2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumSen. Feinstein: Fair to Say Clinton's Hurting After Campaign of Name-Calling
by Josh Feldman | 7:53 pm, December 14th, 2016
Senator Dianne Feinstein said on MSNBC today that Hillary Clinton is obviously having a rough time after losing an election where she faced a lot of attacks and name-calling.
Feinstein weighed in on Russian hacking and concerns over Rex Tillerson, Donald Trumps choice for Secretary of State, before Mitchell asked her about her recent dinner with the Democratic presidential nominee.
Feinstein said, Its fair to say that shes hurting. She brought up everything Clinton went through during the campaign:

Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)SHRED
(28,136 posts)"Hurting" after "name calling" may be true but those are terrible optics to be putting out about someone who should have been our President. It implies weakness and gives our enemies more to pile on.
(32,107 posts)She just sold them down the river, literally, by overriding endangered species protections for native California fish in a big infrastructure bill. It was a huge blow to senate colleague Barbara Boxer, who co-authored the Water Resources and Development Act, and environmentalists.
Boxer is retiring in January. It should have been Feinstein.
(32,107 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 15, 2016, 10:09 PM - Edit history (1)
and you worry about weed.
I think the fact Sessions won't protect voting rights or enforce federal laws against hate crimes is far more serious.
People are going to die from hate crimes, and the DOJ and Trump aren't going to do a thing.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I know it bothers you endlessly that people don't say what you want them to say, and dont think what you want them to think. That's why you spend so mich time crafting threads full of elaborate straw caricatures- because it's way easier to win an argument againt a 2-D cardboard creation of your own mind, than to engage people as they actually are.
So You know what? I'm gonna keep talking about what I want to talk about, and if you don't like it, tough. DiFi was my senator for a long time. There are plenty of grounds on which to criticise her, and that issue is one of them.
(55,655 posts)And focus on what you value. You'll have to excuse my momentary shock at your priorities. I tend to believe human life and equal rights matter more than getting high, but then I haven't successfully adopted all aspects of white bourgeoisie culture--many, but not all.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"My priorities"- well, for one, anyone with even a cursory understanding of logic would grok that mentioning "a" does not imply a lack of concern about "b". I guess if I go to the grocery store I must not give a shit about Syrian refugees. Rinse, repeat!
But bringing it home to the context of the topic at hand, namely Sen. Feinstein's priorities, not mine (despite what an endlessly fascinating subject I and what I believe, am) --- I suppose we'll get an answer as to whether or not DOJ prosecution of hate crimes is more or less important than weed, when she votes on the AG confirmation.
One thing I do know is, she's only held panicked hearings with Chuck Grassley this past year on one of those issues, and it wasnt hate crimes-
Lastly, as much as you would like to imagine that support for marijuana legalization is all about white bourgeois concern with "getting high"- here's a news flash, back in the days when I did get high a lot, prohibition didnt do shit to keep me from doing it as much as I wanted to. I probably axe grind about it a lot more now because I'm clear-headed enough to bother.
So no, it's not about "getting high", hyuk hyuk- it's about a fucking shitton of new jobs, nascent industries, billions in revenue, and a giant influx of tax dollars in many states, including my own. Because even if I only take a hit off a joint once in a blue moon, I do use the roads and infrastructure and other public services that benefit from this substance finally being legal, regulated and taxed.
Oh, and it's also about police priorities, reducing imprisonment, AND eliminating a policy with historical track record of disproportionate enforcement against minorities- you know, that whole "social justice" thing.
And while the self-appointed gatekeepers of what is really important here on DU have told us for years what a silly, frivolous thing that issue is to give a shit about, guess what? The clear, unequivocal widespread majority winner on election day by the numbers wasn't Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton, in almost every state it was on the ballot it was mother####ing marijuana.
Maybe it's time to stop lecturing voters as to what they should care about, and listen to them as to what they actually DO.
So, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
(26,467 posts)love it when someone assumes eveyone is a single monded automaton.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)you would think the entire issue is all about some Phish fans in knit beanies looking to score a bag.
(55,655 posts)who admires the Philippine president's use of death squads to quite literally fight a war on drugs. But Feinstein is the problem because she held hearings.
I understand your concerns. Unfortunately, you don't seem to understand how they've become moot in the current political climate. Everything that so outraged you under Obama is about to become a quaint memory.
For the member who suddenly deleted his post about how he thinks I have issues with hippies smoking weed: Hippies smoking weed is a family reunion on my Dad's side.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Feinstein isn't "the problem", she's a problem, or more specifically her position here is a problem. And if she votes to confirm Sessions, does it make a difference whether I questioned how he's gonna handle weed or you said I should be more concerned about hate crimes? No, what will matter is the vote in the Senate. Up or down. And honestly, the guy will probably be confirmed even without her.
Everything that so outraged you under Obama is now a quaint memory.
Who the everflippin' fuck are you even talking to? That statement doesn't bear any resemblance whatsoever to, fucking, anything. Certainly not me. Jesus fuck.
You don't know what I do or don't understand, because you aren't having a conversation with me. Again, you're having a conversation with one of your own straw creations. Have fun!
(55,655 posts)and Feinstein holding hearings that you didn't approve of. That's not a strawman. That's a response to your post.
And things are about to get a whole hell of a lot worse. That's not a joke.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Feinstein held those hearings with Chuck Grassley, who, time last I checked, is a Republican.
There was more criticism of Obama in their "ZOMG O NO WEED" reefer madness hearings than you've heard from me.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Even after all the chess pieces have been removed, some players keep working their mouths.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)There was more criticism of Obama aired in the brief time of those hearings than I've posted on DU in the entire past 8 years, thanks.
But don't let the truth get in the way of a good axe grind, much less another attempt to shut me up. Lets see how well that works out, shall we?
(7,681 posts)also, lol @ "white bourgeoisie culture"
Because obviously those are the only people who smoke weed.
Finger on the pulse there.
Response to melman (Reply #38)
Yurovsky This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,655 posts)don't focus on weed but on black lives
(229 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)She can't win. When she's tough, she a calculating cold person who doesn't care. If she shows human feelings she is weak.
It's one thing to have to deal with the attacks from the opposition, but the attacks from within our party probably hurt the most. We let a spoiler into our party who had supporters screaming "Lock her up!" for fuck's sake. Things went beyond fucked up.
I'd like to say that I can't believe all the shit that happened this election, but I do. This is what women are always going up against. 10,000 hoops and double standards.
(55,655 posts)and on national television. It's repugnant.
This just feeds the monstrous bullies on the Right.
It also feed back to the narrative that she is a woman and her feelz make her weak.
(55,655 posts)and why on earth should optics matter now? Her political career is over. People might actually show some humanity toward her for a change. The days where she exists for others to treat her as a human pinata are over. She gets to live her own life, and that means she is allowed to feel, just like the male politicians that people around here insist never be criticized.
(3,251 posts)want to knife her in the back with the idiotic "Hamilton Electors" bullshit idea.
It just infuriates me.
(15,539 posts)
(3,354 posts)as president elect. Instead we have this rapacious piece of filth that is now waiting in the wings to literally try to destroy everything good that our country has stood for both domestically and in foreign lands. As I see it from here it will only get worse with the republicans in charge of all branches of government, especially the supreme court with its ideologically driven right wing hacks who will be in the majority very soon.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)And your description of the Cretin and what he represents has given me new words to repeat when I thought I was out of them.
R.P.o.F. Indeed.
I'm so damned weary but we still must RESIST.
(29,031 posts)Instead, it's been one of the worst. It's even more infuriating that it was all part of a big game. Even if they fix it (no real hope of that) we can't turn back the clock to November 7th.
(15,539 posts)I have never been so disgusted with some of my fellow citizens in my life. I've been disappointed before, but never disgusted like this.
There is NO "getting over" this. It's too serious and too disgusting.
(97,964 posts)The 47% who didn't bother to vote, those who voted third party, and those self-identified progressives who decided not to vote for the Democratic nominee will be paying a high price along with everyone else for that folly
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)riversedge
(74,459 posts)probably feel much.
(92,496 posts)Cha
(308,402 posts)mtnsnake
(22,236 posts)as she is. I don't know how she does it.
(26,467 posts)Brewer and Shipley!
One toke over the line, sweet mtnsnake, one toke over the line....
How ya been, man? It's been many, many years!
(22,236 posts)Thanks for that earworm I didn't need today. How's it goin' buddy!
(26,467 posts)jalan48
(14,721 posts)She gave it all she had, even campaigning when she had pneumonia. She has every right to hurt.
(37,428 posts)It's not as though the wingnuts have come up with any new names in the past twenty years.
(24,135 posts)for the vitriol that came from so-called-progressives though.
Worse than wingnuts and unforgivable IMO.
It's why she lost.
That part was unforgivable
(96,598 posts)...and the occasional broken bone, would you figure you had had "plenty of time to get used to it"? Because that is just the physical equivalent of what she endured psychologically.
That was a remarkably callous statement you made. Almost like you think she doesn't have human feelings, or a heart that can be broken.
(24,135 posts)Deplorable comment but not surprised considering...
(34,648 posts)coco22
(1,258 posts)I have been waiting for her to leave for years,she has made her money and helps the other side at critical times when we need Dems to fight,long past time for her.
(448 posts)She's a total status-quo, sleep-walking BS class pet....
Get rid of the class pets.
(1,258 posts)so called blue dogs who really are republiCON, They listen to this garbage about the party is too far to the left when was that 50 or 60 yrs ago.
Dems are afraid and people like Feinstein keep the party as republicon lite. We lose because people like her block what Dems have been fighting for when its critical they don't do anything but fight fringe issues that don't affect most people they just want to win and feel good.
While they are feeling good people are getting older and poorer so many feel what do they have to lose,so they vote for an orange asshole!
(55,655 posts)and her greatest margin was among voters earning less than $30k. Trump won all incomes brackets over $75k. This narrative about Trump's win relating to poverty simply is not supported by exit poll data.
It's also ironic that this concern about the party being too centrist was invoked as a reason for critics to support a centrist against the more liberal Pelosi for House Minority Leader.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Hekate
(96,598 posts)When she decides to retire, those of us who are Democrats hope and pray we get a strong Democrat to run in her place. We got lucky with Kamala Harris. You don't always get lucky twice.
Response to DonViejo (Original post)
Post removed
(22,651 posts)LOVE, Sunlei