2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumClinton Should Tell Obama To Withdraw TPP To Save Her Presidency
The effect on the election of President Obama pushing for the extremely unpopular TPP trade deal hasn't got much discussion here or in the press. The TPP was opposed by Clinton, Sanders, and Trump during the campaign and it became a huge issue among working voters in the rust belt where outsourcing had already caused great losses in jobs for this area.Considering Hillary Clinton lost the rust belt where she got 1.17 million less votes than President Obama did in 2012 and Trump gained 335,000 votes this would seem to be very significant.
Clinton Should Tell Obama To Withdraw TPP To Save Her Presidency
AUGUST 11, 2016 - By Dave Johnson
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) but is having trouble convincing people to believe her. Imagine the trouble Hillary Clinton will have trying to build support for her effort to govern the country if TPP is ratified before her inauguration.
According to Politicos Wednesday Morning Trade, the Obama administration is launching a TPP blitz push to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker last week said the administration is planning at least 30 trade events by the end of the month. That effort, similar to last years all of Cabinet push for trade promotion authority, is expected to shift to Capitol Hill in September when lawmakers return from their summer break.
In spite of the opposition of much of the public, both presidential candidates, all of labor, almost all Democrats, all progressive-aligned consumer, human rights, environmental and other organizations and even the Tea Party right, what is happening here is that Wall Street, the multinational corporations, most Republicans and unfortunately President Obama are preparing to insult democracy by pushing to ratify TPP. This undermines Clintons credibility while campaigning for election, and if it passes it harms her ability to govern if she is elected....
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Hillary Clinton's long time friend Virginia governor Terry Mcauliffe, publicly stating Clinton would still support the TPP in light of her publicly stated opposition tot he TPP was also very destructive to her campaign.
By Amber Phillips July 27
There's a reason Hillary Clinton's campaign so forcefully and unequivocally pushed back at Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's (D) assertion Tuesday that she will support the Trans-Pacific Partnership once she's in the White House. Here's campaign chair John Podesta:
Love Gov. McAuliffe, but he got this one flat wrong. Hillary opposes TPP BEFORE and AFTER the election. Period. Full stop.
But the damage has been done. Here's how:
1. It reinforces that the Clintons will say anything to get elected: Republicans have been lobbing this attack at the Clintons for years, and no one repeats it more often these days than Donald Trump.
2. It gives Donald Trump a bigger opening in the anti-trade vote: Trade is one of those issues that doesn't fall neatly along political fault lines. To the extent that voters even know what the TPP trade deal is, an October Washington Post-ABC News poll found Democrats are generally more supportive of it (51 percent) than Republicans (39 percent).
But this deal is incredibly unpopular with two influential Democratic interests, labor unions and environmental groups, so many Democratic politicians in Congress oppose it, while many Republicans in Congress support it. (The conservative-leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a fan of trade deals.)...
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Yes, Hillary Clinton did have a strong economic message & plan in her campaign that was progressive. However, President Obama pushing the highly unpopular TPP trade deal; and friends like Terry McCauliffe stating she would go back on her word and support the TPP; cast a huge shadow over her economic message.

(17,644 posts)Does she
(11,641 posts)In hind sight the author looks to have been correct in his assumptions...
(1,499 posts)I didn't even hear you grind the gears putting the bus in reverse to run over another excuse.
Hillary Clinton won the working class vote.
She lost the privileged white suburbanite vote.
Hopefully, that vote finally made it plain enough for even the most die hard middle of the roader to see: (1) that those people fled to the suburbs to get away from blacks, from Spanish speaking immigrants, from gay people, from working people, from Muslims, and from "uppity" professional women (a/k/a OUR BASE); and, (2) that all of our party's focus on issues white suburbanites care about, i.e., the DJIA/their 401K, being tough on crime, being tough on terrorism, low interest rates, etc. won't bring them back.
(11,641 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)The direct correlation between Sander's primary voters in the Rust Belt and the falloff in General Election turnout for Hillary is the elephant in the room.
I can't believe the Sander's fans did what they said they would do.
And here they are, relitigating every primary issue.
(11,641 posts)message did not resonate in the rust belt states.
Not sure how discussing this is reliving the primary....