2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI agree that marches, protests, and sit ins will not work against this elevated level
Last edited Fri Dec 16, 2016, 06:24 AM - Edit history (1)
of political thuggery by the Repub Party. The approach has to affect them financially and at the polls with the ballot. Come on DNC. Come up with something that your constituency can get their teeth in and let's not wait forever to do it. Nice little speeches with powerless threats are causing us to lose the battle. We are dealing with people whose main goal is POWER, regardless of the cost. Even if it means putting the country and its people in danger, the Repubs forge ahead voraciously seeking POWER. I fear that lack of a solid action approach will find us all cowering in a corner and wondering how soon they will knock on our doors to march us all off to encampments.

(43,049 posts)and I've been on countless marches to nowhere that were laughed at by the targets.
The last one I went to was a bazillion people marching against Bush the Lesser and his Iraq idiocy. It was on a weekend, though, and DC was empty of everyone but us and a few tourists. Nobody noticed. Nobody gave a shit.
Even less of a shit is given about the latest rounds of protests over pumpkinface. Lousy cabinet choices, mumblings over what could be martial law... When have we seen this before?
The current crop of assholes has great technology, but none of them have the energy that we faced when J. Edgar was around. People aren't dying because for the right to use a "white" restroom. Being a "communist" is no longer a capital offense.
What we are missing is a very simple and coordinated fight in the ballots, the courts and the court of public opinion showing these people to be the fools and tools they are.
It's not just the DNC-- I've seen reports, and seen with my own eyes, local Democratic organizations that are just blowing in the wind with no drive or purpose. The Republicans are organized so much better than we are. I would never want to be that "organized", but we have to do better.
(21,252 posts)we are dealing with a corporation now - and the Democrats just want to keep their jobs. We need a legal foundation that will sue the republicans for every breech.
(49,131 posts)But how many of us are willing to go dark? Examine our lives for
every last efficiency, turn to used items, curtail spending on
everything to the extent possible?
But we do have some tools. The Great Recession has left us with
thrift shops everywhere, internet bartering and re-sell venues. We
can shop for insurance, carpool, learn some home-based skills like
sewing, car repair, plumbing.
I do some of these things, and also examine what I spend. I watch
profit margins. Why pay up when another brand is on sale? Haggle.
Don't be a willing mark for the fattest profit margin of the month.
(4,341 posts)Because I read about World news and tend to follow countries where chaos has become unbearable to its citizens, I can attest to your comment 100%.
If you look at a country like Venezuela, total chaos right now, a regime that won't go and holds to power for the sake of having power, and it is an interesting kind of power because they can't even go out of the country because they will be apprehended for being part of the Colombian drug ring, but they hold to power anyway.
The Venezuela regime has allowed its citizens to march, over and over, last one estimates that over 100,000 people attended, and what has that been good for? ZERO! On the contrary, it has aided the regime by allowing outside countries to believe their rhetoric that democracy is alive and well in that country because the regime allows people to express themselves, go out and march, but does it change anything, no it doesn't.
Drastic measure must be taken, politically correctness has to be eliminated, calling a lie what it is and not politically correct names is a must, explain to the citizens of this country, in simple terms, how the GOP is screwing them, and not allow one bit to go unnoticed. Also, the media must be made accountable every moment a democrat is in a panel, not allow the republicans to lie and go unnoticed, ot even have the last word. Anyway, that would be a start.