stereotype people which I think many are doing here when they unilaterally slam people.
For the record, I'm a Texas Progressive/Populist (a real Populist, not like Trump), and it burns me whenever people generically and stereotypical slam Texas or other red states in the same way that they are slamming the people in the Rust belt.
(59,161 posts)That woman's comments are a typical example.
And to your point, her lack of info afforded her no idea of how off-putting and bigoted her comments were, but they still were.
(26,505 posts)Of what she's been fed. Until she understand and internalizes them, she's not a racist.
Yes, those who are feeding her this crap are indeed racist. I will give you that. The distinction is until she internalizes it, she's not a racist - but a parrot.
Maybe a subtle distinction, but I think important enough as a differentiator to those who want to discount these people offhand vs those who think she can come around with the right message (which penetrates her grey matter).
On Edit: Short answer, I'm not giving up on the Rust Belt like several here who are calling for wholesale abandonment out of disgust and grief.
(59,161 posts)Lithos
(26,505 posts)You are talking a 2004 solution...
Needs to be updated to 2020 with a focus on Social Media and other wall of sound media.
On Edit: Right idea, different implementation
(59,161 posts)n/t
(14,249 posts)Completely sick of these people and even sicker of the media's ass-kissing obsession with them.
(26,505 posts)Big difference...
As I've said before, identity politics can come across as an "us" vs "them" type of thing when the authors really are trying to say it's an "all of us" kind of thing.
This is what Conservatives designed Faux News (and other conservative outlets ) to counter 24/7. The conservatives do an excellent job of misinterpreting the message of Identity politics which dilutes the usefulness of this for us in certain markets.
Rather, we need a campaign which focuses on simpler messages - like Obama did in 2008 with "Hope". There is change happening and we need a good message to help people with transition. "Keeping ahead!" or some "change friendly" slogan where we articulate our gaps and what we need to do to keep moving forward.
(47,209 posts)stopbush
(24,663 posts)broken promises and looming disasters.
It will be "the Ds blocked his great ideas," and the media will nod in agreement.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)all those Steel Mills and Stamping Plants are going to reopen,FOR GET ABOUT IT. Guarantee most of these plants have been cannibalized with the good salvage having been sent to other Countries. It takes years to build new or rework a Steel Mill. BTW,it is called over capacity. China has reduced the number of mills from 160 to just over 100. To much Capacity.
(30,481 posts)Or a more progressive tax structure. Or clean energy and the jobs of tomorrow.
Ohhh.... Wait..... We did.
(55,894 posts)going to the Rust Belt.
(7,198 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)Garrett78
(10,721 posts)...some of the postmortem posts take the cake.
(14,249 posts)I don't think so.
(30,481 posts)Actually, complete lies.
On top of that, she spent a lot of time in the rust belt. Would you like for me to list some of the stops you seem to be completely oblivious to?
Your comment here is literally an easily provable lie.
(10,201 posts)I live in PA and did not see either of those. I saw others that were unrelated, but nothing on those two topics.
(51,077 posts)Missed opportunity
(30,481 posts)Now it's I didn't see them. Poster also didn't see Clinton campaigning in the rust belt.
It's just flinging poo at this point.
(10,201 posts)She was in the rust belt throughout Oct.
If I had a complaint, it would be that she did not do too many rallies compared to Trump in the same region and she stuck primarily to the larger cities. Her campaign staff should have noted what Trump was doing and adjusted her schedule accordingly.
(10,761 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 9, 2016, 09:07 PM - Edit history (1)
big rallies in Philly but not much effort in Bumfuck PA where tRump was going
(10,201 posts)You need a truly exciting candidate for that
(20,036 posts)Along with their pet maggot.
(51,720 posts)yardwork
(65,716 posts)That's exactly what people mean when they say that Hillary focused too much on identity politics. Civil rights for everybody is a turnoff to those who consider minorities to be less than.
It's white supremacy, plain and simple.
(2,117 posts)All we need is an economic message that speaks to those people in the rust belt. If that's too much to ask, get used to losing.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)I wonder why.
(14,249 posts)There are plenty of other voters who will vote Democratic - they're a sure thing - if we reach them and get them out to vote (and help them overcome the voter suppression barriers).
Forget these idiots. The message was laid out before them like a golden carpet and they crapped all over it and then voted for Trump. Screw them.
(7,198 posts)- HRC was for people who aren't like us and don't work
- Donald was for people like us who work very hard
Lots of ducking and bobbing but essentially that's it.
(56,844 posts)"Sure, I took unemployment, but I had worked so hard before that and Company XYZ really screwed me over, so I deserved it. It's all those lazy black and brown people that are freeloading moochers." (When somebody called Rush out for taking unemployment before, manly he-man Rush said his wife at the time *forced* him to take it. Not sure if that was Wife 1 or 2...)
And, wasn't there a book or article several years back "The Only Moral Abortion was my Abortion."?
(31,443 posts)my Aunt Fanny.
(51,077 posts)Included were an AA male and a Hispanic female.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)duffyduff
(3,251 posts)You can bet your ass there were plenty of "Clinton Republicans" who voted against the orange asshole. Time doesn't seem to care about that demographic.
(51,077 posts)Exit polls show that Drumpf got 8% of the AA vote. Romney got 7% in 2012.
Latinos went for Drumpf by 28%. Romney got 27% in 2012.
These are groups that he routinely insulted. Yet they still voted for him.
And if exit polls are to be believed, then I wouldn't bet my ass there were plenty of "Clinton Republicans" who voted against the orange asshole. It was a wash. 8% of Dems voted for Drumpf. 8% of Repubs voted for Clinton.
(2,760 posts)Because that worked so well for us last time.
(3,251 posts)n/t
(51,077 posts)Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)progressoid
(51,077 posts)She represented the status quo.
They preferred the messenger over the message.
Her message was drowned out by media coverage of all the other shit.
People are stupid.
And all the other things we've been rehashing for the last few weeks.
(3,251 posts)Of course they are bigots. And stupid.
And we don't need them.
(59,161 posts)calls for a wall and promise to deport 11 million and exclude Muslims?
One of them said,IMO, what many thought: ". . . Clinton would go out of her way to appeal to minorities, immigrants, but she didnt really for everyday Americans" . . . meaning that minorities are not Americans.
That's nothing but barely-below-the-surface racism only whites are real, everyday Americans.
(14,249 posts)They can say anything they want. But they lined up with the Ku Klux Klan to put a racist in the White House.
(40,315 posts)although you can see from a couple that his racism might well have been the clincher. Their votes were for the most part up for grabs IMO and he got them. We need to fight harder next time.
(3,251 posts)We need the ones who didn't vote at all, not the bigot vote.
(29,031 posts)We are talking 77.000 votes across three states. There are some people we're never going to reach. I think there are people who don't participate now that would be a better target for GOTV.
(11,649 posts)that didn't do it how about mocking the disabled. anyone who voted for trump has no sense of moral decency.
(29,690 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,792 posts)both were Trump voters. Guess what, you two are the early ones on the hit list, as the people Trump put into power HATE YOU.
(1,258 posts)you aren't American in their eyes that is why they chant USA!USA!USA!. I guess when they get rid of all other races whom were here before many of them and their families,they will live in shangrali and all the ills of the world will go away. I wonder will there be white on white crime like we see on 20/20,dateline and the nightly news?
(3,251 posts)It isn't about economics. For crying out loud, the quote undercuts the notion that was what motivated the voters.
Nope. These people are bigots, and Trump appealed to their racism, xenophobia, and sexism, and not necessarily in that order.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)I agreed earlier with Jennifer Palmieri--I'd rather we lost the way we did than win the way Trump did.
(45,806 posts)the former steel mill, auto makers, etc. were when their jobs disappeared, and they still are to this day! When I first heard the Con promising to bring those jobs back, all I could think of was "Oh dear God, please don't let them really believe this idiot!" In a way, I feel sorry for them now, because they will be horribly disgusted when those promises never happen.
(10,631 posts)AlexSFCA
(6,294 posts)We desperately need a non-partisan movement in this country. Van Jones is onto something with his MessyTruth but it will always be viewed as partisan since he is a democrat. We need a new non-partisan media network with focus on fact-checking and ordinary people like the ones profiled in the article. Both prties have been focusing hard on pushing out moderates over the years so we are now a hyperpolarized, post-truth society. If we continue with Pelosi, Ellis, name-calling, etc., we are going to see collosal losses in the midterms. Please ask yourself, how exactly does a San Francisco democrat, Nancy Pelosi, connect to critical voters in rust belt states?? Democrats need to start being strategic and stop being idealistic. I know the truth is hard to swallow sometimes, but America is worth sacrifice, so the focus should be on long-term, two step back is better than 10.
(203 posts)Trump came at them with a hardline anti-free trade stance which was a position that was to the left of Hillary. Sadly, people are often too easily drawn to candidates who tell them what they want to hear mixed with "tough talk" which Trump did under his phony macho bravado persona he showed on the campaign trail. Never mind that this guy a rich jerk who had never shown any prior evidence that he gives a flying crap about the working class folk.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)[URL=.html][IMG]
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Do I laugh or cry or both?