2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumAn Open Letter To Mr. Trump: WTF Is Wrong With You!?
Dear Mr. Trump:
I refer to you as Mr because I do not recognize you as my president. Or anyones president for that matter. You lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, more than any president in United States history. And with the likely help of Russian hacks, oppressive voter ID laws, other acts of voter suppression and election fraud, and an embarrassingly neutered media, you squeaked out a measly 306 electoral votes, placing you in the bottom fifth of all presidents ever.
But in true Trumpian fashion, youve boasted of a massive landslide victory. Sorry, pal. The only landslide was Hillary Clintons, as she received more votes than any president in history except for Barack Obama in 2008. One things for sure though: you were right about the election being rigged. For you.
Now that weve gotten the niceties out of the way, let me ask the most obvious question: what the fuck is wrong with you!? Seriously, do you not give a shit about your legacy, if not for yourself, at least for your kids, grandkids and future generations of Trumps? If your goal is to beat James Buchanan as the worst president in history, well then Mazel Tov, as youre halfway there and youve still got five weeks till inauguration day!
Lets start with your cabinet picks. You were supposed to drain the swamp, not restock it with self-serving corporate billionaires and other uber-rich insiders and cronies. Youve appointed a banana-republic-worthy gaggle of unqualified, inexperienced, intellectually un-curious sexists/misogynists, racists, stabbers (ok, just one knifer, Ben Carson), fake-news-spreaders and Russian sympathizers. And your alt-right white nationalist advisor Steve Bannon sits atop this basket of deplorables. This is your idea of populism!?
More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andy-ostroy/an-open-letter-to-mr-trum_b_13633110.html
You can put lipstick on a pig....
Yes, you and your cabinet and the rest of your deplorables are nothing more that bloated pigs wallowing in your filth trying to bring all of us down to your level of bile and unprecedented bigotry and intolerance. Their is a special place in hell for each and everyone of you.

(122,587 posts)sheshe2
(90,308 posts)
(12,448 posts)This is what fascism smells like.
He refuses to answer questions from the media or allow anyone around him to do so; that's why he's denying them access.
It's as bad as we all thought it would be, and will likely get worse than we can imagine.
(90,308 posts)He answers only to his higher god, greed and corruption. Dear goddess, I am at a loss for words.
(16,707 posts)

Jacob Boehme
(789 posts)
.Eying little girls with bad intent.
Snot was running down his nose,
His greasy fingers were smearing shabby clothes.
(2,607 posts)Pachamama
(17,219 posts)
For that is the nicest and most appropriate name of Putins Bitch...hand selected by the Kremlin and ready to deliver to his master...
(7,772 posts)He don't give a flip about "legacy" except his name in big ol' gold-ish letters on a building.
(31,315 posts)I hope it speaks for all of us!
(7,772 posts)"Oh, and because of you I now have to add the word emoluments to my vocabulary."
The author is right. Emoluments sounds like something greasy that gets slathered somehow.
(8,647 posts)No, he doesn't care about his family or anyone else.
(119,940 posts)