2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumYou gotta admit the GOP has a set of balls that the Democratic Party could only dream of.
The Dems have an election stolen from them through hacking of DNC files by a foreign adversary, the GOP presidential nominee calling on a foreign adversary to hack his opponents files, and the FBI Director explicitly violating the Hatch Act, by re-opening an investigation he had previously closed out, 11 days before an election knowing it could very likely influence the outcome of that election. As a result, the Democratic Candidate lost the election in spite of Exit Polling data (which is normally considered extremely accurate) showing that she had won, and post election data showed anomalies between the exit sampling and the actual reported final data which is usually considered as fraud indicators in election we supervise in other countries. As a consequence, the Democratic Candidate loses the race and the Party turns its circular firing squad inward upon itself and its candidate and spends the next 6 weeks and counting blaming itself and its members for the loss, concluding that what the Party needs is a complete housecleaning by getting rid of the party faithful in support of young millennials, who were Johnnie-come-late-lies to the DNC Party, many of whom refused to register as Democrats, instead choosing to forego joining the Party and registering as Independents like the Svengali they were being led by, while publicly admitting in emails and on other websites to a plan of action which strategically included a hostile takeover of the Party from within.
After accusing the Party of trying to rig the state primary elections in favor of the Party's 'anointed leader', blaming the Party for their own failure to familiarize themselves with the rules for their individual Primary states prior to the cutoff deadlines, and wreaking havoc on the Primary nominee at her nominating Convention after she'd given into their many demands and threats, they either failed to show up at the polls on Election Day, voted for a 3rd Party or a write-in Candidate, or just slept-in figuring that their vote would not be missed. Now 6 weeks from the election, the only thing we as a Party can agree on is NOTHING and it's our Nominee's fault for not knowing how to excite her base. FTR, the last time I got really excited over another person was 38 years ago, and that excitement ended prematurely, if you get my drift. I don't need a candidate to excite me. I'm a pragmatist. I need a candidate who has a vision for where he/she wants to take this country and for whom I share at least 75% of that vision. I don't need a candidate to get me excited. If it happens, it's a bonus, but it's not a requirement.
Contrast Hillary's plight with the Governor's race in North Carolina. The Democratic candidate won, and the GOP candidate finally conceded the election to him approximately 10 days later. Then the GOP led State Legislature preceded to strip the pending office of the Governor-elect of 80% of its power. Call them crazy. Call them a bunch of Deplorables. But so far they are winning, and they continue to win while the recently elected Democratic candidates are already discussing how they are willing to work with their constituents across the aisle. Something you never hear the other party say. The other party says that they are willing to work with us if we are willing to accept 100% of their ideas. The other party has made it an art of scheming, colluding, changing the rules in the middle of the game, and taking no prisoners. Until the Democrats learn to fight fire with fire, instead of each other, we will continue to be the minority party. The GOP doesn't trust their party to know what they want. They give them what they want to give them. I'm not saying that we should do likewise, but rebuilding a party around the consensus of a bunch of 20 somethings because THEY are the parties' future is ludicrous. When they show that they can be responsible, by joining the party and working together with the Party Leadership they can have a larger voice and larger role in the party. But to choose them over the party leadership without them having proven anything except that they know how to throw a temper tantrum is ludicrous.

(12,365 posts)That sane humans are not.
(2,613 posts)This is not a case of 'we should be like them to win'! We can NEVER be like them and continue being human beings.
(7,963 posts)Win by lying, cheating, intimidating...at every time.
The only thing getting me through this is my belief in karma and the universe. Things will unfold as it should.
(37,592 posts)screwing people his whole life and getting away with it
What the hell is Karma waiting for?
(3,251 posts)JI7
(91,503 posts)and many other things which contribute to this.
if democrats and especially non white male democrats behaved as they did the media would destroy them.
look at how Hillary using deplorables was seen as worse than all the crap trump did.
and no, i i'm not impressed by their balls or whatever hte fuck. i can see why and how they are allowed to get away with their shit.
(75 posts)....It's the media my friend... Has been and will remain so... I took to heart President Clinton's statement yrs ago that the media selects the President... How ironic that he signed the Telecommunication Act which directly impacted Hillarys groundbreaking attempt...... BTW,WE DID WIN!!! I keep that thought in my heart and foremost in my concerns for our country's future...Best Wishes
(82,383 posts)rather than blaming the victims?
(3,251 posts)It is basically condoning what the GOP is doing.
(15,108 posts)The country LETS Rs get away with this shit, and we are the only ones wgaf.
We are bringing cupcakes to a gun fight.
"Condemning" isn't doing shit, they are elbowing, traveling, pushing, shoving, while we are playing patty cake.
The country isn't calling foul on them, so we either can continue to get are assess kicked in fight back.
(82,383 posts)blame for not beating them up. "Letting" them be bullies. They shouldn't be bullies. But I am in favor of fighting them with whatever we have, like they did. Trouble is when we do it, the media will be all over that as bad behavior.
(15,108 posts)See, Hillary for the last 1 1/2 years, see gore in 99, Kerry in 03 ...
Response to politicaljunkie41910 (Original post)
Post removed
(30,481 posts)You claim there was little excitement about Clinton yet she handed him his ass.
"Want "BALLS"? Try Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren! They are both exciting AND have "BALLS." They BASH THE SHIT out of Trumpenstein and the R's CONSTANTLY."
"Yes, we got more votes overall, but didn't win where we needed to. I agree, stop appeasing the R's. FRAME THEM as the CORPORATE LOVING ASSHOLES THAT THEY ARE. And who is actually DOING that? Warren and SANDERS!! "
You forgot to add Clinton to that. She was doing it way more often than Bernie. As she should have been.
(4,229 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)Ohhh. Wait... Nevermind.
(7,178 posts)The dark triad is a subject in psychology that focuses on three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Use of the term "dark" implies that people possessing these traits have malevolent qualities.
I am sure we have them too but just not as many as the GOP. ~Just My hypothesis.
(25,080 posts)That is, think like criminals in order to get criminals off the streets, or in this case, think like tyrants to overthrow tyrants.
(21,594 posts)I would like to know where you obtained that information.
This is an article from Forbes that ran prior to the election listing the failures of exit poll accuracy in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006, some steps taken to improve them but still a caveat that the reliability is questionable.
(24,047 posts)I don't wish the Dems were like the repukes, though I wish they'd damn well cultivate some dogmatism. The repukes are bullies and Neanderthals and frankly the scum of the earth. There's nothing even minutely admirable about them.