2016 Postmortem
Last edited Thu Dec 15, 2016, 03:18 PM - Edit history (1)
I emailed all the republican electors using one of the 'contact the electors" sites.. forget which one. I used their form email plus a little of my own copy...ONE guy replied and it says it all. He told me to "PASS THE NEWS ALONG."
So, I am passing it along.
My email....
On December 19, you and the other Electors will cast your ballots to elect a President. If you all vote the way your states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, you can vote for Hillary Clinton if you choose.
Therefore, I hope you will exercise your Constitutional right to cast your ballot for Secretary Clinton. Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsiveness, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience, in addition to his being a narcissistic megalomaniac, make him a danger to the Republic.
Secretary Clinton won the popular vote - by nearly 2 million votes - and should be President. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College. But electing Trump is not consistent with the Founder's intentions when they created the Electoral College. The Electoral College was created, in the words of Alexander Hamilton, to prevent the Presidency from falling to "any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications." This is the moment where you were meant to lead.
If 38 of Trump's 306 electors vote Clinton, she'll become President. You are the last check in a system perilously close to making a tyrant the President. I hope you'll honor the will of the majority of voters and vote to elect Hillary Clinton President. Our nation depends on it.
Clinton is a criminal, and all of her views are diametrically opposed to mine.
I was elected to cast my vote for the Republican candidate. That is Trump. I will vote for him with no reservations, and no amount of pleading or threats will dissuade me.
Pass the news along.
All the best to you,

(46,564 posts)We're in the hands of idiots like this. God help us all.
(24,324 posts)
(2,550 posts)and told the op that he's received the same letter.
If I got the same letter 300 times I'd just trash them without reading.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)What bullshit.
(24,324 posts)
edited to ad an s to "thank'
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)C Moon
(12,736 posts)Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Save it for a rookie.
(30,481 posts)
(46,564 posts)And the real 'bullshit' is the crooked Hillary nonsense he's spouting.
Like it or not, these shitheads are in control of the country on your behalf.
(2,056 posts)You NEVER spam identical chain letters when you want to be taken seriously. Put shit in your own words....seriously. If they get carbon copies of the identical email so many times they aren't going to read or pay any attention at all and will just tune it out. If people are going to write then write in your OWN words and appeal to concerns about national security, the constitution, FREEDOM, etc.
Yeah, the guy was a jerk in his response but he may not have been before getting spammed with the same email hundreds of times. JMHO.
(24,324 posts)As quite a few others have told me...
Next time....
(14,685 posts)I will troll the shit out of him.
(24,324 posts)But, No. It is not worth it.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)I'll pass on that.
(14,685 posts)I have emailed a whole bunch of electoral college voters.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Go for it. Your actions define you. I'm okay with that, but I don't have to associate myself with that behavior.
(14,685 posts)By your comments in this thread, you seem to be in a really sour mood. I hope your day gets better.
(30,481 posts)Very kind.
(24,324 posts)
(2,573 posts)
(22,236 posts)I think the problem is where you said you "will troll the shit out of him."
(54,729 posts)defections are extremely rare and 37 is way, way beyond the usual, 0 or 1, and i think maybe 2 at most.
these people are chosen for their loyalty, and told their one job is to vote for the chosen candidate.
republicans are generally extremely loyal to their party, and these guys are the most loyal from among that loyal crowd.
never mind that the best case is that it forces the election into the house, where they just vote for donnie anyway.
A dose of reality in fantasy land.
(24,324 posts)But,, I have to do SOMETHING.
I have emailed/or called representatives, white house, signed petition, etc etc..
If I don't do something, then...
(54,729 posts)just do it with eyes wide open. it won't get hillary in the white house in any event.
but if all we get out of this is the electors break a record and more republicans defect than ever before, that itself is a (small) political victory and weakens donnie.
republicans keep winning because of their "death by 1,000 cuts" strategy of constantly diminishing the opposition. we have to fight back everywhere we can.
(2,056 posts)Because those are the only kinds of letters that have any chance of having an impact. Make it about the things Republicans ALSO care about...like FREEDOM, the US Constitution and National Security.
(24,324 posts)It was like 2-3 am and I was too tired or just lazy to make one up..
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)In fact they care about two things: money and power. Unless you're offering them one of those two things, they don't listen.
(41,738 posts)He obviously has spent the last 20 years listening to Fox News.
C Moon
(12,736 posts)We must do away with that archaic system of voting.
(40,233 posts)Who wants to be in the hands of a nasty, creepy, unintelligent jerk elector?
(14,035 posts)A form letter email is never a good idea, though. Yes, it might save time but all they do is annoy the recipient.
Also, we will NEVER convince the typical, partisan elector to vote for Hillary instead of him. If we're not pushing someone like Romney or McMullin or some other not as horrible Republican, they will never change their votes. If there indeed was a consensus other candidate, I was not aware of it.
(24,324 posts)I should have thought that through.
But it was like 2-3 am and I was.. too tired and probably just too lazy.
(22,340 posts)Thinking so is just fantasy land. And even if they did, they aren't going to vote for Clinton but for a different Republican.
And he has a point about the form letter.
(24,324 posts)The Red Sox won the 2004 World Series. :>

I MUST do something....
(20,885 posts)They will leave it to the congress to impeach (which I have predicted will happen by December. )
(24,324 posts)Hope you are right.
(20,885 posts)I think there will be a lot of demonstrations and police violence during the summer. People who voted for him, because they didn't like Hillary will realize what they're getting.
I think Donald likes to piss people off. There's not a future in that.
(40,094 posts)At least you got under his skin!
Jean-Jacques Roussea
(475 posts)Stop with the dem arguments. You need to present yourself as a commie-fearing republican that's terrified of tyranny and thinks Trump will take your guns eventually. Then you need to sprinkle it with misogyny and say "man up and vote for crooked Hillary". Say "I don't like it anymore than you do but at least congress will keep her in check". Throw in a "she'll be impeached immediately and we'll get Kaine"
Keywords: "wall street" "elitist (Trump's cabinet)" "patriot (directed at the elector)" "socialism/Nanny state (Carrier deal)" " repeal of) Medicare, Medicaid, and social security" "foreign (Russians)"
(2,573 posts)Jean-Jacques Roussea
(475 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)I was just too lazy. It was a form letter and it was like 2-3 am, as I mentioned elsewhere..
(37,428 posts)...is unqualified. This one is also as smug as his idol.
Response to pangaia (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(24,324 posts)But it is exactly as I said it happened.
I supposed I could copy and paste my email, his reply email with email address, full names, etc, if that would convince you, but I am not about to do that.
For what it is worth, I did also get about , oh maybe 15 returned emails as un-deliverable addresses..
(24,324 posts)It was a form letter, which others here have criticized me for using, and rightly so, I might add.
2-Also, who is to say that nobody else in the USA to get a response from him?
3-His wording was "unprofessional" because.. who knows.. he is not a professional, he is a jerk, all of the above.
(30,481 posts)Don't blame him for being embarrassed and not wanting to admit it's his writing.
(22,236 posts)mtnsnake
(22,236 posts)I think I know who sent you that response. Is it alright with you if I post it here on your thread, or would you rather that I don't?
(24,324 posts)i would rather not...
please pm me
(22,236 posts)
(15,673 posts)Make a reminder to yourself to ask this arrogant son-of-a-bitch how things are a couple of years from now for him and his "views".
I'm guessing this jerk is from Texas because we've got a whole passel of them down here with that kind of an attitude. No interest in seeing the workings of a true democracy fulfilled (i.e., that the Electoral College might actually be expected to have due consideration and discussion); only interest in getting THEIR idiot candidate in the office so individual rights will be overturned.
(24,324 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 15, 2016, 03:08 PM - Edit history (1)

changed my mind.
I have no wish to berate the guy..
I have better things to do...

(15,673 posts)But I will say that some people are simply asking to be berated!!! LOL His response was snarky and uncalled for.
(24,324 posts)
(2,573 posts)this or that. At least you tried...which is a hell of a lot more than other folks. Don't let ANYONE discourage you.
(24,324 posts)The only change I SHOULD have made that several people pointed out, is not to use a form letter, but to create it myself.
Next time, I will..
(29,031 posts)Well. that's reassuring.
(24,324 posts)LisaM
(29,031 posts)If he wants 300 original messages, we should oblige him.
(15,673 posts)I like the way you think!
(2,802 posts)whoever the hell you are,
thank you for your resolve to complete the systematic, and wholesale, disassembly of this country's potential for continued greatness. With your resolve we will undoubtedly find our new niche in the global scheme as a second world terrorists highly rewarding and lucrative(for 0.01% anyway). Thank You for all of the thoughtful, partisan decisions in your life that led you to this point. One where you would willingly vote against the ability of your fellow countrymen's ability to continue their pursuit of life liberty and happiness.
(5,272 posts)any confidence in our system's open-ended methodology for appointing these people to these positions of power, regardless of how straight-forward their duty is usually expected to be.
They just sound like crazy citizens, rather than public servants, which, to be fair is what Republicans sound like these days, but this person seems poorly equipped to handle these duties of state thoughtfully and with decorum, no matter how ultimately his or her vote is cast(it's perfectly reasonable not to want to ignore the will of one's state, and frankly I expect that of an elector, barring demonstrable Trump treason that is).
(2,802 posts)There was a website with information on some of the electors that could be reached. Along with contact info was links to their Facebook pages. Just about all of them seemed like party hacks on board with Trump. No help is coming people we're going to have to weather this thing and pray(or not pray) that we aren't nuked right the hell off this rock. If it does happen I hope somebody forgets Trump outside when the bombs hit.
(97,964 posts)states a few calls that were voting for trump were really assholes. Fortunately, the vast majority were good people, but then again they were voting for Hillary
(24,324 posts)really surprised to get one.
(97,964 posts)Coyotl
(15,262 posts)a Republican was someone capable or reason.