2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumGood God in Butter .... I feel like shit.
If today goes like I think it will then a future Trump Presidency makes today
like when the south fired on Ft. Sumter and the future of our nation is in
doubt. My guess is that the following things will happen:
1) The market will crash.
2) We will be in a recession.
3) We will be in a war.
Trump is an unqualified con man w/links to the mob, he is mentally ill, bragged
about sexually assaulting women, he is owned by Putin, and he "won" because
of the dirtiest election ever w/help from the Russians, a voter suppression program
called "cross check," and republicans like Comey, Gowdy, and Chaffitz.
BTW both Trump and McConnell knew about the Russian hacking because Trump
publicly called for Russia to hack HRC's campaign (which they did) and McConnell
was so sure about the outcome that he blocked President Obama's pick for the
Supreme Court. Treason is what those two did.
Can you imagine the shit storm we would have had if the democrats ran a program
like cross check but instead of keeping blacks and hispanics from voting it targeted
white men over 40 from republican areas because we are worried that with their $
and access to cars and planes that they are crossing state lines to vote twice.

Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)We survived, and none of those things happened.
(31,182 posts)When Reagan took office, the economy had two recessions. Employers cancelled recruiting visits to my college. Most of us had no job offers. I drank and smoked a lot.
(14,893 posts)for so much of what Reagan did. We may survive, but we won't survive unscathed.
(135,425 posts)You must be living in an area with some seriously rarified air.
Let me fix your sentence:
".....none of those things happened to ME."
Response to MADem (Reply #5)
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(36,510 posts)
Response to catbyte (Reply #14)
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(36,510 posts)Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)
So that means the maggot is OK with you?
Well Reagan WAS a disaster with his ketchup is a vegetable bull shit.
We were never the same as a country again.
Reagan may have had Alzheimer's but he had one foot in sanity unlike ass hat.
By the way.
Iran/ Contra.
(73,522 posts).... and using the money to run an illegal war in central America against people who never
did anything to any American, and when caught they lied their asses off about it.
But don't forget getting rid of the fairness doctrine which allowed the news and media
companies to become lap dogs to the right.
First Speaker
(4,858 posts)...or any other election when the opposition predicted doom if the other guy won. Every situation needs to be determined on its own merits, and this is 2016. An outright fascist is about to become President, backed by a party that holds liberal democracy in contempt. Ronald Reagan doesn't have a fucking thing to do with anything.
(82,383 posts)for two terms. Even he didn't start out at the top. And his temperament was a lot better. So while it does compare in some ways, this is way worse.
ETA person below has good point, Reagan had at least won the popular vote.
(5,995 posts)a reasonably sane SCOTUS, and there were still many competent GOPers in Congress. What we see now is a direct result of his tenure and the seedlings that have sprouted into the haunted wilderness we are entering.
We thought W was going to be bad, but "we survived" and 8 years later we hoped to be turning the corner. Instead, we are again heading into the dark wilderness of RW thought and rhetoric without anything approaching competent leadership.
In the past, we had two parties and an activist press to dampen the swings in policy and action. Now we have an oligarchy and rampant fake news reporting base lies as commonly accepted knowledge with the MSM widely viewed as stenographers chasing their advertising bottom line.
God save the souls of our grandchildren.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Pathwalker
(6,603 posts)Who was President then?
Link: http://www.thebubblebubble.com/1987-crash/
(7,768 posts)You believe the market will crash. That was predicted if dump won, and it did tank for a while but now it's gone gang-busters. I don't get it. Why is the Market going nuts now and what will send it crashing in the future? Thanks!
(732 posts)And remember the market is a boom bust thing, right now boom, soon bust. Second item, look at the stocks that led the surge, oil, steel, pharma, all products predicted to do well under Trump.
(73,522 posts).... strong economy and job growth which in no part is thanx to President Obama. And why
might it crash in the future? Well, why do you think having a drunk 16 year old boy with no
experience driving an 18 wheel semi truck @ 80 mph on snow cover freeway will not turn out
Trump has had 6 bankruptcies, many business failures, and lost 1 billion $s in one year so
I have little faith that being in the White House will change how Trump does things.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)one more person say "But he's a good businessman"..... I'll scream. He is/was not a 'good' businessman.
(12,882 posts)That very statement has made me re-evaluate some friendships that I valued. Much of my family has the same attitude - thankfully, I'm not that close to them. Still, it makes me question how I've assessed their thinking all these years. I'm to the point where if someone wishes me "Happy New Year!", I might deck 'em!
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)and a Happy New Year, Plucketeer!
(12,882 posts)
(35,071 posts)and all we got was the Great Depression.
(21,429 posts)I have dUmped a lot of fRiends because of their love for tRump or so they thought.
Haven't heard a word from any of them. Makes me wonder if they have buyer's remorse. Some can no longer look you in the eye. They voted for him because of one thing and that is MONEY and they want more more more!
As for the stock market, I wouldn't suggest anyone buy into it, esp. now. For me, it is insured investments only!
I'm no millionaire but have never lost a cent during these various crashes we've seen. The next will make 1929 look like a party!
Good luck investors!
(732 posts)The "surge" is narrow, and all about old line companies looking forward to lower taxes and regulations. The whole thing will crash.
(13,303 posts)Headed straight for us.
(6,294 posts)I think stock market will be fine for a while. This is due to incoming corporate tax breaks, financial deregulation and infrastructure spending (if it passes).
It's odd to compare Reagan to trump. Reagan won both popular vote and electoral college and was not a grave danger to the world. I'd take Reagan over trump in heartbeat.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Still have my Bernie signs in the windows.
(229 posts)Before all of that happens watch for something horrible to happen--
something at the level of 9-11.
That will be the rope that Trump uses to try to round-up the Constitution so he can strangle it.
There's a reason he has so many retired military surrounding him.
Putin has it all laid out for him.
How to be a successful dictator in five easy steps--
1. Let uncle Vlad help you win the election
2. Alter reality. Create your own.
3. Once in office, wait for "the big one".
4. Declare martial law.
5. Wait for the collapse.
(36,594 posts)bigbrother05
(5,995 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)mtnsnake
(22,236 posts)The surge the market experienced right after Asshole got "elected" is similar to the stock market surge the country experienced right after Hoover got elected in 1928. We all know what happened soon after that.
Whatever you do, don't ever rely on any of the so-called experts' predictions about the stock market. Most of them predicted the exact opposite of what actually happened after the election.
Gold and silver can be a good indicator of things to come, so keep your eyes on those two commodities. Both of them took a beating right after the election, while stocks rose dramatically. If gold and silver start rising dramatically sometime during the next year, get ready for the economy to take a beating. By dramatically, I mean if gold and silver rise by 20% within a few months of time.
(4,642 posts)so stocks won't crash, yet. I see the beginning of a housing market crash which will bring everything down. Yes, there will be more wars, more terror attacks (not counting the terrorist in the white house).
(8,008 posts)more like the run up to 2008. Major short term gains are there for the taking and they will be taken. Soon enough but probably years in the future the house of cards will collapse and it will be worse than a crash and guess who'll have not choice but to bail the fucking rich goons out of the shit storm they will have created from their own greed?
(649 posts)Although I would quibble with your item #2. Thing is, for some parts of the country and some demographics, the US is STILL in a recession. (Recent example: the story about the KU student who got a 4.0 and posted a picture in from of the university sign saying that college is a ripoff.) The recent MSNBC town hall in Wisconsin with Bernie Sanders offered some telling examples of people who have been left behind in this economy, and chose to follow Twitler out of what I can only assume was desperation.
But you are right about items 1 and 3. My guess is that the greedy idiots who can't wait to privatize Social Security will not allow the market to collapse until they've made metric tons of money first. (It is no accident that all of the economic and treasury appointees are from Goldman Sachs.)
And it does appear that we'll be heading to war but your guess is as good as mine as to who the US will consider an ally and who will be the enemy. I do think that they'll need to reinstate the draft, however.😬