2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThank You, Hillary.
Dear Hillary,
I hope this finds you well. Ive been meaning to write you for a while. I was thinking of you again today and I guess I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you.
I appreciate how hard youve worked for this country for the past five decades.
I appreciate what you accomplished this year.
I appreciate your dignity in the face of the most undignified behavior.
I appreciate the seriousness with which you took the prospect of leading our nation.
I appreciate the campaign of diversity, equality, and shared strength you ran with such grace.
I appreciate you reminding America that it is already great.
You did everything you were asked to do this year, everything you were supposed to do:
You were prepared and balanced and cool under pressure.
You knew what you were talking about at every turn.
You saw the big picture, and you knew the countless small details that your opponent could never be bothered with.
You endured a relentless flood of misinformation by continually, plainly speaking your truth.
You had your character assassinated over and overand in response you simply showed that character.
You shouldered the kind of expectations that no man aspiring to the position has ever had to contend with.
You had to be both strong and sensitive, tough and warm, fierce and likableand you were.
You never talked in nonsensical sound bites, never ranted like a lunatic at your detractors, never viciously attacked citizens on social mediaand you never stooped to the inhumanity of your opponent.
Despite the unprecedented viciousness hurled at you, you never responded in kind; you just kept on being decent, intelligent, thoughtfulPresidential. You alone had the experience and the temperament and the maturity to do the job of leading this country. That should have been enough. Im sorry that it wasnt.
Im sorry that my 7-year old daughter wont get to see you sworn in as the first woman President and wont get to watch you represent her so beautifully each day; that shell instead have to see a man who has complete contempt for her shape her future.
Im sorry that my 11-year old son will be reminded every day that you can treat women with total disregard, that you can be a vile, filthy bullyand be well rewarded for it.
Much more at the link above

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)GWC58
(2,678 posts)very, very pissed off & redfaced with anger!😡
(24,047 posts)I couldn't cry-- just went into a catatonic state
(85,357 posts)And with all the casual, tweet-y, nuking-up talk (AND the spinning and excuse-making of the Steve Cortes/Jodyanne Jerkmeoff crowd) now is confirming some of my worst fears.
I remember when we had an army of spinmeisters jumping onstage at every turn, "interpreting" what the so-called President said - "what I think he's saying" or "I think what he really meant was..." Shit. We had that with both the fucking dim-bulbs reagan and dubya. And I'm not fully convinced that either of them fully knew or understood what THEY were saying. Maybe reagan a little bit, but he came from the "Real" World of Pretend, Hollywood. He'd been brought up in an environment where the guy in the white hat always won. As for dubya, he was just hopeless. And he had cheney's hand up his back, moving the levers of his mouth so he'd say whatever cheney wanted.
This one was a test for America. Do you vote with your head, or with your gut? Your reasoning or your mad-on. You lead with cool rationality or hot-headed reactivity? Do you know anything about thinking before you speak, or looking before you leap? Or do you just lash out and figure everything will somehow magically, incredibly, simply sort-itself-out-somehow?
And this was an EPIC fail, America. You led with your anger. The only head-over-heart decision you made was with your lizard-brain.You threw a real good temper tantrum there. Broke everything on Aisle 5. And Aisle 4. And Aisle 6. Actually, you left the entire store in shambles. Oh - but NOW you're starting to get hungry and you barely even realize that you just ruined everything in the supermarket, and all the foodstuffs are rotting or covered with fly larvae, or they're in smears all over the floor amidst a lot of broken glass jars - that is, whatever the looters and other opportunists didn't already steal. Happy NOW?
Oh, but just wait! He's not even "president" yet. The "best" is yet to come! Cuz only HE can fix it, remember?
Oh, and one more thing. Plunging the United States into a nuclear arms race costs obscene bundles of billions of dollars. Even a trillion or two (or TWENTY-two. Or MORE). A very convenient way to plead poverty on all the social programs (and have to cut 'em way back or eliminate them entirely cuz they cost too much), 'eh? And, um, weren't you the ones sitting out there at the teabagger protests holding up signs saying "Don't Touch My Medicare"?
(19,529 posts)Thank you.
(22,236 posts)I hope she and Bill can put all of this behind them and just be happy for the rest of their lives. Not that it would ever happen, but I'd love to take them on a hike with me in the mountains someday where they could just immerse themselves in nature and get away from it all.
(26,467 posts)Played on an acoustic guitar. It was...
Brewer and Shipley!
One toke over the line, sweet mtnsnake, one toke over the line... hiking the trail with bill and hill clinton, one toke over the line....
(24,047 posts)apcalc
(4,518 posts)I'm with her.
I'm STILL with her. As are almost three million MORE Americans than fell for The Donald.
How long do you think it'll be before some of those dumb-asses finally wake up? How long do you think it'll be before we'll start seeing inklings of a "come to Hillary" moment, where at least a few of 'em start letting a few tiny little second thoughts see the light of day? Most of 'em, no. But I'll bet in muted conversations around a future Thanksgiving table or some such, you'll start hearing a few begrudging mea culpas. Maybe after they've watched their Medicare get cut, radically (or disappear entirely), with all the ensuing excuses about how we have to build up our military and everything else just has to get starved because we have to use every extra penny on building up the nuclear arms race. "Well, I dunno.. I guess maybe I shoulda voted for Hillary..."
And how many times will we hear choruses of "we WARNED you! We tried And TRIED to warn you!"
Then again, though, the one thing most people Hate-Hate-Hate to do is to admit they were wrong. Or worse, admit they've been HAD.
(20,219 posts)This.
I find myself running out of words of my own.
A touch of persistent catatonia, I guess.
(23,152 posts)

Was Rudy Giuliani At The Center Of An FBI-Trump Campaign Conspiracy To Steal The Election?
How James Comey and Loretta Lynch made Donald Trump the president of the United States
(90,308 posts)I agree with every word.
Thanks for sharing, Nancy~
(95,902 posts)a case of nausea every morning. I'm thankful I'm old and not looking to make my future/career... but ten again, I went through exactly that when I graduated w/master's degree just 30 days prior to Sept. 11, 2001 so... I have yet to recover from that mess both professionally and monetarily, doubt I ever will at this point.
It was WJC's election that made it possible for me to stay in college once I got in and helped me decide what career path I was going to take only to have it demolished in moment along with and just like the Trade center towers after a decade of school.
(292 posts)I totally agree,I too appreciate her so much for standing up against a bully,I will miss her so much
(37,136 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)
(7,619 posts)Beautifully said. Thank you for posting.
(21,083 posts)radical noodle
(9,555 posts)by not having her as our president.
(42,606 posts)OKNancy
(41,832 posts)lamp_shade
(15,145 posts)
(11,093 posts)Squinch
(54,505 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)You are my president until 2020. You won the presidency by 3,000,000 votes. Thank you for running what probably will be the last, civil campaign this country will ever see and thank you for all your years of service.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)Thank you for posting it, Nancy.
(15,145 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)True_Blue
(3,063 posts)AllenJordan
(17 posts)Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)breaks my heart she's not President elect right now. I would not be under as much stress and fear right now
(11,346 posts)Thank you, Madam President-in-Exile.
(10,345 posts)1. We owe elected officials nothing.
2. Hillary said, "let's give him a chance."
Thanks for what? Normalizing Trump on her way out?
Thanks for nothing.
Response to OKNancy (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(29,690 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,513 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)I'm still crying over what this country missed. As far as I'm concerned, Hillary Clinton is Madam President. Dump will NEVER be my president.
(38,540 posts)
(38,540 posts)
(7,963 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)And I will be saying that for 4 years, much to the chagrin of others.