2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumDoes Obama fear his succesor will have him arrested after January 20?
This is the only reason I can think of to explain why Obama is not obliterating the Racist-in-Chief. He's being far too measured and uncritical during this presser.

(2,778 posts)libtodeath
(2,892 posts)I have no doubt they would be violent.
(44,326 posts)And he's not obliterating Dumbass because Obama is gracious and a statesman, and knows that bickering between an outgoing and incoming President would reflect badly on the world stage.
(11,109 posts)stage then he already does.
(177,382 posts)It probably freaked out Putin and Trump that he didn't overreact.
(24,324 posts)LenaBaby61
(6,991 posts)Me too pangaia.
I could only listen to pieces of the President's presser.
What a bummer. We're leaving this orderly, LAWFUL administration and going into a what will BE the most corrupt and worst POS administration every in history which I'm sure will continue "working with" russia to make SURE the senate, congress and presidency STAY in thuglican hands, and to see that this country turns into a complete cesspool courtesy of tRump and the GOP. Personally, I've always had nagging doubts/suspicions as it relates to the voting apparatus here in this country, and I especially have it NOW because you have a pro-putin puppet in there who along with the GOP don't care about people expressing their right to vote, or if people are able to vote with confidence, because the GOP loves practicing voter suppression/voter disenfranchisement. They surely are not REAL Americans or pro-America. Seriously, I've almost NO hope for the Dems winning the Senate or the presidency in 2020, and the Congress--well--we know what further gerrymandering will do to the congress and in turn do to US in a few years.
You know, I've always been one to be hopeful even in the darkest hours in this nation's history that I've been told about by my long departed elders/parents (Depression/Jim Crow/Racism, WW2 etc.), and that I've personally lived through (MLK/Bobby Kennedy's assassination/Reagan attempted assassination etc.) and in my own personal life (As we ALL have to do), and although I remain and will always BE a very spiritual person who holds prayer dear to my heart, I have to say that at the age of (55) and after witnessing what I truly believe was a stolen election (with help from a foreign entity/enemy), my belief in fair and honest elections is now completely GONE now.
And, for those of us who know what time it IS (Unlike low-info, sexist, racist, and just plain out dumb tRump voters), we know that 99% of the press has long BEEN in corporate hands and are there for good unfortunately. They no longer care about truth etc., and we also know that no one will be able to reign tRump in and long after he's gone the Supreme Court with their draconian rulings will put this country back 50 plus years in terms of well, EVERYTHING. As of NOW, we are SOOO screwed and not in a good place at ALL in our nation/world.
(24,324 posts)Just that you took the time to type all that is impressive.
I went to jfk'so funeral, so it's been even longer.
(4,642 posts)this hope with no change is not working, will not work. We need action, we need to beat the fascist at their own game.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)He has no constitutional power to do anything to change the result of the election.
(82,383 posts)etc all things that are not provided for.
The only thing is this should show us something about the EC. We should be aware of who the electors are, make them run, promise who they will vote for. If we let the EC determine the election, then we should elect the electors rather than letting the parties assign them unknown hacks.
(47,209 posts)I'm wondering where this ignorant Bullshit is coming from.
(91,503 posts)During the campaign.same goes for hillary.
I notice many of the ones who always demand things after the election like recounts are often those who didn't do much to support the ticket when it mattered and spent more time attacking the dem candidate.
Like jill stein ..
Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)My problem with the press conference or one of them is at one point President Obama was saying "nobody wants an outside nation hacking our elections", but that is not true. Somebody did want and ASK for that, Donald Trump.
This is not a normal situation and it is us who are going to suffer if our leaders do nothing.
Not sure what they can do but they have to make it clear what is happening is wrong.
(3,907 posts)takes office there is going to be a whole lotta sh** hitting the fan very quickly and it is not going to let up. I also hope that everyone who is bashing Dems for "not doing anything" will be participating in an anti-Trump march on Inauguration Weekend. There are marches and demonstrations planned across the USA. That should get things rolling and let our Democratic leaders know that we are fired up and ready to RESIST!
(9,766 posts)4139
(1,981 posts)...likely takes a lot strength as he is likely pissed and disgusted
(12,445 posts)
(9,527 posts)Throwing a temper tantrum is Trump's MO, not Obama's.
(45,728 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)instead.
I recall he said it is a huge ship that cannot be just turned. And that was him. Orange Donald would have the same problem and he is incompetent.
Constitution does not allow many of the demands one sees made. Obama follows that, not the emotions of the moment.
People needed to think rather than let the media lead them around. Doesn't matter what the Russians did. We don't have to let them affect us. In fact it was out there they did it, there was nothing scandalous in the DNC emails, yet people apparently let themselves be influenced.
(47,209 posts)With the GOP. scary shit if your actually listening!!
(44,139 posts)I don't get why people continue to expect different.
He said quite a lot at this presser. I think he was brilliant.
Obama is always thinking and putting our country first. How easy it would have been for him to rant and shake his fist, vowing retribution. The President is Presidential and has always been the adult in the room. There are and have always been good reasons for him to do what he does, even if we don't understand or always know what they are. Some view this as weakness, many others view it as thoughtfulness and true gravitas.
The mistake we made was in judging Pres Obama by the standards (or lack thereof) of the administration that served before him, and he is still being judged harshly because we were not ready for just how different he was.
We also made the same mistake with trump, we judged him by what we came to expect were normal Presidential standards after eight years of Pres Obama - but nothing absolutely nothing was normal about trump or this election and there is nothing about trump that is even remotely similar to Pres Obama. So it feels like we will soon be rudderless.
And now that we won't have our rudder, our Guiding Light, our pilot at the helm, We the People will need to speak out, We the People will need to find and use our power. I think Pres Obama understands this better than anyone and since he is compelled to hand our country over to a mad man, he chooses to do it as ethically and peacefully as he can, so there can be no question that he and his administration were above board, while hopefully setting a standard trump might want to emulate.
(148,652 posts)is about all he can do. He knows that Trump is going to take office. Nothing at all would be accomplished by making his last end of the year press conference a non-stop attack on the person who will take over the office.
He's not afraid of being arrested. There's nothing to arrest him for. He's not afraid of anything, and has never shown any fear in the past 8 years.
Maybe you wanted him to rant on about something, but he has never done that, either. He is the President of the United States, not some poster on some political discussion forum. What he says becomes history. What posters on discussion forums write becomes just another archive of random thoughts.
Books will be written about the Obama administration. No books will be written about DU posters. Your expectations were simply unrealistic. What you hoped for is not going to come from Barack Obama. He doesn't do that. He's a statesman who will soon be a former President of the United States. He'll join the other few people who have held that office and will be around for many years to come. He may speak in other ways after he is no longer POTUS.
(33,594 posts)LonePirate
(14,035 posts)The Racist-in-Chief already thinks he is not a citizen. Is it really that much of a leap to have him arrested?
(33,594 posts)He should worry about his own ass.
For what? Sounds to me, Obama is tired and bewildered at the voters.
(31,443 posts)Obama can't save us from the choices Americans made in this past election, that's not his job now.
(3,251 posts)Trump is going to be a 300-pound albatross around the neck of the GOP.