2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forum"Hillary's popular vote win came from CA." Here's the answer to that:
Trump's entire Electoral College win came from Texas.Without Texas's 38 votes, DT's 306 votes would have been reduced to only 268.
And with Texas, Hillary would have had 270.
So next time someone throws that CA canard at you, you know how to respond.

Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)n/t.
(15,262 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)Hillary didn't win Texas but she did win California with 3 million votes to spare. Those votes are not transferrable to other states, unfortunately.
(109,763 posts)because it could all be accounted for in CA is equivalent to saying that DT's electoral lead shouldn't matter because it all came from Texas.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)because of the dumb, archaic electoral college. Basically, the way the system is set up means the huge margin in CA doesn't do any good as far as actually winning the election. Once she had a majority of the votes in CA she had all of its electoral votes, but the additional 3 million above the bare majority didn't get her any more electoral votes. The popular vote does matter very much in the sense that it supports the argument that Trump has no mandate.
(109,763 posts)But DT is trying to steal away her popular vote win in our minds by claiming it is ONLY due to CA (i.e., not "real Americans." And that's crap.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)regardless of which state they came from. Suck on that, Orange Boy.
(109,763 posts)Cha
(308,402 posts)by saying that and you have an excellent retort
Remember at first they were saying 2 million illegals voted and that's why she had more votes.
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan
Quashing dissent.
Discrediting real news.
Peddling propaganda.
Normalizing hate.
THE WARNING SIGNS ARE REAL.#TheResistance#saturdaymorning
5:13 AM - 17 Dec 2016 · Brooklyn, NY
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Greg Palast @Greg_Palast
"In many key states, the number of people purged by #Crosscheck was much, much larger than #Trumps margin of victory. @ThomHartmann pic.twitter.com/aXhJxlmdmG
7:29 AM - 16 Dec 2016
(51,982 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)And the Rethugs can't prove they didn't vote for DT.
R B Garr
(17,531 posts)So what does that even mean when they say it. I like your retort here.
(26,467 posts)Out dated and time to be retired.
(70,762 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,792 posts)if they ever talk of a texit again, the devil on my left shoulder will scream "let them!" After letting in the Liberal refugees, they can become the lone star state they think they are, soon to be replaced by Norteno Mexico.
(109,763 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)hellofromreddit
(1,182 posts)The goal is in the other direction.
(1,325 posts)Some folks here don't like this topic, but here goes again:
Let's take a look at Michigan:
Trump wins with ~ 10,000 more votes. The crosscheck block purged ~ 450,000 votes. 75,000 votes in the Detroit area weren't even counted. Not even counted!
And now we're going after each other and crying about outside issues. Bernie cost us the election, the media was all in for tRump, Putin hacked and stole the election, the friggin' FBI ruined our chances. All seem plausible, but the fact remains there were enough votes cast to defeat tRump.
And yet - the Democrats still don't know how to fight for these votes. Think we've done all we can? Imagine if the tables were turned and the republicans knew they had a majority of the votes, yet these votes were being blocked by the democrats? They would be having a shit-fit and the teams of lawyers attacking the state halls would be vast. The other side wouldn't put up with this kind of bullshit for a nano-second if the democrats were doing it to them.
Bottom line - HRC not only won the popular count, she won the election too. And just like 2000 and 2004, the DNC and the rest of our feckless spineless leadership line up in a circular firing squad and shoot each other.
Hillary didn't lose - this election was stolen. The 5th time in my life the repukes have stolen the Presidency - Nixon, Reagan, Bush (twice) and now STFU Donnie. Sometimes it's goddamned hard to be a democrat. I expect to get crapped on by the other side, but like Charlie Brown, we keep trying to kick that football to no avail; only to find out that Lucy is a democrat. And I don't mean Lucy is Hillary, Lucy is the whole democratic party leadership apparatus.
(109,763 posts)Thanks for the post, shadowmayor.
(43,049 posts)There's no indication of fraud in those missing votes. There are some legal problems recounting going back to a 1954 Michigan law, and the scanners basically crapped out. Human error dealing with the ballots made things worse. (The same humans some people want hand counting ballots left ballots lying around...)
New machines are on order and should arrive sometime next year.
Anyway, even if Hillary got all of those votes, it would not have helped.
(8,591 posts)every last word of that. the republicans have won 1 in 7 of the last elections. just ask david frum.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)That's 2!
(722 posts)His Pennsylvania win came from Lancaster County. His Michigan win came from Macomb County. Remove those three counties and Clinton wins all three states.
(1,818 posts)She didnt. Now we move forward and change strategy for 2020.
(44,961 posts)So we better figure out how to do better in those areas or in other areas of those states rather than wishing them away.
Aimee in OKC
(161 posts)Michigan:
Macomb = ES&S ... Model 100 336 precincts
Macomb = Premier/Diebold (Dominion) ... AccuVote OS
(Wayne = ES&S ...Model 100 1007 precincts }
* * *
Lancaster = Hart InterCivic eSlate ... DRE-Dial 242 precincts
Lancaster = Hart InterCivic eScan ... Optical Scan
* * *
Waukesha = Election Systems & Software ... DS200 Optical Scan
Excerpts: ES&S M100 is easy to fool with counterfeit ballots; the DS200: if the unit is powered on without a memory stick inserted, the interface screen becomes unresponsive ; the Hart system: network interfaces are not secured against direct attack and there is little/no use of protective cryptography.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Election Systems & Software:
https://www.verifiedvoting.org/resources/voting-equipment/ess/m100/ { Michigan }
https://www.verifiedvoting.org/resources/voting-equipment/ess/ds200/ {Wisconsin }
Hart InterCivic
https://www.verifiedvoting.org/resources/voting-equipment/hart-intercivic/escan/ {Pennsylvania }
https://www.verifiedvoting.org/resources/voting-equipment/hart-intercivic/eslate/ {Pennsylvania }
Pacifist Patriot
(24,922 posts)End of story.
(34,210 posts)unblock
(54,729 posts)I will use that next time.
(2,848 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)his claim of a mandate.
(2,848 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)Joe941
(2,848 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)More than 37 million.
(15,262 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)Their rights matter less and their votes matter less. The state isn't white enough to count.
The disgusting thing is that some who pretend to be on the left repeat those GOP talking points, which tells me that like the GOP they see Democrats as less equal than Republicans.
It's becoming increasingly clear to me that the complaints about the party being too "centrist" are by those who seek to remake it in the image of the GOP.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Yeah right.
(15,951 posts)lame54
(37,592 posts)All the fucking money
The one that the red states leech off of