2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe most common words in @HillaryClintons speeches, in one chart
Robert #Resist Sandy @frodofied 7h7 hours ago
The most common words in @HillaryClintons speeches, in one chart http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/12/16/13972394/most-common-words-hillary-clinton-speech?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter via @voxdotcom

(10,173 posts)"Yeah. She talked about jobs, workers, and the economy more than anything else. They were the central focus of her public speeches.
You can critique how she talked about jobs, workers, and the economy. Maybe she should have used different words, or framed things differently. Maybe, despite running on an agenda of worker-friendly policies, she should have chosen a clearer, simpler economic theme and hit it more often.
You can critique where she talked about jobs, workers, and the economy. Clearly, in retrospect, she should have spent more time and resources in those upper Midwestern swing states.
But you cannot say she didnt talk about jobs, workers, and the economy. She talked about them all the time, more than anything else."
(74,459 posts)PatSeg
(49,929 posts)on her criticisms of Trump and played those clips over and over again. Now they say she didn't talk about jobs and the economy.
(47,209 posts)BREMPRO
(2,333 posts)But the legacy of Clinton name ties to NAFTA was an achor dragging her message down (what you do/did carries more weight than way you say, especially when your trustiwortiness rating is low); and 2 she didn't get that message to enough of and the right people that might have affected the outcome. Her campaigns neglect of the rust belt was a campaign mistake. Ask bill, Van and Michael Moore. They knew.
(10,173 posts)but it was a combination of things. Its' reassuring to see data coming out showing that voters who prioritized the economy preferred Clinton, and voters who prioritized terrorism and immigration veered towards Trump.
(3,251 posts)When the Sanders and Moore crowd are shown the truth, they try to change the focus.
BC did not negotiate NAFTA. It was a big issue in the 1992 campaign and was a major factor in the rise of Ross Perot.
The fact is the economy meme pushed by the Sanders/Moore crowd has been debunked as a pack of lies. It was racism and sexism that was behind the Trump vote.
(2,333 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 18, 2016, 11:22 PM - Edit history (1)
Sure NAFTA was not a Clinton creation, but after ghwbush and repuplicans created and initiated it, he took up the agreement after being elected in 92 and negotiated stronger labor and environmental provisions. Clinton fully supported it and signed it into law in Dec93 (despite union opposition) stating that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
The two factors that were shown by exit polling to be slightly more important than economy to rust belt voters who voted for Trump, immigration and terrorism fears, are intertwined with the 30 year legacy of job loss and factory closings. The impression true or not that immigrants were depressing wages and taking jobs, and the terrorism fears as an excuse for blocking immigrants to this county are not inconsistent with the "economy meme" that is more truthful and you are saying has been debunked.
Racism was a factor but many Trump voters voted for Obama in 08 and 12, then Trump 2016?? I believe the racism was partly a campaign mistep overplaying the multicultural, multiethnic, religion rainbow tent that many rural white socially conservative voters felt excluded. Sexism I would agree was also but I don't think as much as been asserted here.
I suggest listing to Van Jones new show- the messy truth- the interviews with rust belt families are revealing and more ti the heart of truthful than 30,000ft statistical analysis.
(3,251 posts)He has been peddling the jobs bullshit since the election.
Of course, he is a man. Can't point out the obvious reason these guys shot themselves in the ass voting for Trump.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Prioritize economy, you'll never get some here to stop blaming this on 'identity politics '
(10,173 posts)the reason they're doing it is for political mileage, to distinguish themselves, but it hurts the party overall.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)hellofromreddit
(1,182 posts)Nobody wanted to hear it.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)
Stupid fucking media
(7,178 posts)
(7,178 posts)
Mc Mike
(9,197 posts)Takket
(22,913 posts)she was talking real world solutions while trump was promising good paying middle class jobs in the unicorn stables, building the Death Star, mining kryptonite, and other such wild fantasies.
How do you reason with people that can't be reasoned with? That is the great challenge facing this entire nation for the future if we survive the next 4 years.
(2,333 posts)greatness (back to the 50's/ magic thinking) and Clinton (correctly an realistically) told them those jobs would not likely be coming back due to geopolitical and economic forces (natural gas is cheaper) etc.. The problem was they believed Trump because they wanted to believe it and someone was actually saying it and coming to their communities to offer help, rather than the same old refrain for 30 years while watching the factories close, job not coming back, just retrain, get more "liberal" education, move to where the jobs are etc..
you can't neglect the racial element that was clearly a factor in these predominantly white rural communities that swung the election to Rumpface, but the economic message of rainbows and unicorns over harsh reality was more appealing if unrealistic. Even Trumps' messages to minority communities ("what do you have to lose" might have ironically resonated with rust belters.
(10,721 posts)Actually, we see that to some extent here at DU, as well. During the primary, I read a lot of reality-denying posts. And since the election, it's been all the rage to suggest that Clinton lost due to economic messaging, even though all the evidence points in a different direction.
Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)NT
(2,333 posts)Trump bad, children are listening.. many people already knew that and didn't care enough. she had no positive message of why one should vote for her except to stop Trump.
(30,481 posts)The angle you are coming from has no basis in truth.
(2,333 posts)and what i saw here in Maine was exclusively negative anti-trump ads, showing him mocking the handicapped reporter, saying curse words bleeped out, our children are watching etc.. there were a few of them but the played over and over, like a broken record and I kept thinking to myself, OK they get it, he's an asshole, but there was no pivot or positive message or anything new from Clinton here, like why one should vote for her. It was not an inspirational ad campaign. just anti-Trump. Now if that's being dishonest we will have to go back to the drawing board and redefine the word.
(31,170 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Economic and social justice to be represented equally. Reality is economic justice always has been represented far more, hence what they want is any focus on social justice to be removed.
(10,721 posts)I think some are genuinely ignorant (about how much Clinton focused on economics, about how she won among those for whom the economy was a top priority, etc.), while others have probably succumbed to the right wing narrative about so-called "identity politics," which the GOP engages in like nobody's business.
(91,503 posts)I think people just don't want to face the real reason trump got most of the votes he did .
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Rabid racists or misogynists is really hard for some people