2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWhy Hillary Clinton Bombed With White Evangelical Voters
As with Wisconsin, she didnt show up.This election cycle, Christianity Today made multiple attempts to request an interview with Hillary Clinton, according to Kate Shellnutt, an editor there. The campaign never responded. Of course, campaigns turn down interview requests all the time. But the Clinton campaign was the only one that didnt reply at all. And this wasnt the only sign this year that the Democratic candidate had no interest in speaking to evangelical Christians. She spent little energy explaining her views on abortion to them and little time talking about religious freedom. She didnt hire a full-time faith outreach director until June and had no one focused specifically on evangelical outreach. She didnt give a major speech to the evangelical community and never met publicly with evangelical leaders. Religious publications reaching out to her campaign with questions were frequently met with silence. Some evangelical insiders are now asking: Why didnt Hillary Clinton even try to get us to vote for her?
White evangelicals make up about one-quarter of the electorate, a huge group to ignore in an election that turned out to be won by very narrow margins in a handful of key states. In the end, according to exit polls, only 16 percent of that cohort voted for Clinton, compared with Obamas 26 percent in 2008 and 20 percent in 2012. Trumps share of the white evangelical vote, 81 percent, exceeded that of Mitt Romney in 2012 (78 percent), John McCain in 2008 (74 percent), and George W. Bush in 2004 (78 percent). Not to have anyone reaching out to a quarter of the electorate is political malpractice, the Obama campaigns 2012 faith outreach director, Michael Wear, told me. Wear, whose book Reclaiming Hope: Lessons Learned from the Obama White House About the Future of Faith in America will be published in January, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post recently that argued that the simple difference between Obamas two presidential campaigns and Clintons 2016 campaign is that Obama asked for the votes of white evangelicals and Clinton did not.
More at: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/12/why_hillary_clinton_bombed_with_evangelical_voters.html

(91,503 posts)But her religion meant things like supporting mothers of innocent black people killed and defending young immigrants and refugees from war turn areas.
(6,444 posts)There seems at least in America a big difference between Christians and followers of Jesus.
(91,503 posts)White supremicists.
(15,166 posts)The Bible tells them so, at least according to the passages they tend to prioritize.
(15,673 posts)"Pro life" and anti-woman.
Eve was the downfall of Eden, etc.
(14,449 posts)JI7
(91,503 posts)yeoman6987
(14,449 posts)JI7
(91,503 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)"Christian" is what they hide behind, as the religion of Europe.
(40,315 posts)The sad part is, you're right:
(91,503 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,856 posts)"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas..." back in 1992. The "deplorables" comment was boneheaded too, even if it was true.
(14,249 posts)I doubt that very many people who claimed to be so upset about the "deplorables" comment would have ever voted for Hillary anyway.
(42,606 posts)And a committed feminist. There are a number of single issue voters. Second, she had a lot of complete and utter bullshit coming at her from the right AND the left. I can only shudder when I imagine the reaction to her "reaching out" to evangelicals.
A lot of the post-mortum evaluation regarding Hilllary convienently forgets that people on her own side, or should have been, tossed her under that big-ass bus every chance they got.
Her ground game was good, but not good enough, that much is clear.
(26,467 posts)Peel off a few votes?
Obama apparently decided it was worth it.
Add to the stack of not-her-faults, eh?
Ignores huge voting bloc.. not her fault.. they hated her anyways!
The "Christian Right" has never been Christian or right about anything.
(7,178 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)Decades of involvement and lot of cross-denominational visibility.
Trump lets himself be photographed about once sitting in a church while not bursting into flames, waiting with visible impatience for God to pop out and tell him he's terrific? And gets crowned Christianity's great white hope?
Let's go ahead and admit that this was largely about Hillary Clinton's being a woman, and about the phallocentricity of white Evangelism.
(6,751 posts)Give me a f*%&in break!
(40,315 posts)The article makes a pretty good case that it didn't have to be that way, if you care to read it.
In any case, I'm sure we'll have a better plan for this segment in '18-'20.
(6,751 posts)LenaBaby61
(6,991 posts)Agreed.
In 2 years under their president tRump when many of these folks will have lost their jobs, health care or homes due to owing huge mortgages on them or are forced to work for a lower Federal Minimum than $7.25 where they're struggling to make ends meet or take care of a family, they'll still be blaming Pres. Obama, Democrats, Mexicans, or women or the blacks for their own bad life choices and pure unadulterated ignorant choice of voting for their boy tRump to lead this country over "evil" Hillary. Blame anybody but tRump and themselves.
I wonder what these evangelicals will do WHEN Roe v Wade is overturned (And it will be)? Will they be under the bridge (because they lost their jobs/homes) celebrating and making signs praising "God" for the unborn babies lives that will be "saved," (Who they nor the GOP/tRump will care one shit about once they're born) or will they be too busy trying to find one of those few low-wage, no-pension having scraps of jobs that tRump throws out there @ them every so often?
Some of these deplorables won't ever learn.
(91,503 posts)Than all the shit trump has done.
(40,315 posts)and was four points better than McCain.
(3,049 posts)but the progression was clearly going in the other direction even before this election. Obama dropped 6% from 2008 to 2012.Let's not forget Obama was running against a Mormon in 2012 and still had a 6% drop in support. Sense it was an incumbent year she would've likely been viewed as an extension of Obama.
(3,049 posts)Trump outperformed Romney with white evangelicals is because he is not a Mormon.
(35 posts)party? Why do we keep chasing after the republican base when we need to energize our own?
(40,315 posts)Because when you do get blown out to that extent, you have less margin for underperforming elsewhere. Not complicated.
(35 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,315 posts)But the article makes clear she was pretty much not competing at all for these votes and that was a mistake.
(35 posts)we didn't get the young and blacks out to vote because we didn't talk about their issues. She won by nearly 3 million votes but she didn't campaign in these areas in the midwest which means that if she had she would've probably won. Focusing on evangelicals wouldn't have helped anything.
(40,315 posts)http://www.rollcall.com/news/gonzales/certainty-death-taxes-white-evangelicals#sthash.OWvSSzJl.dpuf
(35 posts)JustinL
(722 posts)For example, according to the CNN exit polls, Clinton would have won both MI and FL had she replicated Obama's margins among 18-29 year olds or among African-Americans. Interestingly, winning the non-religious by the same margins as Obama would have had an even larger positive impact than losing white evangelicals by the same margin.
(40,315 posts)those are groups she actively pursued. But, I get it, evangelicals fit a broader pattern. Not just in terms of the numbers, though. Her relative lack of appeal, natural and in actual outreach, translated into lower vote totals.
(2,297 posts)Something that I think everyone in either party knows. Thing is she could not replicate Obama, she needed to find her own path. Which lead through California and New York, places where she could have done less and still won.
(14,249 posts)Certain white folks are the only voters that candidates are supposed to go chasing around after.
We never hear anyone make a big deal about what they need to do to get the support of blacl or brown voters. When we don't support a candidate, it's just assumed we either don't know any better or can't be persuaded - and then people shrug and move on to someone else. But white working class voters, regardless their history and attitudes, are treated as if their shit doesn't stink and everyone must fall all over themselves trying to get their love - even if it means ignoring our own base.
It's sickening.
(30,810 posts)Howard Dean talked about a 50 state strategy. You have to court EVERYONE and explain why Democratic policies will help them and why Republican policies will hurt them. Sanders went into Liberty University and they were very pleasant to him and he even had quite a few of them really clapping. If you can pull 1 or 2% of voters who don't normally vote for you it can mean the difference between winning and losing.
(22,240 posts)It was the Russians, media and fbi
(55,655 posts)Or someone similar, because with all this focus on which kinds of Republicans we didn't win, it seems like some people think we should be like the GOP.
(35 posts)JI7
(91,503 posts)EffieBlack
(14,249 posts)If we need to shapechange to attract more white Republicans, why not just go for it all the way?
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)demonstrated by past voting patterns and data. This demo of hateful white supremacist shitcocks only show up for candidates who promise pain to groups they hate.
(3,049 posts)any political figure from the Democratic party or any politician that generally shares the viewpoints of Democrats can reach these people,because these people have been conditioned to support right wing ideology for decades. Still it can be done,but it will take well organized institutions. Preferably an orthodox form of progressive Christians,but I don't see anything like that on the horizon.
(37,592 posts)radical noodle
(9,555 posts)We shouted to the rooftops about how progressive she needed to be. Planned Parenthood would have been one of the first things a Christianity Today interviewer wanted to know, and she has always supported PP. There go most Evangelicals right there, not to mention that Evangelicals often have the idea that a woman should somehow be on a pedestal somewhere in her apron holding a baby and certainly not making tough decisions daily.
But nonetheless, here's an op-ed in Christianity Today dated Sept 23, 2016, that kind of debunks the idea that they had no reason to vote for her and against Trump.
(6,409 posts)They were unworthy of voting for us.
(52,073 posts)
(17,493 posts)deplorables and then added the word irredeemable to better describe them.
Now Hillary may have been totally correct but still that comment may have pissed off a number of voters and caused them to get off thier butts and vote against Hillary and for Trump. Such voters basically gave Hillary the finger by voting. I remenber a lot of conservatives who proudly started to lable themselves as Deplorables. Hillary didn't lose the really critical states by all tbat many votes.That one comment might have cost her the election. It could have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
I hate to say this but while Hillary has tremendous qualifications and experience she simply is not all that great at campaigning. Even so Hillary should have been able to beat an asshole like Trump. Perhaos she was simply the right candidate at the wrong time. i feel she could have easily won in 2008 against McCain. Unfortunately Obama had enough chatisma to win the Democratic primary.
(52,073 posts)"Teflon" Trump gets a pass on much worse. "Tremendous qualifications and experience" has little value nowadays.
(21,083 posts)...should be limited to certain positions and be President is not one they approve of. Look how long it took them to let women be clergy.
Zing Zing Zingbah
(6,496 posts)Although I wonder what would happen if an anti-abortion woman, like say Sarah Palin, ran against a pro-abortion man?
(21,083 posts)....just like they did with Traitor Trump
(92,496 posts)BlueStater
(7,596 posts)Fuck these phony, hypocritical asswipes.
(21,083 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)You can't simply discount huge sectors of the electorate.
Even if you can only shave off a few percentage points of the vote, it still matters.
(204 posts)They worship Satan
(15,522 posts)She just didn't reach out to them enough! What a loser she is. Dems will never learn! Why didn't she do some outreach at a few conversion camps? What a huge oversight.
Clinton Campaign and Dems Need to Learn a Lesson! Ignored the Needs of the Climate Deniers! We need to show them that we hear their pain, too. Why didn't she drive a few Hummers around? Make some appearances on an oil rig? There's some untapped votes, right there!
Clueless Out of Touch Dems, Ignoring the Plight of Disenfranchised Mink Farm Owners. Not once did she wear a fur coat! Think of the missed votes there!
Sorry if they were the "wrong" people in the "wrong" states.
(10,721 posts)One of the best articles I've read on why Clinton is so despised by some: "The deep disgust for Hillary Clinton that drives so many evangelicals to support Trump"
(44,326 posts)Sid
(7,198 posts)wanted a candidate who broke more than half of the Ten Commandments!
Complete hypocrites.