2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forum10 Crucial Decisions That Reshaped America
That was the conclusion I arrived at, too, after dozens of interviews with senior Democrats and Republicans over the past 18 months: The outcome of the extraordinary 2016 campaign, which has left the country divided and disoriented six weeks before the Inauguration Day, came down to a succession of decision points by the candidates, their opponentsand the nations top copsome of which seemed consequential at the time, many of which didnt.
If Trump leaped, his opponent looked, and for a long time. Hillary Clintons choices were, characteristically, painstakingly and privately concocted, befitting a two-time presidential candidate whose definingand perhaps fatalcharacteristic was risk aversion. The omens of defeat were everywhere if she was looking for themnagging, disquieting, try-and-forget-what-just happened whispers of looming catastrophe. But the biggest warning was one of the quietest, a razor flick of doubt at what should have been Clintons moment of triumph. On the night of July 28, the Bernie Sanders and Clinton supporters shouted in rare unison as their hero Barack Obama took the stage at the Democratic National Convention. Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! they chanted. This was not an option. Obama shushed them and reminded everybodyas he always didthat this was Clintons hour. Except, it wasnt.
Trump, of course, couldnt have been more different from Clintonin process as in everything else. Improvisational and impulsive, Trump made decisions shaped by intuition, impelled by his branding genius and reality-TV showmanship, largely uninformed by research, polling, ideology or even fact. Above all, every call he made was buttressed by sense of daring that allowed him to take advantage of every mistake made by every opponent he faced. This was a candidate who decided from day one that he would win or lose on his own terms, playing the cable networks for free airtime, using his Twitter feed to communicate directly with the media and votersas if the Fireside Chats were written by Don Kingand eschewing traditional advertising for rowdy and rousing mass rallies like leather-lung politicians in the era before microphones.
Together, these choices, combined with lightning flashes of luck and happenstance, added up to the biggest surprise in a year of shocks. Here, then, are 10 decisions that defined the 2016 campaignand changed the course of American history.

(60,978 posts)We can analyze this forever. The root cause is that human beings tend to believe what they hear, if it is repeated enough. And the media decided that they are in a bubble and that politics is just a game that makes them money. They decided that Hillary's email non-issue was far more problematic than anything that emerged on Trump. Period.
(26,366 posts)outcome in the election? Do you understand how close the election was vote-wise?
(189,215 posts)Bookmarking and rec'ing