2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIt kills me to come to a gathering place for democrats
Last edited Sun Dec 25, 2016, 12:01 AM - Edit history (1)
and see Hillary constantly criticized.
She isn't our enemy.
She ran the most progressive candidacy in DECADES.
She is not an oligarch
She is not a supporter of the oligarchy.
She has been besmirched by rw regulars and nuts and lefties too.
I am so god damn sick of it.
She would have probably made the best president of our lifetimes. And this is a political loss beyond anything we could have imagined.
But by all means, keep on guessing on how Bernie would have been better and beat asswipe Trump, with nothing to back it up but criticism of Hillary.
i am so god damn sick of it.
She won by approx 3M votes.
Russia interfered.
The FUCKING FBI interfered in our election.
DAMN, it wasn't because she alienated white people!
ETA I want to thank all the DU members who have rec'd this! THANK YOU!

(96,598 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)SharonAnn
(13,971 posts)I still feel the loss as if it just happened last night. And I'm angry at all the Democrats who begrudgingly said they would "hold their nose and vote for Hillary'. That gave lots of people who might've voted for her a reason to think she was seriously flawed and the might've voted third party or not voted as a result.
America's loss of this woman as president is enormous and may well damage America forever.
We've got to stop bringing down our candidates.
(85,357 posts)If he'd been our candidate, he would have been CRUCIFIED by the GOP. Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek reported that he SAW the bad guys' opposition research on Bernie, that they kept very close and quiet about. Eichenwald says the file the GOP had on Bernie was almost two feet thick. They would have unleashed the hounds and eaten him for a mid-morning snack.
"I have seen the opposition book assembled by Republicans for Sanders, and it was brutal. The Republicans would have torn him apart."
"The Republicans had at least four other damning Sanders videos (I dont know what they showed), and the opposition research folder was almost 2-feet thick. (The section calling him a communist with connections to Castro alone would have cost him Florida.) In other words, the belief that Sanders would have walked into the White House based on polls taken before anyone really attacked him is a delusion built on a scaffolding of political ignorance."
I HATE seeing Hillary STILL getting beaten up and blamed by what seems like everybody everywhere, including the incoming "President," Vladimir Putin and his little orange puppet friend. Just HATE it! Dammit - I want all the naysayers to stop beating up on her! Just makes me want to SCREAM!!! She did an EXCELLENT job on the campaign. She worked like a dog! She reached out to everybody. She had details and well-thought-out plans for everything. She understood the issues. She knew her stuff. She knew the turf. She knew the players - domestically AND globally. She is still a national treasure. She does NOT deserve all this shit (SHUT THE FUCK UP, Andrea Mitchell!).
It almost makes me cry - to think of what could have been. The loss of that talent, those brains, that steady hand, that class and dignity, that poise and composure and grace under fire, and the constant drumbeat of lies about her that people swallowed whole, without even bothering to chew - it's fucking INFURIATING. All that talent and capability and experience that we'll NEVER get. That America will NEVER get, to keep us stable and steady in rough and unstable times. It's lost to us. I doubt she'll run again. Hell, who would want to go through that punishment and torture - again??? I hope she has a happy and productive life in the private sector, and I hope she bills near-millions in speaking fees and book deals.
And I hope she's around to see all those who turned their backs on her have a forcible "come to Jesus" moment someday soon, and realize the gem they had in the palm of their hands, that they kicked to the curb. Because they were mad or wanted to lash out or some other lame, stupid-ass irrational idiot reason. I hope the "Don't Blame Me. I Voted for Hillary" bumper stickers start popping up everywhere from coast-to-coast. I hope she's around long enough to see herself vindicated. As far as I can see, there are at least 62 million people in this country and every last useless member of the fucking useless news media who owe her - and the rest of us (nationwide AND planet-wide) - a BIGTIME apology.
I won't hold my breath, though. That moment will come. Hell, in many respects, it's already here. And yet, I fully expect many of them will remain in denial.
(96,598 posts)

(90,308 posts)that is a fact.
love you calimary.
(159,624 posts)I am so sad that there is still a glass ceiling in this country
(90,308 posts)
(159,624 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)While watching the primaries, she said, "how come your (i.e. America's) Republicans and your right wing media are silent on Bernie Sanders, who, being to Hillary's left, should be their political mortal enemy? It comes across as if they want to run against him, so they are spending all their energy trying to destroy Hillary instead, and he is helping weaken her for them, so that they have a chance even if he isn't the nominee."
If someone from Germany who doesn't follow American politics anywhere as closely as we do can spot that after casual observation, than it shouldn't have been overly difficult to figure out for people who do.
(59,161 posts)LisaM
(29,031 posts)It really sticks in my craw that people didn't pick up on that (though I don't agree he was that far to Hillary's left - he just labelled himself that way).
(27,607 posts)I think pretty much everyone outside of the U.S. sees it. I live in Japan and prime minister Abe and the CEO of Softbank immediately rushed to New York to kiss Trump's buttocks. Embarrassing. Idiots.
(32,886 posts)the internal message within the GOP was, don't say anything about this guy, at the very least he will help us by hurting Hillary, and if we are lucky and he is the nominee, we win this one easily.
Kasich himself said that he thought if Bernie was the nominee that the GOP would win 50 states. I think that estimate is high, but 40-43 states would definitely have been a strong possibility.
(34,210 posts)Eichenwald has acted as Clinton defender throughout the primary and campaign. It is not surprising that he still is after the election.
(32,886 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 26, 2016, 12:09 PM - Edit history (1)
similarly fatal to Sanders' chances. For instance, in Pennsylvania as well as Virginia, Florida and the rest of the south, Hillary crushed Sanders as if he wasn't even there during the primaries. Of these states, Hillary lost all to Trump but Virginia which was very close but she won.
Hillary crushed Sanders in those states because to be even remotely competitive in those states in the primary or General Election, a Democrat has to have considerable enthusiasm in the African American and Latino demographics. Sanders couldn't compete with Hillary because he didn't have that enthusiasm on his side. It's pretty easy to interpolate that into Sanders losing all of those states against Trump if he had faced him in the General election.
If that is true, and no one has remotely come up with a counterargument to that, Sanders starts off the race giving up over 270 electoral votes to Trump even if we give Sanders Michigan and Wisconsin. But as I have said to other folks, the problems for Sanders would only start there. If you have no way of competing in a state, your opponent can reallocate resources they would have used on that state, time, money, etc., to other states. So Sanders being non-competitive in Georgia, the Carolinas, Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania would have meant Trump could reallocate a ton of resources to the rust belt and places like Nevada and other close states meaning Sanders would probably lose additional states that Hillary won beyond Virginia and may have lost one or more of Wisconsin and Michigan as well.
That's all before you get into Eichenwald's description of GOP opposition research and before you factor in that 50% of the country consistently says they will not vote for a self described Socialist.
(34,210 posts)I see you doing what a lot of pundits are doing -- applying a conventional model of GE voting to an unconventional year.
Those conventional models predicted that Hillary would have won handily and Bernie should have been broke and out before O'Malley. With the exception of poll numbers surveying GE pairing during the primaries, no one saw Hillary losing.
I think you're dismissal of Bernie being competitive in the southern states is conventional. 1) You mention that Bernie didn't do well in the southern primaries, but that is due in part to white people being committed to the Republican primaries. We learned in the primaries, especially the open primaries, that white people were turning out for Bernie in surprising numbers. 2) Black folks were warming up to Bernie. During the course of the primaries he went almost unmeasurable amounts of black support to about 30%. Some Black Lives Matter leaders and even Ta-Nehisi Coates declared their support for Bernie toward the end. I'm confident that if President Obama (and to a lesser extent John Lewis) came out with a full-throated endorsement the black votes would have been there, mostly. When Bernie was getting dangerously close to Hillary in national polling about midway through, it took an Obama 'endorsement" in an interview to stop the momentum. I can't find it right now, but I'll look for the interview. You may rememeber it.
Regard the Latino vote, Hillary didn't have it nailed down as much as pundits through. Almost 30% went for Trump. It shows that a sizable group were looking for someone else.
So yes, Bernie might have done better than Hillary in some southern states and may have won one or two.
If that's true and the likelihood of Bernie winning some or all of the rust belt states that flipped for Trump, one can see a Bernie victory.
I know, I know. You can say that all if this is imaginary thinking, but then again so was Trump winning the primary and GE until it happened. White people voted in squirrely ways this round.
(32,886 posts)The year mildly favored change but not much. People like to point to the polls being wrong. The polls were rarely wrong during the primaries except where the polling agencies and pundits themselves said they didn't have a lot of historical data to help them figure out turnout and models.
During the general, we know from past elections that polls can have trouble when a dramatic last minute event changes the dynamic of the race, like this time with Comey's double interference in the last 14 days, once two weeks out and once three days out. The difference between the final polls and the G.E. is that some percentage, probably around 1-2% of folks who were going to vote Hillary changed their votes and some 2-3% or so stayed home, as a result of Comey.
There was nothing special about this election beyond that, no magical sauce that would have given Sanders the election. Your theories are more wishful thinking than based on facts.
(34,210 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 26, 2016, 11:42 PM - Edit history (1)
On the Republican side, the primary voters rejected mainstream Republicans who had long histories of hate and prejudice toward Obama and progressive causes.
On the Democratic side, the primary voters gave Bernie 45% of the pledged delegates, a lefty who has been outside the Democratic establishment for decades, against a long-time Democrat who was arguably the most qualified candidate ever.
I think there is plenty of evidence that change was a strong sentiment in the electorate.
I know many people are saying Comey or the wikileak of campaign emails changes people, but I just don't see it.
I just don't see the impact in polls at the end of the race in the national polls
Or in Michigan (Clinton up by 6 pts)
Or in Wisconsin (Clinton up by 6.1 pts)
Or in Penn (Clinton up by 4.1 pts)
The trendlines cross in Ohio beginning in Sept and Trump was steadily ahead 2 weeks before the Comey letter.
Do you have access to polling numbers showing something different?
(32,886 posts)Partly because they are trying to hit a moving target and partly because the information about a candidate may not change preference as much as it may change folks decision on whether to vote on election day.
It was barely a change election. If people really wanted change, O'Malley would have gotten much more traction as the only candidate who hadn't served in Washington on the Democratic side and Trump would have had an easier time winning the primary and election versus a very establishment Hillary.
(34,210 posts)I'm surprised you think O'Malley was a change candidate because he struck me as Clinton-lite. He is a a traditional Democrat with traditional Democratic solutions from a traditional Democratic city and traditional Democratic state with a strong DC employee population.
(32,886 posts)event in the last few weeks of an election.
Think about it this way. You get to the end of a campaign. Most folks have not only decided for whom to vote, they are heavily invested in their candidate. They really don't like the "other party's" candidate. Then something comes out about your candidate that makes you wonder if you should vote for them. You still hate the other candidate. You aren't going to vote for them but you don't feel as enthusiastic about voting for your candidate either. 95%-98% of the folks who think like this, by the way, are still going to vote and vote for the original candidate they chose, but 2-5% will stay home. When polling agencies call to make their last surveys, they may miss a lot of these stay home folks when calling their small slice of the electorate. If they do reach one or two of them, they still have a preference for the original candidate, the only difference is the likelihood of them voting, but that may not come out in the survey. The polls may show nothing or may show the slightest of dips but it will not be as pronounced as what is really going on.
(34,210 posts)You're saying polling won't detect depressed voters in the last few days or weeks. I'll think about it. I thought you were saying there wasn't enough time to detect any changes in flipped votes. It would be nice to see some data on that, but if it is invisible to polling then I don't know how one would quantify that effect.
It's hard for me to imagine that the Comey letter or Campaign-DNC emails would have much of effect beyond the larger, well-established issues. Bernie supporters already accepted that the DNC was working with the HRC campaign to some degree and the Comey letter was far less inflammatory that previous Comey pronouncements, but it is possible that it played out as you said.
(159,624 posts)Here is a good thread talking about these polls http://www.democraticunderground.com/12511038010
The reliance on these polls by Sanders supporters amuses me. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/harrys-guide-to-2016-election-polls/
Sanders supporters have to rely on these worthless polls because it is clear that Sanders is not viable in a general election where the Kochs will be spending $887 million and the RNC candidate may spend an additional billion dollars.
No one in the real world believed that Sanders would be the nominee and so no one wasted time vetting Sanders. Sander got a free ride and was never vetted http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044
So what would have happened when Sanders hit a real opponent, someone who did not care about alienating the young college voters in his base? I have seen the opposition book assembled by Republicans for Sanders, and it was brutal. The Republicans would have torn him apart. And while Sanders supporters might delude themselves into believing that they could have defended him against all of this, there is a name for politicians who play defense all the time: losers....
The Republicans had at least four other damning Sanders videos (I dont know what they showed), and the opposition research folder was almost 2-feet thick. (The section calling him a communist with connections to Castro alone would have cost him Florida.) In other words, the belief that Sanders would have walked into the White House based on polls taken before anyone really attacked him is a delusion built on a scaffolding of political ignorance.
Trump would have destroyed Sanders in the general election
(34,210 posts)An inconvenient fact for you and 538 for sure.
Maybe it was just the broken clock effect or maybe this election was unconventional enough that conventional modeling just wasn't telling us what we needed to know.
I'm not one to say Bernie would have won or not for sure, like you. All I know is that HRC lost and we will have a President Trump for 4 years.
Even as our candidate alienated potential swing voters by calling them deplorable, she recognized that a significant number were unhappy with our economy.
These are the Trump voters Hillary couldn't convince to vote for her, but with whom Bernie had more credibility.
(159,624 posts)No one in the press believed that Sanders had any chance of being the nominee and in fact Sanders was effectively eliminated when Jewish, African American and Latino voters rejected Sanders on Super Tuesday. Clinton's lead in pledged delegate was so substantial after Super Tuesday that in the real world, similar candidates would have dropped out but these candidates were actual members of the Democratic Party and were not running solely for media coverage.
Dana Milbank has some good comments on general election match up polls https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/democrats-would-be-insane-to-nominate-bernie-sanders/2016/01/26/0590e624-c472-11e5-a4aa-f25866ba0dc6_story.html?hpid=hp_opinions-for-wide-side_opinion-card-a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory
Watching Sanders at Monday nights Democratic presidential forum in Des Moines, I imagined how Trump or another Republican nominee would disembowel the relatively unknown Vermonter.
The first questioner from the audience asked Sanders to explain why he embraces the socialist label and requested that Sanders define it so that it doesnt concern the rest of us citizens.
Sanders, explaining that much of what he proposes is happening in Scandinavia and Germany (a concept that itself alarms Americans who dont want to be like socialized Europe), answered vaguely: Creating a government that works for all of us, not just a handful of people on the top thats my definition of democratic socialism.
But thats not how Republicans will define socialism and theyll have the dictionary on their side. Theyll portray Sanders as one who wants the government to own and control major industries and the means of production and distribution of goods. Theyll say he wants to take away private property. That wouldnt be fair, but it would be easy. Socialists dont win national elections in the United States .
Sanders on Monday night also admitted he would seek massive tax increases one of the biggest tax hikes in history, as moderator Chris Cuomo put it to expand Medicare to all. Sanders, this time making a comparison with Britain and France, allowed that hypothetically, youre going to pay $5,000 more in taxes, and declared, W e will raise taxes, yes we will. He said this would be offset by lower health-insurance premiums and protested that its demagogic to say, oh, youre paying more in taxes.
Well, yes and Trump is a demagogue.
Sanders also made clear he would be happy to identify Democrats as the party of big government and of wealth redistribution. When Cuomo said Sanders seemed to be saying he would grow government bigger than ever, Sanders didnt quarrel, saying, P eople want to criticize me, okay, and F ine, if thats the criticism, I accept it.
Sanders accepts it, but are Democrats ready to accept ownership of socialism, massive tax increases and a dramatic expansion of government? If so, they will lose.
Match up polls are worthless because these polls do not measure what would happen to Sanders in a general election where Sanders is very vulnerable to negative ads. Sanders was never vetted and the above polls are worthless
(34,210 posts)Again, conventional metrics failed us this time and you're still looking at the GE through that lens.
People like you trot out the socialist label, but that was already out there when national matchup polls were taken. Eichenwald's, the esteemed journalist of the Bernie could never win crowd, fine reporting of the oppositional research file amounted to "trust me it was bad" and then mentioned things we already new.
But again, maybe you're right and Bernie would have lost, but all we know for sure is the HRC lost and nothing predicted it accept the primary era matchup polls.
Conventional wisdom is only meaningful during conventional times.
There is much point in having this discussion anymore. I'm open to the idea of alternative endings to this GE and you're not. You are party loyalist for sure.
(159,624 posts)In the real world, Sanders was rejected in the primary by Jewish, African American and Latino voters. Rejecting the votes of these groups would have doomed Sanders in a run against Trump. The fact that Hillary Clinton had more than four times the lead in pledged delegates over Sanders compared to the lead that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008 is a fact that shows how bad a candidate Sanders was.
Sanders lost the nomination because he was a weak candidate who made promises that he could never delivered on. Sanders so-called revolution was a flop. Sanders' plans for adopting his proposals depend on these new voters. Here is how Sanders thinks that he will be able to force the GOP to be reasonable http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/2/21/1483791/-Imagine-Bernie-Sanders-wins-the-White-House-Then-what
Thats a phrase Sanders uses often, but what does he mean by it? Sanders has said that if he wins the presidency, his victory will be accompanied by a huge increase in voter turnoutone that he thinks might end Republican control of Congress. But Sanders acknowledges that the House and Senate could, in spite of his best efforts, remain in GOP hands come next January.
Given that likelihood, Sanders offers an alternate means for achieving his political revolution. He says he knows that a Democratic president cant simply sit down and negotiate with Republican leaders and forge a series of compromises. Anyone who's observed the GOPs behavior over the course of Barack Obamas presidency would not dispute that, and in any event, no compromise with Republicans would ever lead to single-payer anyway.
So what then? How would a President Sanders get Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to pass any of his big-ticket items? This is the model he proposes:
What we do is you put an issue before Congress, lets just use free tuition at public colleges and universities, and that vote is going to take place on November 8 ... whatever it may be. We tell millions and millions of people, young people and their parents, there is going to be a vote ... half the people dont know whats going on ... but we tell them when the vote is, maybe we welcome a million young people to Washington, D.C. to say hello to their members of Congress. Maybe we have the telephones and the e-mails flying all over the place so that everybody in America will know how their representative is voting. [...]
And then Republicans are going to have to make a decision. Then theyre going to have to make a decision. You know, when thousands of young people in their district are saying, You vote against this, youre out of your job, because we know whats going on. So this gets back to what a political revolution is about, is bringing people in touch with the Congress, not having that huge wall. Thats how you bring about change.
The rest of the DK article debunks that concept that Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell could be influenced by these new voters but we never get to this issue and Sanders himself admits that he will not bet elected without this revolution. So far we are not seeing any evidence of this revolution. Again, Sanders's whole campaign is based on this revolution and so it is appropriate to ask where these new voters are?
Again, where are these millions and millions of new voters?
(34,210 posts)And you're so sure that Bernie would have lost.
I should explain that when I talk about Bernie winning the GE am presuming that he had won the primary with votes. And he did not and I wish my fellow Democratic primary voters and caucusers had agreed with me. I am not talking about undoing the votes of those who supported HRC regardless of their POC or gender status.
You ask where the revolution is and where those voters are? I think they are waiting for a party to nominate a leader who is credible to them.
Your framing of the pledge count is funny. You still have such a hard time with how Bernie won 45% of the pledged delegates against the most qualified candidate ever.
I applaud your loyalty. It will come in handy some day.
And with that I'm out of here because I have parties to attend. Happy New Year.
(159,624 posts)Bernie won most of his delegates in undemocratic primaries. We eliminated the primary part of the Texas two step this cycle and I will be pushing for the elimination of caucuses in other states. Sanders was rejected by Jewish, African American and Latino voters and relied on undemocratic caucuses for a significant portion of his so-called wins.
Sanders could not win the popular vote and was in the process only due to caucuses
(10,561 posts)a "change election," like 1980 or 2008.
It was a year of McCarthyism. The fake email scandal was the most successful fake scandal in history. And it was built on the back of the Republican betrayal of our country following Benghazi when they chose to exploit it and make up lies.

(159,624 posts)Cha
(308,402 posts)http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044
(159,624 posts)Sanders would have been destroyed by the GOP
(6,603 posts)Very eloquent, and total truth. Thank you.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Not a political loss.
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)And to see people here dragging her through the coals after what actually happened, is just a redux of the offense, over and over and over.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)StevieM
(10,561 posts)And I can't believe the way that Arkansas forgot the Clintons and how dedicated they were to that state. Was there any positive talk about the Clintons down there? Does anybody remember their achievements?
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)The religious right holds sway here now. People have become so polarized that they can't remember or won't admit the positive effect that the Clintons had on our state. Hillary was very instrumental in improvements to education. I know that my children saw great benefits from that.
we can do it
(12,838 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)I've never felt so fucking raw about it as I do now.
To pick that sick fuck over her.... People must really hate women. It's a sad testament.
(14,449 posts)First president. They are already saying she broke the glass ceiling with regards to running the first successful winning campaign. Good grief! Life is sick sometimes.
(24,876 posts)duffyduff
(3,251 posts)All he had was channelling his supporters' inner bigot.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)being a woman in that environment is chilling...
I am questioning everything I have taken for granted.
(26,467 posts)hate saved up for anything clinton...
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)I mean if we're going to Make America Great Again, how can we actually treat any non whites, non heterosexuals or women or non Christians as equal Citizens? MAGA is such barely disguised code for the rule of property owning white Christian heterosexual males that satire isn't even possible.
we can do it
(12,838 posts)liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)Hillary being a woman and Berniebro hate had nothing to do with her loss. It was her emails that did her in.
(30 posts)... But I suspect it isn't close to the top of that list.
(159,624 posts)Gender played a large role including with many Sanders supporters
(820 posts)Many Hillary supporters are taking this whole thing very personally. Many Bernie supporters felt same the way after his loss. Many still do. I'm not trying to belittle your feelings. You have the right to feel that way, but when people start talking about banning dissent, it worries me. To me, this looks like yet another iteration of the conflict between party loyalists and dissenters on this site. The site's owners have made it clear throughout the years that both views are welcome. The rancor will quiet down eventually as it always does.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)She lost after getting more
Hence my feeling cheated
(820 posts)Your pain is legitimate, theirs isn't.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)My pain at losing
I supported HRC in 08 and did not feel cheated when obama won.
Helps that I am a rational human being
(159,624 posts)Sanders did not come close to getting enough votes.
Sanders would not do well without caucuses
(159,624 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)we can do it
(12,838 posts)uponit7771
(92,496 posts)... measurable.
(2,074 posts)is that I agree with you that she would probably have made one of the best presidents of our lifetime.
This loss is personal to me as well, as a woman and a feminist who so very much wanted to see her succeed. And I feel cheated, not only because I think the Electoral College is nonsense, but also because I know she would have probably won the EC if not for the interference of the FBI (and the Russians). Add to that the fact that the ...person... who will be occupying the presidency next year is a racist, misogynist, immature, psychopathic narcissist who neither deserves the office, nor is fit to be in it.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)
(1,635 posts)Stainless steel screws are used now, please try and catch up.
(59,161 posts)we can do it
(12,838 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)i believe Obama ran the most progressive GE campaign in decades.
I believe Bernie ran a more progressive campaign than Hillary. She lamented that many if Bernie's ideas were too much too soon and that working around the margins of existing law in small increments was the way to go.
In an election of change that didn't work out for us.
(138,717 posts)lapucelle
(19,814 posts)Sanders ran an unnecessarily negative campaign. It didn't win him the nomination, and damaged Hillary immeasurably in the eyes of young voters who didn't know her record. The media loved watching Hillary get punched from all sides and did their part to stoke the flames. I firmly believe that history will not be kind to any of the players in this year's game, except for Mrs. Clinton.
(9,359 posts)I found Obama's foreign policy to be more progressive than Hillary's in '08. I was quite dusappointed when he named Hillary SoS.
Hillary did more damage to Obama than Bernie did to Hillary. Hillary sunk to some pretty low lows in 08.
(19,814 posts)I worked for Hillary during the primaries in 2008 and then for Obama in the general. During the primaries there were sharp elbows on all sides, but nothing like the virulent negativity that led a large of bloc of voters to abandon both the candidate and the platform this time around. It was a scorched earth approach, and there was no going back. Sanders painted Hillary as the enemy in no uncertain terms. It provided the Republicans the ammunition to hit hard from the left as well as from the right.
As for Obama's more progressive approach to foreign policy, it may have been true in theory, but, to be frank, my feeling for the last eight years is that Obama has been largely indecisive and has proven to be as easily rolled by our enemies abroad as he was by the Republicans at home.
(9,359 posts)Obama overcame PUMAs.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)She didn't linger giving her supporters hope she would contest the convention.
Claiming everything was rigged against her.
Please now, please let's deal in reality.
(9,359 posts)Talk about holding a grudge.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Tanuki
(15,657 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)Tanuki
(15,657 posts)Unless you are just here to insult.
(9,359 posts)brush
(59,161 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)sheshe2
(90,308 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)The real coup happened 8 years ago when the finance industry decided to save itself and threw all of its weight behind a very weak Democratic candidate. The recession was too long, the stimulus too little, the ACA too expensive and stingy for many people. Obama compromised too much, accommodated the Republicans too often. It was by design.
Often, when the Obamas and Clintons were campaigning together, I thought it might be a mistake. Yeah, hes got a certain cool. Michelle is eloquent. But they tied themselves at the hip.
Go ahead and read the comments section and see how many agree with her.
(90,308 posts)It is just a trash Democrats and Obama in particular link. I don't read things like that.
(9,359 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)things I want to believe despite having nothing but my false beliefs to back up my statements.
Be less like Donnie, will you? At least in your incarnation on a Democratic site?
(9,359 posts)Btw: the poster of that site is a member of DU.
(1,901 posts)Please post your links here.
Please make sure it's not some blog with comments and an actual credible source. Thanks!
(31,743 posts)here on DU, all while I was out working hard for Obama. Before the primary results I did support Hillary. That was my right.
My work was recognized in the real world. The Obama campaign thanked me. This PUMA shit was never real.
Yes, Bernie had a scorched earth policy. He is still out spewing horseshit and pimping his book. He is not a Democrat. He is running for his Senate campaign as an independent, so he does not deserve any special handling with kid gloves by me or anyone else who has spent a lifetime trying to elect Democrats.
(9,359 posts)Response to Exilednight (Reply #200)
betsuni This message was self-deleted by its author.
(19,814 posts)She made the stakes clear, we understood them, and we did the right thing for the greater good. It wasn't Obama who accomplished that; it was Hillary. I was there. I remember.
(9,359 posts)worst.
(19,814 posts)especially since you are the one who said they had been "overcome".
Sanders was unable or unwilling to marshal his coalition and inspire his followers sufficiently to insure that the most progressive platform in decades evolved into actual policy. It was a test of leadership, and Sanders failed.
And with that, allow me to put you on ignore. It's Christmas, and I'd rather not get into a pissing war with a stranger. On holidays, that's what I have family for.
(9,359 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Sanders had no chance of being the nominee after Super Tuesday but continued his campaign which hurt Clinton. Here is a good example Sanders really hurt Clinton I am still mad at the number of times that trump used Sanders' claims against Clinton. Sanders' baseless charges that the system was fixed and rigged were used by trump to great effect and hurt Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rigged-system-donald-trump_us_5855cb44e4b08debb7898607?section=us_politics
I think he was able to thread a certain toxic needle. But he did win, and were all going to pay the price.
John Weaver, aide to Ohio Gov. John Kasichs presidential campaign
The underlying irony for those who sought to end what they perceived as corruption is that they may well have elected a president whose record through the years and whose actions since the election signal it could be the most openly corrupt administration in generations.....
And if Sanders rhetoric during the primaries started that stew simmering with his talk about the system only working for the rich, Trump brought it to a full boil with his remarks blaming undocumented immigrants and trade agreements that he claimed were forged as the result of open corruption.
Sanders' bogus rigged process claim hurt a great deal
(9,359 posts)that it's Bernie's fault that she was unable to rebuff the attacks made on her during the primary? If it is, then she has no business in politics. The art of politics is controlling your environment.
A smart politician knows how to turn these attacks around. An incompetent one does not.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)IF your claim is that she was beat up by Bernie in the primary, that's on Hillary. She should have been able to control her environment and rebuff the attacks.
(159,624 posts)Sanders was not vetted and was in fact treated with kid gloves by the Clinton campaign VOX had a good article on the potential lines of attack that Sanders would be exposed to if Sanders was the nominee. http://www.vox.com/2016/2/3/10903404/gop-campaign-against-sanders One of the more interesting observations in the VOX analysis is the fact that Sanders have been treated with kids gloves compared to what Sanders would face if he was the Democratic nominee. I strongly agree with the VOX's position that the so-called negative attacks against Sander have been mild. Form the article:
When Sanders supporters discuss these attacks, though, they do so in tones of barely contained outrage, as though it is simply disgusting what they have to put up with. Questioning the practical achievability of single-payer health care. Impugning the broad electoral appeal of socialism. Is nothing sacred?
But c'mon. This stuff is patty-cakes compared with the brutalization he would face at the hands of the right in a general election.
His supporters would need to recalibrate their umbrage-o-meters in a serious way.
Sanders was treated with kid gloves by the Clinton campaign because of the amusing over-reactions of the Sanders supporters in the primary process. It appears that you are upset that Hillary Clinton did not use all of the oppo research that was available. Sanders was a weak candidate and would have been destroyed if the oppo research was used.
(9,359 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Sanders was not vetted during the primary process. The Clinton campaign treated Sanders with kid gloves and no one in the press believed that Sanders was going to be the nominee and so there was no need for vetting.
(9,359 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Look at the absent of any vetting of Sanders. Sanders was a very weak general election candidate who had zero chance of being the nominee. The Clinton campaign was never worried about Sanders and so treated him with kid gloves. The press ignored Sanders because they knew that he had no chance of being the nominee. The GOP ran ads to help Sanders in the primary because he was such a weak candidate. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1251&pid=1266681
In the real world, Sanders was allowed to coast and was not vetted. If Clinton had gone after Sanders it would have been easy to destroy him. Again, there is a ton of good oppo on Sanders. The Trump campaign oppo book was two feet thick with great videos of Sanders talking about communism and related topics that would have been used to destroy him with mainstream voters.
(9,359 posts)Stop trying to change the subject. You said that Hillary treated Bernie with kid gloves because she had no other option. If you want me to believe it, then provide me inarguable facts that showed Hillary had no other choice
(159,624 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)At both the Texas State Democratic Convention and the National convention, Clinton delegates were told to be nice to Sanders delegates no matter how poorly informed the Sanders del elates were because Sanders supporters would go nuts if there was any unfavorable discussion of Sanders. There were some sanders supporters screaming obscenities at the national convention and their credentials were not pulled because we had to treat these supporters with kid gloves.
One example that stands out to me was the booing of Congressman John Lewis at the National Convention by the Sanders delegates. Congressman Lewis is hated by many Sanders supporters because of some comments about Sanders not being a meaningful participant in the civil rights protests. On the JPR board, the booing of Congressman John Lewis was applauded by the posters on that board. Do you really want to defend the booing of Congressman John Lewis by Sanders supporters? Do you think that this conduct was appropriate?
The National Convention was a challenging event due to the Sanders supporters' over reactions.
(9,359 posts)No one handles her, she's the decision maker.
(159,624 posts)First, there was no need to in that Sanders had no chance of being the nominee. Jewish, African American and Latino voters all rejected Sanders. Sanders got 43% of the vote in the primary and had no chance of being the nominee in the real world. After Super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton had a sufficient delegate lead that it was clear to everyone that Sanders had no chance of being the nominee. Hillary Clinton ended up with more than four times the pledged delegate lead compared to the delegate lead that President Obama enjoyed in 2008.
Second, it was clear that Sanders supporters over-reacted to everything. here is an example http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/la-na-bernie-sanders-supporters-20160415-story.html
What Bagley had not anticipated was being jolted out of bed by a 2 a.m. phone call from an angry Bernie Sanders supporter. The caller accused Bagley, a retired produce broker from Salinas, of stealing democracy from the citizenry.
Why is Bernie Sanders letting these people loose on us? said Bagley, a Hillary Clinton backer who says he was branded corrupt, immoral and thickheaded over the course of some 200 social media posts and phone calls from Sanders fans. He lost my vote at 2 a.m.
Sanders supporters are known to be a spirited bunch. But as their frustration mounts over their candidates failure to significantly cut into Clintons lead, no small number of them are lashing out in ways that are not particularly helpful to his campaign.
Sanders delegates over-reacted to anyone who did not treat Sanders as a saint. There was no need for Clinton to go out of her way to attack Sanders given the extreme over-reaction of Sanders
BTW, you have refused to answer my questions Do you approve of the way that Sanders delegates treated Congressman John Lewis at the national convention?
(9,359 posts)her own free will from attacking Sanders?
It's a simple yes or no question, and if they did then provide the evidence.
I'm a 110% positive that she made a choice not to attack him since she had nothing of substance to attack him with.
(159,624 posts)The Human Rights Campaign and Planned Parenthood both endorsed Hillary Clinton. Sanders supporters responded by trying to defund and attack PP and HRC for such actions http://www.democraticunderground.com/110735248 Given these over-reactions, the Clinton campaign decided to treat Sanders with kid gloves.
Do you approve of the Sanders supporters attempts to attack and defund Planned Parenthood?
(1,901 posts)She could have, if the vile invective you folks were using against her was based in reality. That she did not lay a glove on him, is the inarguable fact that she did indeed use kid gloves on him.
(9,359 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Again, Sanders was a very weak general election candidate who had no chance of being the nominee. There was no need for Clinton to attack Sanders in that Sanders had been rejected by Jewish, African American and Latino voters. Sanders only appealed to a mainly white base and that is not sufficient to win the nomination.
Second, Sanders supporters were over-reacting already even when Sanders was not attacked. See the examples posted above.
Finally, Sanders did not return the favor and did attack Clinton. Trump had fun using Sanders attacks in the general election Sanders had no chance of being the nominee after Super Tuesday but continued his campaign which hurt Clinton. Here is a good example Sanders really hurt Clinton I am still mad at the number of times that trump used Sanders' claims against Clinton. Sanders' baseless charges that the system was fixed and rigged were used by trump to great effect and hurt Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rigged-system-donald-trump_us_5855cb44e4b08debb7898607?section=us_politics
I think he was able to thread a certain toxic needle. But he did win, and were all going to pay the price.
John Weaver, aide to Ohio Gov. John Kasichs presidential campaign
The underlying irony for those who sought to end what they perceived as corruption is that they may well have elected a president whose record through the years and whose actions since the election signal it could be the most openly corrupt administration in generations.....
And if Sanders rhetoric during the primaries started that stew simmering with his talk about the system only working for the rich, Trump brought it to a full boil with his remarks blaming undocumented immigrants and trade agreements that he claimed were forged as the result of open corruption.
Sanders' bogus rigged process claim hurt a great deal
(1,901 posts)Bernie was not touched, he was not attacked and he had many referenced skeletons in his closet.
(1,901 posts)this question, as the onus of proof is on the person making the claim, and this is 100% something you came up with on your own.
George II
(67,782 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Sanders had no chance of being the nominee after super tuesday. Clinton had a delegate lead after super tuesday that Sanders would not over come. Sanders misled his voters when he claimed that he could win and stayed in long after a candidate who was really a member of the Democratic Party and who cared about the Democratic Party would have dropped out. Hillary Clinton had more than four times the pledged delegate lead compared to the delegate lead that President Obama had over Clinton in 2008. Clinton conceded promptly after conventions and worked to elect President Obama.
(9,359 posts)Hillary could not put the issue to bed.
(159,624 posts)Sanders supporters had unrealistic expectations concerning Sanders and so would have over-reacted.
(9,359 posts)No one said to treat Sanders that way.
(159,624 posts)There was a ton of oppo research and if used against Sanders as if he was a real candidate, his supporters would have been very upset.
(9,359 posts)If it existed, then Hillary should have used it.
No one tapes Hillary's mouth shut. She had a chance to end all the controversy about her speeches and she chose not to.
Unless you can provide proof that she was gagged from going after Sanders, your argument holds no merit.
(159,624 posts)The Sanders supporters over react and were not realistic. Any criticism of Sanders was met with amusing over reaction
(9,359 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)the primaries. I'm sorry that you seem to need "proof" to engage in critical thinking here, and that you failed to do your research or read any of the few articles that were out there about Bernie, since no one bothered to vet him and so many here lost their heads in outrage when his avowed essays were referenced.
That she did not attack him on his published works is proof that she did not attack him. If you need proof of the essays that he has admitted to writing, I can google that for you, if you like, despite the reaction of a certain faction when I dared to post it months ago. Apparently I was silenced long before you could learn for yourself, and you never bothered to investigate the candidate you had given your devotion to.
Had Bernie been the candidate, the GOP would not have been running pro-Bernie ads (as they did in Iowa), they would have excoriated him, with his own words and it would have been ugly.
(159,624 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)have been introduced.
No one put a gun to Hillary's head and told her to shut up.
If this playbook exists, then it would have been used to go after his Senate seat.
The dumbest argument out there is that it's not used because he's a popular senator from Vermont and they don't care about his seat. Republicans care about every Senate seat, and will fight tooth and nail to get them.
(159,624 posts)Sanders was treated with kid gloves by the media and Clinton because Sanders was a very weak candidate who had been rejected by the base of the party-i.e, Jewish, African American and Latino voters.
You are ducking the question as to whether you approved of the way that Sanders delegates over-reacted and treated Congressman John Lewis. I wonder why you do not want to address this issue
(9,359 posts)Your posts to make points are like "I heard from my mom's stylist best friends sister that Bernie eats puppies for lunch".
You provide no real evidence, just what others have to say about it.
(159,624 posts)I note that you have not responded to the fact that (i) Congressman John Lewis was booed at the national convention by Sanders delegates for really bogus reasons, (ii) Sanders delegated attacked and tried to defund Planned Parenthood due to its endorsement of Hillary Clinton and (iii) Sanders delegates attacked and harassed super delegates
You might want to look up the term hearsay before you use it. Thank you for the laughs.
(9,359 posts)The art of politics is controlling your environment.
Hillary threw everything she had at Obama in 2008, but none of it stuck because he knew how to turn it around. This has always been Hillary's achilles heel. She doesn't know how to put away criticisms without making herself look bad while doing it. She attacked Obama in '08 and he comes back with "it's the silly season of politics". McCain tries to make him look unstatesmen type when he postpones his campaign, Obama comes back with "I can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time."
If Sanders was so damaging to her campaign, then why couldn't she put any issue he raised to bed?
(159,624 posts)Your attempt at analysis is wrong yet again. Facts are good things. Ignoring the facts presented will not make them go away.
Are you going to respond to the examples of Sanders supporters over-reacting??? There are a ton more examples. I am enjoying your refusal to deal with these facts.
(9,359 posts)She's her own person. All you have is what someone else said, just like the "playbook" that exists against Sanders. If it was there, they would have used it. Everyone knows that she was trying to "appear" presidential by ignoring Sanders and focusing on Trump. In the long run, it didn't work.
If Sanders was such a pain in her ass, then she should have took him out early. But she didn't because she couldn't.
If you have actual evidence from someone who said "Hillary, stay silent or I'll sink your career", or something to that effect, then post it.
If not, then you haven't much of anything useful to add to this discussion.
(1,901 posts)and you're literally screaming about what exactly?
Why would any of us have evidence of something you've made up and that which you and only you have asserted. It's your point, you created it, back it up or admit that you lack a point.
(34,540 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)I am amused that you do not want to talk about the examples of Sanders supporters over-reacting anytime that Sanders was not treated as a saint. These examples are called facts in the real world and ignoring these facts will not make them go away. Again, Hillary Clinton never needed to "take Sanders out" because sanders had zero chance of being the nominee. Sanders had been rejected by Jewish, African American and Latino voters and did not have the support of the base.
Second, it is clear that any attack on Sanders would provoke some extreme reactions. Again look at the facts cited above that you want to ignore. Planned Parenthood was attacked by Sanders supporters over an endorsement. Super delegates were stalked and harassed by Sanders supporter for not ignoring the will of the base of the party. Congressman John Lewis was booed at the national convention due to perceived slight to sanders. Sanders supporters would have gone totally nuts if Clinton had used any of the available oppo on Sanders
Again, ignoring facts will not make these facts go away.
(1,901 posts)and then demand repeatedly that someone produce evidence of something they themselves have made up whole cloth. It's even more tiresome when they try to use phrases they cannot spell and cannot use correctly in context.
Your posts are like: I demand you provide proof that Bernie eats puppies for lunch, because that is what I'm going to pretend you said, cause reading is hard!
(1,901 posts)one this thinking critically.
The facts have indeed been introduced, and I offered to google them for you, since it appears that you either lack the skills or the ability to do so yourself, and my posting of them was so very upsetting to you and your friends.
Oh, so now someone had to physically threaten Hillary to prove that she treated her opponent with the same kid gloves the GOP did, in their drive to have him be the opponent?
The playbook very much exists, and it will be used to go after his Senate seat, he was allowed by the Dems to go unchallenged because he ostensibly went along with the Dems. His antics through this season and the results he contributed to have made that something that will not be happening again.
That is indeed a pretty dumb argument you put forth, like your others, it lacks any understanding or knowledge of politics, or critical thinking.
(9,359 posts)You know - the years we took back the Senate, House and Executive. I'm a real no nothing at politics.
(1,901 posts)or anything. Um, yeah, a guy who can't differentiate between "know" and "no" sure knows a great deal, especially when he just says stuff on the internet after haranguing others about proof, while providing none.
Your posts do not show much knowledge of things, not critical thought, not rhetoric, not spelling, nor truth telling. Your posts speak volumes, they don't speak of someone who knows anything about politics.
(159,624 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)Obama's win, and lots of others, he's super "no"ledgable, he said so, and that's proof and not 'hear-say" at all!
Facts are hard for these people, they really do challenge their worldview. It's like with the CONs of an era not so long ago (a year or so?), denial of facts, embracing nonsense and lots of pretense to credentials and qualifications that their posts make plain they do not have.
(159,624 posts)JCanete
(5,272 posts)and Democrats have a tacit understanding that you don't go after each other with "follow the money." Too many glass houses. Trump on the other hand, is an insane egomaniac that couldn't be reined in by anybody. The hypocrisy flowed through him without a hint of self irony. That's the shit he got away with because of a corporate media and a democratic party that didn't really hammer him on his own corruption; and worse, have never uniformly called out the media for the propaganda machine that it is. Playing nice with the money got us what it always does. Second place.
And you don't think we need a message that addresses big money's ties to our politics?
(5,272 posts)and the DNC to start taking Sanders seriously at all. And his message is a non-starter if we pretend like the other party takes money but we don't. That would be a fucking laughable level of hypocrisy, that would doom the message. We need to get out of that business, and drawing attention to it is the only way to do that.
It could have been less painful had the establishment reacted appropriately, quicker, rather than to smugly attempt to shut that voice down.I'm sure Sanders would have bowed out if they had given him something to show the people that his message had won over.
(44,239 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)the writing was on the wall back in APRIL, and Bernie Bros still thought there would be a contested convention and everyone would rally around Bernie. One could make the EXACT same argument that he hurt her in the general by not bowing out when it was mathematically impossible for him to win.
She beat him by every metric.
Russia hacked the rest. And they would have hacked Bernie too, so this resurgence of BB's is a bit telling, since each and EVERY Bernie supporter I know voted for Trump.
(5,272 posts)been so smug and actually realized earlier that they should make some changes and invite the Sanders portion of the party to the table, I think Sanders would have taken that as a win. Remember, the only thing he ever got in the race to do was to move Clinton to the left. He didn't think he was going to get near as far as he did.
As to the hacking. If Russia messed with our machines I'm with you. If they just stole compromising information and produced fake news, it just wasn't that damning. What was damning is our own corporate media. What was damning is that we got beat by the money we keep thinking we need to compete. We are getting played for suckers. But yes, that money and those establishment ties did help Clinton to beat Sanders in every metric. Was that in itself an accomplishment worthy of note? That was to be expected.
And allow me to introduce myself as one of many Bernie supporters I know, who voted for Clinton. I don't think I know any Sanders supporters who went for Trump actually. That said, I don't have a problem with Sanders message registering with dumbasses. It means that without pandering to them or dropping any of his social or economic agenda, he still pulled in people who would ordinarily never be in favor of voting in a person that was going to push for legislation that helped the poor and minorities.
(10,291 posts)the problem was, they couldn't take *yes* for an answer. The problem was, even though the writing was on the wall for him back in APRIL, his supporters continued to brow beat and insist they were going to sway the convention. It was bitter.
I am glad you voted for Clinton, but I am not making it up that not one single Bernie supporter that I know voted for Clinton or a third party candidate. They voted for Trump.
Signs in their windows and all.
(5,272 posts)total BS and you have to know that. Or give me examples that I missed during the primary. I'd love to be educated on this.
(1,267 posts)When the message to Sanders' supporters that came from the Clinton Camp was "We don't need or want you." how could we not feel oh-so-welcome at the table.
That shit was said........and said again........and again........and again. After I received my first & only hide in my 10 years here for popping back at someone who said effectively that, I started putting everyone who said it on ignore. After the election was over, my ignore list was 100+ strong.
I voted for Clinton. I also don't know any Sanders supporters -- online or in the real world -- who voted for Trump. The ones I know either voted for Clinton or didn't vote at all (which was stupid). I also know several Republicans (I live in a predominantly red area) who refused to vote for Trump or Clinton, but said they would have voted for Sanders in the GE.
Politics is ugly. Candidates are in it to WIN, and they are going to cite the reasons why their opponent is a less viable choice. That's how it works. One of the things that really irked me about Clinton's campaign was the expectation that she should be given a pass -- that no one should bring up her negatives -- real or perceived -- and that Sanders shouldn't have challenged her in the first place. That ISN'T how it works.
After the Wasserman-Schultz BS came to light, I fully supported Sanders taking it to the convention. WE -- meaning Democrats -- are supposed to better than that, and WE should be able to expect better than that from our leadership.
(10,291 posts)really,truly holding out for a brokered convention, or a contested convention...etc...when Bernie could not have won. It isn't nearly as bad as Comey and Russia, but it wasn't for nothing.
You all didn't recognize your seat at the table, because you wanted to RUN the table.
(5,272 posts)don't remember anything concrete.
(10,291 posts)We got 80% of what we wanted in this platform, top Sanders foreign policy adviser Warren Gunnels told CNN.
Honestly, you were too busy making the perfect the enemy of the good to see that this had happened, and that Hillary DID INDEED reach out to Bernie, and his supporters. I love me some Bernie, but THAT part of it is certainly on his hard cores who made this much harder than it needed to be.
(5,272 posts)I totally agree with you. What are we arguing about again?
(10,291 posts)nt
(5,272 posts)adopted some of Sanders' message far before the convention, and why they smugly thought they didn't have to. The conversation, or at least my part in it, was that if people are frustrated that there was anger at the convention and bad blood, that maybe they should be looking to Clinton and the DNC for holding out like they did.
My whole point was that Sanders had to stay in the race to get those concessions, so I'm going to have to call BS on you saying that I totally forgot about those concessions.
(10,291 posts)nt
(5,272 posts)Last edited Wed Dec 28, 2016, 08:07 PM - Edit history (1)
primary." You have shown me that 15 whole days before the convention--which yes, technically was during the primary--Sanders and the DNC had finally come to an agreement. That agreement was almost certainly structured with how Sanders threw his weight behind Clinton and moved to have all of his delegates tallied to her during the convention.
I was kind of talking about that whole stretch between April up until that point when the DNC was only making an effort to make Sanders the candidate of Bernie Bro's, driven by delusional self interest, when they could have just been more progressive already.
Here's the actual quote of mine from the post before 345.
"I'm saying that had the DNC not been so smug and actually realized earlier that they should make some changes and invite the Sanders portion of the party to the table, I think Sanders would have taken that as a win."
(159,624 posts)I was a delegate to the national convention and many of the sanders delegates believed that Sanders could take the nomination away from Hillary Clinton at the convention. I was in the delegation where a good number of the younger sanders supporters walked in locked in arm to arm to demand that the Clinton delegates condemn Clinton and vote for Sanders. These delegates were somehow told by the Sanders people to go ahead and try this stunt. Again, I heard repeatedly that Sanders did not want to be too hard on his supporters and that we were told to be nice to the Sanders delegates and hope that they came around.
Sanders never truly attempted to reason with or deal with his supporters at the convention because he did not want to lose their support for future races. I know this in part because the Clinton team and whips were monitoring all of the Sanders meetings and reporting back to the Clinton "whipping infrastructure" (a term that I learned in Philadelphia and love). Some of the Sanders supporters were totally out of control during the last two nights of the convention and the sanders campaign would not revoke the credentials of some really foul mouth Sanders delegates on the last night. We were fortunate in that the Sanders supporters used an unlocked/non-password protected list server to plan their stunts and the Clinton whips would warn us in advance when a demonstration was coming.
I saw the consequences of Sanders campaign first hand at the convention. A great deal of effort was used to keep a group of Sanders delegates from disrupting the convention. Sanders evidently thought that a text message was sufficient.
After the convention, I found a number of Sanders supporters who were block walking for local candidates going out of their way to encourage Stein votes. One sanders supporter actually bragged about this practice at a young democrats meeting attended by one of my daughters.
(5,272 posts)Why didn't the DNC and Clinton make concessions to Sanders earlier? From the convention on, Sanders threw his full support behind Clinton. That could have happened earlier, and perhaps by the time of the convention, all those things that you are griping about might have been far less irritating to you. As if dissent at a convention means jack and shit in the big picture anyway.
The effort made then and now to paint all Sanders supporters with the color of the loudest most obnoxious of us was always transparent, by the way, and it is exactly the kind of shit that started right about the time the DNC thought it could embarrass Sanders into dropping out, rather than to recognize the appeal of his message.
Why didn't they just adopt the things they adopted anyway, sooner? That would have gone a long frikken way to uniting the party, and they probably could have gotten Sanders to fall in behind Clinton in April.
(159,624 posts)I am amused that your feelings are hurt but your analysis is simply wrong and sad. You were not there. One of my friends was a co-chair of the rules committee and that committee worked until 2AM Sunday morning to resolve issues with the Sanders people. When I left to go to the convention, Clinton delegates were warned to expect up to five floor/roll call votes due to Sanders' demands. Those roll calls were averted and even then the bernie supporters were not happy.
Again I was at the delegate breakfast where a number of young sanders supporters came in after winning all of the concessions and demanded that we condemn Hillary Clinton and overturn the will of the voters in our state by voting for Sanders. It was not a fun time. I was pleased to see the older sanders supporters apologized for the actions of these young sanders supporters. The labor people who were supporting Sanders were really upset.
As for painting Sanders supporters as BOB, I was there and there were a large number of Sanders supporters who fit this description. My daughter and I were yelled at by Sanders supporters at the convention (it was not a fun experience).
Sanders never had a chance of being the nominee. Sanders lacked support from Jewish, African American and Latino voters. Hillary Clinton had more than four times the lead in pledged delegates overs Sanders compared to the lead that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008. Sanders won less than 43% of the vote in the primaries and his only real victories were in non-democratic caucus states. The fact that so many concessions were made to a non-viable candidate was sad and wrong in my opinion.
Again you were not at the convention. I was. Your attempt at analysis is wrong but amusing
(5,272 posts)all at once..
seriously...feelings hurt? I am frustrated, because one thing you seem utterly incapable of is posting anything that means a damn thing, which does give me the impression that you probably do work with the DNC, so kudos.
I wasn't talking about whether there was a contingent of frustrated Sanders supporters at the convention. I was talking about far before that. I was talking about how the first isolated incidents of " Bernie bros" became the single image that kept getting pounded by the media and the Brock faux media, far before the convention. I was also talking about how those concessions that you think were so "sad" that were the only concrete things that Clinton campaigned on...the only things that got me excited for voting for her...could have been arrived at far earlier than the convention avoiding a lot of the stuff you were so offended by, and yet you keep talking about the convention itself as it occurred, as if that refutes any fucking thing at all...
I am all for being proved wrong. I'm even thick skinned enough to be called wrong. But if you're going to do it.....maybe address the things I actually said rather than going on your own tangent.
(159,624 posts)Math is an important concept and you do not realize that Sanders had no chance whatsoever of being the nominee. The Clinton lead following Super Tuesday was too large for Sanders to over come. At the end, Clinton had four time the lead in pledged delegates over Sanders compared to the lead that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008. The fact is that Sanders lied or mislead his followers following Super Tuesday. In past contests, the candidates were all real members of the Democratic Party and so they conceded when it was clear that could not win. Sanders was not a true member of the Democratic Party and kept his campaign going based on misrepresentations to his supporters. In past campaigns, the candidates who were members of the Democratic Party and who cared about the Democratic Party conceded and worked from day one to elect the nominee. That did not happen in 2016,
The fact that Sanders did not concede at the same time as Clinton. I was at both the 2008 and 2016 Texas Democratic State conventions. The differences were amazing. Hillary Clinton had conceded three or four days before the convention and so the credentials fights and other disputes went away. In 2016, we had a very disruptive and non-unifying convention with Bernie bros being very nasty. That carried on to the general election. I know of several bernie supporters who bragged in meetings of the young democrats (where one of my daughters was present) that they got voters to vote for Stein while blockwalking for other local candidates. I doubt that this was an isolated incident.
Sanders platform was based on unrealistic promises that he could never delivered on and as a result Sanders supporters had unrealistic expectations through out the process. I saw this at the DNC.
The fact that you do not want to address these facts amuses me. Math is important in the real world.
I am sorry that you feelings are hurt. I continue to be amused that you think that you are right.
(5,272 posts)I could engage you on any topic you brought up instead...
but then you'd probably respond with something entirely unrelated, led by "Your analysis is wrong and amusing."
I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're fucking with me, not actually missing the point as widely as you appear to be.
(34,540 posts)But I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to convey here?
(5,272 posts)with Gothmog. I say something, Goth tells me in no uncertain terms how wrong I am, and then proceeds to prove it to me with entirely disparate information. I wasn't saying much else there except that it was apparently pointless to try to have a conversation.
If you're talking about any other part of our discourse, you'll have to be more specific about where you're getting lost.
(159,624 posts)Again, if you use facts or make a valid argument, I will be happy to address. I cannot address your hurt feelings.
(5,272 posts)different shit? I guess just saying "wrong," works as an argument in itself if you are either Trump or Gothmog.
(159,624 posts)I disagree with your feelings. If you have facts, use them
George II
(67,782 posts)JCanete
(5,272 posts)is different from being wrong on a lot of something. Sure, if you are wrong at any given point, then you are grammatically speaking, wrong. But given the complicated range that a conversation covers, I think that more wrong says something different than wrong.
That said, I was saying it all in snark given the nature of me and Gothmog's conversations, and how one of us tends to kick the posts off.
(159,624 posts)Facts are what matter and your personal feelings and opinions are not relevant in the real world
(5,272 posts)argument I am making while you tell me that I'm wrong. It's fine to say that I've got those things wrong, or even that I'm paying attention to the wrong things, but to answer a claim about last week's weather by saying something like "Wrong, it was sunny out yesterday and I was there, and you were in a cave..." is way the fuck off the mark.
To then come back and say "I don't address what you actually say because you don't use facts, just feelings..." invalidates further, your baseless and undefended argument that I'm wrong. You could totally say "I don't think you know what you're talking about." I think that's fair, but it doesn't make the counter-claim that you do. To say "wrong" and then not to prove it, or to even try, is pretty damn lame.
(159,624 posts)In the real world your personal feelings and opinions are meaningless and could not introduced in court. Again, the facts remain that Sanders had no chance of being the nominee after Super Tuesday based on the math but continued his campaign based on falsehoods told to his supporters. Do you have any math or facts to back up your claims? It is also a fact that Hillary Clinton had more than four times the pledged delegate lead over Sanders compared to the lead that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008. Clinton did the right thing and Sanders did not.
Again, in the real world in past contests, the candidates who were as far behind in delegates as Sanders was following Super Tuesday all dropped out. First, these candidates were actual members of the Democratic Party and second these candidates wanted to win in November. Sanders ignored these facts and his campaign was designed to hurt Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party in the general.
I am happy to discuss facts. I really do not care about your feelings.
(5,272 posts)point? I've made absolutely no claims about Sanders actual chances. I didn't talk about them at all. I didn't suggest that he thought he could win. I suggested that he might have dropped out earlier had the DNC and Clinton done what they ultimately did anyway, and actually adopt some of Sanders positions.
I don't give a fuck about what other candidates have done in the past. I really don't. It has no relevance to me. No candidate in the past has run purely on donations from citizens either. No candidate in the past was trying to actually change business as usual as an outsider, and yes Sanders was an outsider. By your own claim, "he was not a democrat." While some of us are perfectly glad to have had him in our party, there are plenty of you, particularly insiders, that didn't want him in the party and you made that pretty clear from the get-go. Don't give me any bullshit about welcoming him in with open arms. So is having all those pledged delegates supposed to mean something to me? You think with all that support that Clinton and the machine wanted to adopt anything Sanders was proposing? If he just dropped out without a fight they would have done so? No you don't, and in fact, you think it's sad that you ever had to compromise.
You fucking like business as usual. So I don't care what you saw. I don't necessarily even trust you given your tactics of argumentation, but I certainly don't trust your judgement. What you see is filtered through your own reality and that reality has a significant bias.
(159,624 posts)Is Sanders even pretending to be a member of the Democratic Party? Sanders is now registered with the FEC as an independent for the 2018 Senate race. That is good evidence that Sanders never intended to be a part of the party. If Sanders really wanted to be welcomed to the party, then he might want to stay in the party for a while
The premise of the OP is about being part of a gathering of Democrats. You admit in your posts that Sanders did not run to be the nominee and that you do not care if the math showed that Sanders had no chance of being the nominee. That proves my point that Sanders' goal was not to become the nominee or to help the party (something addressed in the OP) but was to disrupt and hurt the party. Sanders succeeded in helping Trump win and that is very sad to me. You may approve of this result but again that is contrary to the premises stated in the OP.
Sanders admitted that he ran in the Democratic primary for money and publicity. http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-dem-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/bernie-sanders-independent-media-coverage-220747
Bernie Sanders on Monday told NBCs Chuck Todd that he ran as a Democrat to get more media coverage.
During a town hall-style event in Columbus, Ohio, the independent Vermont senator said, In terms of media coverage, you have to run within the Democratic Party. He then took a dig at MNSBC, telling Todd, the network would not have me on his program if he ran as an independent.
Money also played a role in his decision to run as a Democrat, Sanders added.
To run as an independent, you need you could be a billionaire," he said. "If you're a billionaire, you can do that. I'm not a billionaire. So the structure of American politics today is such that I thought the right ethic was to run within the Democratic Party.
According to Sanders' own words, he was not really seeking the nomination but media coverage. Sanders succeeded in his goal and in the process hurt the Democratic Party in 2016.
The fact that you do not care that in the past other candidates running for the Democratic nomination were actual members of the party and cared about the Party is telling to me. Sanders campaign was not based on a good faith attempt to be the nominee but on a desire for media coverage. I am sad that Sanders told his followers about his chances of being the nominee and that these followers believed these misrepresentations. Those misrepresentations eventually helped trump win in 2016.
I am sorry if I hurt your feelings but your posts lack any facts to discuss. I am sad that many so-called Democrats are happy that the party lost in 2016. It is going to be a long four years under Trump and this could have been avoided.
I agree strongly with the OP.
(5,272 posts)That had to have been hard.
Your sense of "helping" the party is not mine. Besides, the party's goals, supposedly, should be to help the American people. In my mind, helping the party become more progressive, which you actually have to admit Sander's influence did, given that you have actually vocally lamented it here, is GOOD.
The party's insistence on rejecting that message and holding out as long as possible... was BAD, and hurt the party.
Nothing you just said proves what you think it proves. I fully accept that that is your interpretation, but now you have mine.
I very much care about the democratic party, which means I care about its direction and what it fights for. In my opinion, our leadership didn't care enough about that. They did come around though, and Clinton did adopt Sanders policies as we've discussed, and I did get excited to vote for her, which I did. So when you say people are happy we lost, that ain't me.
(159,624 posts)If you care so much about the Democratic Party and its goals then you should be more upset at the fact that Sanders helped Trump win.
Again I suggest that you re-read the OP.
(5,272 posts)I disagree that Sanders helped Trump win. We can go round and round about that, but what you don't have is facts that prove it to be so any more than I have facts that disprove it. We both have evidence and our own interpretations of that evidence, and for that matter, our interpretations of the other person's evidence.
So, I thank you for the conversation where it has been one, and I'm sure we'll have more of them in the future.
(159,624 posts)Closing your eyes to the facts presented is amusing to me. Your posts amuse me.
(5,272 posts)Tell you what, it seems important to you, so feel free to repost these snippets of wisdom one last time so that you can have the last word. I promise I'll let them stand.
(159,624 posts)We could also do a game where you get a point if you ever use a fact in your post. So far your posts are fact free and I do not care about your feelings. In the real world your personal opinion and feelings are meaningless.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I cant stand that middlebrow network shit. Peddled to marginaly sentient people who think watching it means they're clever, while turning actual smart and aspergers-y folks into a hyuk hyuk laff riot. Derp.
But hey.. my mom likes it.
(19,814 posts)When the situation becomes so hopeless that one of your major surrogates has to apologize and leave the trail because he publicly characterized Democrats as "corporate whores" in a desperate bid to stoke voters, it's time to reevaluate exactly whose interests you are truly serving.
The biggest irony is that a Clinton win or a Democratic senate (or both) would have given Sanders a very powerful voice in the Senate and the progressive agenda he claims to have really been fighting for. All he has now is a title that was invented for him and the mistrust of his colleagues.
I wouldn't be surprised to see an actual Democrat run for Senate in Vermont in 2018. My money is on Howard Dean or this guy.
(5,272 posts)You don't get to really be part of the club if you don't "understand" how backscratching is supposed to work in politics. People certainly don't hand you a megaphone, and they don't actually want to work with you. He still had a vote, and that had to be courted, but that's typically the extent of your power when you're a lone voice in a wilderness. Your influence is made marginal.
Your assessment about what a Clinton win would have brought Sanders is not at all mine. I saw a concerted effort throughout the campaign to marginalize him, and to make him a peddler of unicorns and fairy dust(you know some of the stuff that eventually became a part of the Democratic platform), and then, a loser who couldn't let go. I have no reason to believe, without things being on paper, that any lip-service they might have paid him behind the scenes to get him to drop out would have come to fruition.
The DNC platform didn't get hammered out til right before the convention, and there is just about no reason to believe, given the signals sent up by the Democratic Establishment, that there was any intention to make concessions to Sanders until he pushed all the way to it. They could have done that earlier. They could have given him a win that proved that they weren't just disdainfully locking us out of the conversation, far earlier. They didn't think they had to.
The bottom line is first, I reject the silliness that Sanders contributed to Trump's win--that is almost totally the US media's to own-- but second, even if you insist on a corollary, then you should be looking at Clinton and the DNC for thinking they could turn their back and go about business as usual.
I guess wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats ran somebody against Sanders. Are you saying they want to give him payback for daring to challenge the chosen one? I would be equally unsurprised though, if he isn't challenged. His favorables are way too high, and it makes the DNC look petty and vindictive.
(19,814 posts)or authority in a nation or organization". Sounds like the senate to me. Even pretend iconoclasts can qualify if their actions belie their words.
(5,272 posts)he's not in the group.
And who the fuck cares anyway. If somebody is in the establishment railing against the way the establishment is doing business--because it is doing it shittily--I want that guy in there. Trying to shut somebody up or undercut his message by smirkingly saying ...hrrr hrrr hrrr, but you're part of the establishment...snark...is totally and intentionally missing the point.
(19,814 posts)And I've that if I put you on ignore, I won't have to read those either.
(5,272 posts)then read it back to yourself and nod.
(159,624 posts)Again, you may want to consider using facts
(5,272 posts)Your contributions are not insightful, and it is clear at this point that they aren't rendered in good faith for the sake of actual discussion. You would rather characterize me and my posts than to actually address the content. It has nothing to do with your claimed reliance on facts. If facts were the issue, you'd just use them already to undercut my arguments rather than going off on marginally related tangents.
But what exactly is your goal here? Why was it important for you to reengage me in a pissing contest? Do you want to have the last vapid word in all of my posts, because I'll do a quick run-through and give you a list.
(159,624 posts)I really do not care about your feelings or unsupported opinions. I found it amusing when you attacked another poster for expressing their opinion or feelings. Again, I come here for facts and not opinions that are unsupported by facts or analysis. Your attack on another poster for expressing their opinion amuses me
Thank you for the amusement.
(5,272 posts)didn't want to actually discuss, placing me on ignore. Your own attempts to use facts are ...wait for it...amusing to me.
And I'm getting the distinct feeling that you wouldn't pass the Turing Test, given the constraints of your responses.
(159,624 posts)I live in the real world where facts and analysis are important. I use facts in my posts and do not rely on posts about my feelings or opinions not based on facts or analysis. Your posts rely on your unsubstantiated feelings about a subject and lack facts or analysis to back up your claims.
Lets look at what is considered to be a fact that supports an argument. Sanders had no chance of being the nominee and Sanders ran in the Democratic Primary solely for media coverage with no hope of winning. Sanders admitted that he was running for media coverage and money http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-dem-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/bernie-sanders-independent-media-coverage-220747
During a town hall-style event in Columbus, Ohio, the independent Vermont senator said, In terms of media coverage, you have to run within the Democratic Party. He then took a dig at MNSBC, telling Todd, the network would not have me on his program if he ran as an independent.
Money also played a role in his decision to run as a Democrat, Sanders added.
To run as an independent, you need you could be a billionaire," he said. "If you're a billionaire, you can do that. I'm not a billionaire. So the structure of American politics today is such that I thought the right ethic was to run within the Democratic Party.
If Sanders had been an actual member of the Democratic Party and cared about the Party, Sanders would have conceded after Super Tuesday. Sanders attacks on Clinton were responsible in part for Trump winning and for that I will not support Sanders or his supporter Keith Ellison
(30 posts)An unnecessarily negative campaign would have made full use of the email scandal instead of pshawing it on a national stage.
The primary process treated her with kid gloves frankly which led to the disaster in November.
(19,814 posts)Excuse me a moment while I roll my eyes.
The disaster in November was the direct result of the BoBs, the FBI, the Tea Party, the alt-right, and an equivocating media treating Clinton with the same kid gloves.
The only people desperately spinning now are the BoBs and the narcissistic no shows who realize that they have been played and that they will have to live with the contempt of 65,000,000+ voters.
Now excuse me permanently while I put you on ignore.
Oh, and welcome to DU.
(30 posts)... With all of her people in the key positions to support her.
She won the primary battle to lose the election war.
(159,624 posts)Sanders had no chance of being the nominee in that Jewish, African American and Latino voters rejected him. After Super Tuesday, Clinton had a delegate lead that Sanders would not be able to overcome. Sanders stayed in the race not to win but to hurt the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton. Sanders succeeded. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=post&forum=1251&pid=2667852
(30 posts)... And negotiated his exit and support much sooner.
(159,624 posts)Sanders pushed very hard up to until the last minute before the convention. I was a delegate to the National Convention and the Clinton whipping infrastructure was warning delegates to expect up to five floor votes. Leticia van de Putte (the 2014 Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor) was co-chair of the Rules committee and she told me that they met until 2:30 AM on Sunday morning before the convention to deal with the super delegate issue.
Sanders was not interested in helping the Democratic party. Sanders ran for media coverage and Sanders hurt the Democratic party
(30 posts)If that had happened and we had more of his people and less of Clintons with a negotiated agreement?
Maybe we'd have president Clinton now...
In any case, Bernie was under no obligation to quit and bow out. Hillary had a few swords hanging over her head and it was possible something campaign ending could have come out like an indictment or other large scandal.
Bernie owes it to his people to fight as long and hard as he can.
(159,624 posts)I guess helping trump be elected is okay if you get your way
(30 posts)... That no one should have dared to challenge Clinton at any point and if the entire party and the voters had just done as they were told everything would have been fine.
(159,624 posts)Sanders himself stated that he only ran for media coverage http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=post&forum=1251&pid=2670187 I would love to see a sanders supporter explain Sanders own statements
(30 posts)He was in it to win (not very likely) or to have a significant influence on the party in the future.
(159,624 posts)After Sanders being soundly rejected by Jewish, African American and Latino voters, Sanders had no chance in the real world of being the nominee. Hillary Clinton's lead at this point was not going to be over come and Sanders stayed in the race anyway to get media attention.
Remember that at the end, Hillary Clinton had more than four times the lead in pledged delegates over Sanders compared to the lead in pledged delegates that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008. The way Hillary Clinton handled the situation was so much more classy and appropriate compared to Sanders antics.
In the real world math is important. Do you agree?
(30 posts)If Hillary wanted it, she should have negotiated for it instead of pulling the usual 'wait out the storm'.
She didn't and this is what we get.
(159,624 posts)Kuhl
(30 posts)... To expect everyone to forego the primary process.
(159,624 posts)Here Sanders was not really a part of the party and only ran in the party for media coverage. In the past, when a member of the Democratic Party who actually cared about the party found themselves behind by the number of pledged delegates that Sanders was after Super Tuesday, they conceded. Again these candidates were actual members of the Democratic Party and cared about the party. Sanders had no chance for the nomination and lied to his supporters when he claimed that had a chance. The result was that Sanders helped elect Trump.
It appears that you approve of this result. I do not
(5,272 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Sanders used his media coverage to become by far the most frequent guest on the Sunday morning show circuit http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/sanders-top-list-for-most-appearances-on-2016-sunday-shows-846175811977 Sanders ran for media coverage and got it. To get such coverage, Sanders attacked the Democratic party and helped trump get elected
(159,624 posts)Look this time line and you can see proof that Sanders was trying to hurt the party and give trump a victory http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-aftermath-20160609-snap-htmlstory.html The differences in how Clinton responded to losing and Sanders trying to hurt the party are amazing
(159,624 posts)Sanders had no chance of being the nominee after Super Tuesday but continued his campaign which hurt Clinton. Here is a good example Sanders really hurt Clinton I am still mad at the number of times that trump used Sanders' claims against Clinton. Sanders' baseless charges that the system was fixed and rigged were used by trump to great effect and hurt Clinton http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/rigged-system-donald-trump_us_5855cb44e4b08debb7898607?section=us_politics
I think he was able to thread a certain toxic needle. But he did win, and were all going to pay the price.
John Weaver, aide to Ohio Gov. John Kasichs presidential campaign
The underlying irony for those who sought to end what they perceived as corruption is that they may well have elected a president whose record through the years and whose actions since the election signal it could be the most openly corrupt administration in generations.....
And if Sanders rhetoric during the primaries started that stew simmering with his talk about the system only working for the rich, Trump brought it to a full boil with his remarks blaming undocumented immigrants and trade agreements that he claimed were forged as the result of open corruption.
Sanders' bogus rigged process claim hurt a great deal
George II
(67,782 posts)WilliamH1474
(29 posts)I think that Obama was a once in a lifetime President. And I apologize if this offends the OP as that is not my intention. I just thing that the entire reason we have a postmortem is to dissect what went wrong.
Don't get me wrong, I voted Hillary and my state went for her but there were some serious problems that should be addressed. I think that to pretend like there were no problems is a disservice to the Democratic party and will only set us up for failure.
I have said this before and I will repeat it.
The FBI would have NEVER been an issue for her, had she used a State Department email account. Had she turned over the entire 60,000 emails to the FBI from day one on the condition that her private emails not be released, she would have never appeared to be hiding something. Had she taken the thing serious from day one, and not be flippant about the entire thing and she would not have been viewed as reckless or whatever else people said.
That was partially why when she was ill, and fell on Sept. 11 it became a huge deal. It again looked like she was lying about her health. She had the opportunity to get in front of that, and chose not to.
She chose to spend more time talking about Trump's negatives than her own message and vision for America. In my state all the ad's that ran were extremely negative.
There were a lot of mistakes and miscalculations made, but hindsight is also 20 20 and it's easy to Monday morning quarterback.
The Wikileaks emails played a part sure, but there was a reason Dumbf won. The lead in the popular vote is often cited, but the fact is that Hillary won CA by 4 Million votes. Dumbf won the rest of the country by 2 million votes. THAT is a major problem and glossing over it does not help us dissect the reason that we lost.
I just pray that we can figure out exactly what went wrong before 2020 because 2018 does not look pretty either and Mid terms never seem to registrar on the average person's radar.
I hope you all have a happy holidays!
(32,886 posts)Because state.gov email is also not rated for anything classified.
The exact same security issues would have existed using the state.gov email as a private email server. Not secure for classified mail is not secure for classified mail.
You have to use the Siprnet email system to send information up to secret and JWICS for top secret.
Someone accidentally sending classified or secret or top secret level information to your state.gov email is exactly the same security issue as if it was sent to a private email server or Gmail for that matter.
I had a debate on this very issue on Sirius radio vs a former CIA agent and he was forced to acknowledge that I was right.
Unfortunately you and many other people bought into the nonsense Republicans and other folks with an anti-Hillary agenda fed you. This was all silly manufactured outrage. Errors like this with sending emails to non rated email systems happen all the time. It's only an issue this time because some folks wanted to manufacure an issue against Hillary.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)is a travesty!
(96,598 posts)WilliamH1474
(29 posts)But that is OK, as a fellow Democrat I am always open to discussion and disagreement. I really appreciate your detailed response.
I think part of the problem is that there was classified content emailed in the first place. But has human's we all make mistakes and an email that was classified slipping through the cracks can be easily explained. However I think there were over 60 emails with classified information on them. Somewhere in there, you have to think logically and admit to yourself that someone was cutting corners
It's hard for me, because I really had no preference in either Bernie or Hillary because I liked a lot of both platforms, and hated everything the Repugs brought to the table.
I do take issue with you saying that I bought into some kind of Repug nonsense just because I don't think that everything went off without a hitch and there were no mistakes made. I was taught since a young age that part of making a mistake is learning from it, so that you do not repeat it. There will be no learning from these mistakes, and no correcting problems if we all just hold hands and pretend that she ran a perfect campaign, and that the only reason that we lost was because of Comey and some Russian bs.
I fear that there has been a lot of making excuses and not enough open and through analysis of why we have lost a total of 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seat. Somewhere along the road, we have lost our grasp of the common man(or women) and been beaten by a racist group that used to be so hated, and reviled.
Again, this is just one man's opinion and I may be way off base. This is simply my take on this election.
Happy Holidays!
(109,763 posts)except two were retroactively classified. And those 2 were supposed to have been declassified -- each contained a stray "C" marking that was supposed to have been removed.
(32,886 posts)As some one else responded to you, the added insult here is that the items were not classified at the time of being sent but had their security classification changed later and should not have had their classifications changed.
The more you peel the onion, the worse this nonsense is. It's not opinion. It's a pathetic, poor excuse for a scandal that you and plenty of others bought into because you refused to do the most basic investigation. And as a result, someone who is a really terrible choice for President, who has made a lifetime of cheating people out of paying them for hard work and who has various other glaring issues, is going to take the oath of office in four weeks.
(109,763 posts)karynnj
(60,153 posts)If the State Department had all the emails, they would have given the Congress and media the emails that matched the requests. None of the emails that were classified dealt with that - most were about the drone program etc.
The real problem was that she was seen to be secretive and to being willing to not tell the entire truth if something is unpleasant. As the FBI concluded, there was no case to indict on the classified information. In terms of providing stuff to Congress and the media, it is not criminal law -- I believe the only recourse is to demand the department provide it.
The problem was not classification, it was the perception that she hid stuff and that resonated with her 1990s reputation. The problem was POLITICAL, not legal. It eroded her favorables and whether she was perceived as honest. (Yes, I know that score is stunning when Trump lies as easily as he speaks.)
(32,886 posts)Don't forget with whom we are dealing. Reality is no impediment to these folks.
(30 posts)karynnj
(60,153 posts)If the server, there is a real likelihood that no one would ever have known if the SD got all the emails in a timely manner. The rules on office records, despite precedents where practice did not follow the rules, was that the emails should have been archived. In fact, had she done this she would have been CLOSER to the guidelines Obama set in 2014 (AFTER HRC) than any predecessor. So, had she doen that - either we never would have known anything about her server OR we would have known that it was not explicitly outlawed and that she took care to preserve, archive and have available in a timely fashion to the State Department her work email. (Key take away - it counters rather than reinforces the idea that she hides things and it means there would never have been the slowly changing story that fed the false idea that she was not honest.
If you ask why there was a classification issue -- it came when the State Department had to redact emails in full or in part before they put them all online. The FIRST person to ask that they all be put online was Clinton in an effort to defuse a negative story. This meant that many emails that never would have been made public were. It also meant that the State Department had to look at every line of every email and consider whether, added to what was at that point known and in conjunction with all the other emails, it should be classified to allow it to be redacted.
What you can see is that over 4 years in the department, where HRC would have originated and received classified material on a daily basis -- it clearly was sent over the classified networks. In fact, some "incriminating" emails where top aides wrote of trouble sending stuff over classified means - actually confirm that the practice was to use the classified systems for classified material.
One issue that totally got confused was that she substituted a NON CLASSIFIED private account for the NON CLASSIFIED state.gove account that she should have used. In EITHER case, classified information should not have been there. However, for any non classified account for someone working in national security, it is likely that some things that were not classified information might - because of things that happened in the up to 6 intervening years - might be sensitive enough that they would need to be classified before being put on a public website for all to see. (Consider that a minor player years ago in some country might now be a leader, who could be embarrased (or worse) by reports mentioning his opinions back in - say - 2009. )
My conjecture, and I am aware it is a CONJECTURE, is that if everything was archived and all the FOIA and Congressional inquiries were done starting back when HRC was Secretary -- there would have been no claims the Obama administration was stonewalling or hiding anything. Further, there would have probably been no issue of her email - or if there was one at all, it would have been minor and easily responded to.
(10,561 posts)Then again, we live in a country where Al Gore lost because he said that he went to Texas with the Director of FEMA and it turns out he really went with the Deputy Director of FEMA.
(10,173 posts)Whole year Clinton was dragged to the level of Trump. There was no distinction made between the candidates - emails were equated with all of Trump's horrors. Uncurated emails were scoured for scandal. Journalistic integrity in reporting leaks went through the window. As for Clinton's email scandal, on the face of it - to me- it was nonsense, and as the investigation wore on, it was confirmed that there was no there there. Comey, being Comey, interjected himself into his conclusions as FBI Director - no surprise as he's something of a zealot. It all added to more speculation and terrible journalism till ridiculous comparisons were made with Watergate.
And the pneumonia episode showed our terrible tendency to dehumanize politicians and there was the whiff of sexism.
Politicians get sick all the time. I don't need them to tell me when or how unless it's really really serious. Clinton did what many women do, (I do this) , which is to soldier on in the face of illness. It reached the level of absurd when there were calls for her to release her medical records - which none of us are entitled to, it was bad enough when Democrats asked for McCain to divulge his in 08.
The one good thing about 2016 is the reminder that grassroots activism is important, the Democratic Party has a great opportunity to truly distinguish itself as enlightened and forward thinking compared to the regressive world view and policies of Trump and the GOP.
(29 posts)I think that Hillary had a lot going against her for sure, but I do think that somethings could have been handled a lot better.
I think one of the major problems in our country is the role of the media and how bad journalism has gotten. They no longer seem to care what the actual truth is, or what actually happened. Most media including stuff written by the left has become opinion pieces written as fact. There are very few in depth story's and very little digging and now it has become one place reporting on something, and the rest parroting the same thing with a slightly different spin on it just to stay relevant. I personally think that they should just report the news as the news, and let the viewer make up their mind about what was reported.
One personal thing I noticed was Hillary's reluctance to allow the media into the campaign, or to allow them to participate. Now this can be explained by the constant hounding from her day's as First Lady and the role the media played in Bill's impeachment but at some point she had to realize the affects of that.
By her doing stuff like roping off the media and not wanting to do any press conferences left her having to constantly defend against speculation, instead of being able to convey her message. I want you to imagine a different scenario for a second.
When she was feeling ill, instead of not telling the press and having a huge uproar about her health and so on what if she had instead dominated to conversation a different way. What if she had said "I am sick with pneumonia and not feeling great, but out of respect for the heroic citizens who died on this terrible day, I am going to be making an appearance anyways, because as a strong woman I can't take a day off and must soldier on!" The entire narrative would have changed and anyone questioning her dedication would be shown for what they are.
Dumbf dominated the airwaves because he was usually the only one who was speaking to the press (however disgusting the reason). If she had done the same, and used the media to broadcast her message a lot more people would have heard it. She could have spent the same time that she spent rebuking the deplorable to enhance her vision. She should have said "While my opponent said *insert deplorable thing here* I rebuke that and want to tell you that my plan is better because *xyz*
There were a lot of missed opportunity's one of which was spending so much time fund raising in private instead of doing rally's and talking to people directly. She came off as wanting to please the donor class and not give the people what they wanted which was an alternative to Dumbf.
Again this is just my opinion as uneducated as it may be. Happy Holidays everyone!
(10,173 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)baldguy
(36,649 posts)The fact that in the end he chose NOT to join the party proves it.
(22,286 posts)There was a time when we stood up for our values rather than cower and apologize because of them.
There was a time when Democrats didn't fundamentally buy into Reagonomics.
(36,649 posts)The most extreme idiots from deepest Trumpian Dumbfuckistan don't believe it. Why do you?
(22,286 posts)And if you are confused about the "Reaganomics" observation and wish to dispute it, please include a list of Post-Mondale Democratic Presidents or Party Nominees who ran on change our tax rates to pre-Reagan levels in your reply.
(36,649 posts)Those are your words, and they have clear implications.You've bought into the RW lies & obviously don't support the Democratic Party.
Now you're trying to deny & deflect from those implications, which shows your contempt for people who oppose the fascism of the Republican Party.
Just accept the fact that you've exposed yourself & slink away.
(22,286 posts)You seriously should try to act like a civil member of this board and work on not putting words in peoples's mouths.
I remember the 1970s when Democrats were Democrats. If you don't that may explain your confusion.
(36,649 posts)It's too late. You've exposed yourself. You can go away now.
(22,286 posts)1> Demonstrate where I was a Bully.
2> Telling members of the progressive coalition to go away is part of the problem we had with the 2016 general election.
3> I've been here since 2001 and and a long-time DUer. So your assessment is laughable.
4> You are the one violating there board rules with pretty much every response.
I recommend you take deep breaths and perhaps find someone else's posts to not comprehend rather than tempt me to start alerting on your personal attacks.
Have a nice day.
(962 posts)Gore1FL
(22,286 posts)truebluegreen
(9,033 posts)as an independent, which is how he ran and was elected.
Quel horror!
(36,649 posts)It's obvious your problem is with the Democratic Party, then.
(9,033 posts)he was elected by his constituents as an Independent, and he feels it is appropriate to continue representing them as the Independent they elected.
In what way does repeating what Bernie has said about his party status demonstrate "my" problem? That is idiotic.
(36,649 posts)which has received the majority of votes in 6 of the last 7 Presidential contests (and there are questions about the 7th) and has the majority of people agree with them on the issues. The Party was good enough for Sanders to pop up at the front of the parade trying to take credit for it. But since the Party rejected him, like a petulant child he doesn't want anything to do with it.
And you seem to be supporting his disingenuous position. Therefore: your problem.
(9,033 posts)Who do you think you are, to speak for me, or Sanders, or anybody besides yourself?
I will say this though: you "seem" to think that winning the presidential election is the only one that matters and that "seems" to be a problem. Your problem.
Oh, and speaking of disingenous, I'm sure you would have preferred that Bernie run as a third-party candidate because that, of course, would have insured Hillary's victory, not only in the popular vote but also the Electoral College. Right? Right? Or would you have preferred that he just not run at all, because...why? Do tell.
(1,009 posts)Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)Not to mention he's not a Democrat.
(9,359 posts)Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)She was right AND she lost. Nor would her being wrong mean Bernie would win.
(109,763 posts)Hillary wouldn't have had a chance if she had run BOTH as the first woman President AND on Bernie's platform.
And only a man could present himself in that angry, know-it-all way that Bernie did. Any woman acting like Bernie would have been laughed off the Presidential stage.
(9,359 posts)her run to be historically significant. GenXers and younger know they will see a woman president in their lifetime. No one ever believed they would see a PoC elected.
(109,763 posts)All they show is that young people are taking too much for granted. Back in the 70's I would have been shocked if I'd known that, decades later, no woman had yet been elected -- and that a creep like DT would be elected over a woman as experienced, smart, and capable as Hillary.
And I would have as wrong as the young people today who are taking for granted they will see a woman elected in the near future -- or even in their lifetimes.
As far as Obama goes, he didn't get elected by promising a sea change in POLICY. That's why people here are constantly (and wrongly) accusing him of being too conservative.
(9,359 posts)Did his governing match his platform? Like anything else it's a mixed bag.
As far as a woman becoming president; it will happen within the next 20 years. My belief is that it will probably be Warren. She's popular among the Clinton and Sanders wing of the party.
(109,763 posts)in the next 20 years. Not after what just happened this year. Twenty years from now we could be living under one party Republican rule -- especially with all the people like you who are taking progress for granted.
(9,359 posts)I was a bit disappointed when he selected Clinton as SoS. Ironically, I think his years with Kerry as SoS are more aligned with his '08 platform.
A woman will be president within 20 years, probably less. That's providing that people like you do not view Hillary's loss as a setback, which based on your statement that you already do.
(109,763 posts)It sent the message to women everywhere that no matter how qualified or capable, a woman could lose to the worst man in the world.
(9,359 posts)Hillary was a qualified candidate, but she's not a capable campaigner.
(109,763 posts)The poll aggregators all show that her support dropped precipitously after the first bomb and never recovered, and that the "undecideds" broke for Trump. Hillary had no way to expect or plan for unprecedented and unethical interference from the FBI.
(9,359 posts)What was Hillary's three to five word economic message?
(109,763 posts)far more than anything else -- the media just didn't cover it.
(9,359 posts)A message is 3 to 5 word sentence that would sell a jobs program.
(55,000 posts)apcalc
(4,518 posts)Spot on!
(21,083 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,131 posts)our message was too complex
(15,539 posts)I am still adding people to my Ignore List.
I will continue to do so. Whatever they call themselves, I do not call them Democrats. F*ck them!
Hillary would indeed have made an outstanding President. Now we have a POS who for me will be NMP (Never My President) now and for always.
liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)can't have it all, they will burn down the whole house. In their eyes: fuck minoroties, fuck gays, and fuck immigrants. Bernie wasn't their nominee, so they sat out the election. Reap it you sick fucks.
(15,539 posts)to suffer, I wouldn't give one whit about them.
Unfortunately, their selfishness will hurt those who supported Hillary and can least afford to be hurt.
(29,941 posts)I don't quite get how one day everything is coming up roses, then one fake news story about her being "ill" and bam, she drops 7 points. Then Trump does his usual deplorable stuff and bam, she's up 10 points, then Comey drops another fake issue and bam, she's down 12 points. WTF, people, how can you be so fickle. Why can't people see they are being manipulated. It's crazy. Also crazy, is everything the worst of the worst thought about Clinton was actually a characteristic of Trump. Jayzus! Jayzus Jayzus!
Happy Holiday folks. This is the first I have commented much since the election. It's still a raw nerve for me also...
(10,561 posts)are truly disgraceful.
(204 posts)I am goddamned sick of that too. That and the Bernie whiners.
(26,467 posts)Kerry, kucinch, even john Edwards, it wasn't hard to find examples of them being slagged. No matter who it is,seems dems are equal opportunity haters!
(20,036 posts)X1000
(27,607 posts)I guess they think repeating garbage-lies over and over is going to work. Not here it doesn't. Idiots.
(20,219 posts)And thanks for saying it!
Wish there was something we could do about it.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Nonhlanhla
(2,074 posts)Simple as that. His coalition was not broad enough.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)and for what a day or two?
Response to boston bean (Reply #52)
Post removed
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)information?
I'm sorry, I will never believe anything but.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)murielm99
(31,743 posts)What interesting wording. Bernie lost the primary, so you cannot be referring to him. YOU lost? Hillary lost the general, and you say YOU lost? What Democrat would use that wording? Who are you?
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Face it. Hillary didn't mobilize our side.
(31,743 posts)Seriously, whose fucking side? She won by nearly 2.9 million votes, and she did not mobilize you? Oh, you poor dear. Hillary did not hold your little hand.
I still don't know whose fucking side you are yakking about.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)murielm99
(31,743 posts)Stop spewing lies about the data breach that Bernie's campaign exploited. Stop acting like a cult member and start acting like a Democrat. The election is over. We have work to do in order to survive the next four years, and to get on with our lives. Bleating about Bernie is childish and he is yesterday's news.
(11,641 posts)http://www.politicususa.com/2016/04/29/bernie-sanders-withdraws-lawsuit-dnc-proven-correct-data-breach.html
(12,739 posts)DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda said in a statement that the analysis confirmed the DNCs initial findings, The forensic analysis conducted by the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike confirmed that the DNCs initial findings, which were the basis of the temporary shutdown in December, were accurate. The audit confirmed that one campaign gained unauthorized access to the data of another, and the audit further confirmed that the results of those searches were saved within the system and that data was exported. Following the conclusion of the audit that confirmed the DNCs original findings, the Sanders campaign withdrew its lawsuit.
(11,641 posts)or used improperly.
The final results were never made public. If there was any truth to the LIES that data was stolen and used improperly that report would be PUBLIC.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)attacking Hillary and her supporters you are the enemy. Sorry but that's the truth
(962 posts)NBachers
(18,368 posts)whoever your side happens to be.
(55,655 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 27, 2016, 02:53 PM - Edit history (1)
Hillary or Trump. Anyone who did not vote for Hillary put that racist thief Trump in power. That they pretend to be leftists is irrelevant. They stood with the White Supremacists against progressive policies they claimed to support. If they had actually supported those policies or given a shit about anything but their own egos, the decision to support Hillary would have been easy. You just admitted to not supporting Clinton, which means you made a false declaration in signing the TOS. It also means you decided that my life and those of every other non-white male in America is not important enough to get over your anger about the primary. That also required ignoring Bernie's calls to vote for Clinton.
I won't hazard a guess as to why the self absorbed chose fascism, racism, misogyny, and cleptocracy over progressive policies. All that matters is they did, and that decision reveals who they are. Fascism is as fascism does.
I have some sympathy for the undereducated Trump voters who were conned. I have nothing but contempt for those who chose to turn the country over to fascism and exact revenge on the poorest, most vulnerable Americans because their particular guy lost the primary by 3.8 million votes. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people who choose hatred over progressive policies would enable fascism. Trump, who himself is driven by vindictiveness, is the perfect reflection of their souls.
(4,542 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,540 posts)think
(11,641 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)That was debunked long ago.
It's like finding people who still believe Saddam was behind 9/11.
(12,739 posts)From your link:
DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda said in a statement that the analysis confirmed the DNCs initial findings, The forensic analysis conducted by the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike confirmed that the DNCs initial findings, which were the basis of the temporary shutdown in December, were accurate. The audit confirmed that one campaign gained unauthorized access to the data of another, and the audit further confirmed that the results of those searches were saved within the system and that data was exported. Following the conclusion of the audit that confirmed the DNCs original findings, the Sanders campaign withdrew its lawsuit.
(11,641 posts)And the DNC did not make the final report PUBLIC. If there was any truth to the bogus claims any data was stolen or misused this report would be PUBLIC.
(55,655 posts)Logs of the searches were published.
Hacking isn't the most accurate term. There was a security breach of the DNC database, not caused by either campaign. During that breach, the Sanders campaign executed multiple searches of Clinton voter files. The logs of those searches have been made public.
So you're correct that his campaign didn't hack Clinton's files, but they did take advantage of a security breach to improperly access them. Sanders himself even admitted to improper behavior by a staffer in that incident.
That someone told you what you want to hear does not constitute debunking.
If I had a dime for every time someone claimed information they found inconvenient had been "debunked," I'd be rich enough to be in Trump's cabinet.
George II
(67,782 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)"On Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015, NGP VAN, the vendor that operates the system, released a software modification that had a bug. According to a lawsuit filed by the Sanders campaign, "several staff members of the campaign accessed and viewed confidential Information" that belonged to the Clinton campaign."
The logs of the Sanders' access were released:
"These logs show Sanders people spent a bit under two hours in the data. During that time, they called up information from about a dozen states."
There were FOUR people accessing the database, with each spending roughly 2 hours, totaling close to EIGHT hours of access, not one.
These are documented facts. The ONLY reason the DNC shut down the Sanders' campaign access (for about two days) was because they accessed data they weren't authorized to access and the DNC wanted to make sure they could no longer do so.
(24,876 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)but, mild in comparison to what Bernie's campaign had to deal with. But, hey, that's water under the bridge... we now need to unite like never before.
Bernie is already shining the light of truth against that racist pig tRump that shows us the way out of this disgusting mess. And, if another progressive leader steps forward, than it's another win-win for democracy.
As long as we don't repeat the same mistakes as this last go round, we'll defeat Furher tRump handily in 4 years.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)I don't think i will ever forgive him for that.
(24,876 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Clinton's delegate lead after Super Tuesday was so great that Sanders had no chance of being the nominee. Sanders had little support from Jewish, African American and Latino voters who are key groups in the Democratic base. After Super Tuesday, Sanders had no chance of being the nominee and as far as I am concerned Sander misled his supporters when he claimed that he could win.
At the end, Hillary Clinton had more than four times the lead in pledged delegates over sanders compared to the lead that President Obama had over Hillary Clinton in 2008. Clinton immediately conceded and worked from after the Calif. primary to the general election. Sanders held out hope to his supporters that he could still win until just before the convention.
(24,876 posts)Yeahhh, that's a GREAT idea!!! Wooohooo!!
(159,624 posts)Trump had an oppo book on Sanders that was two feet thick. http://www.newsweek.com/myths-cost-democrats-presidential-election-521044
So what would have happened when Sanders hit a real opponent, someone who did not care about alienating the young college voters in his base? I have seen the opposition book assembled by Republicans for Sanders, and it was brutal. The Republicans would have torn him apart. And while Sanders supporters might delude themselves into believing that they could have defended him against all of this, there is a name for politicians who play defense all the time: losers....
The Republicans had at least four other damning Sanders videos (I dont know what they showed), and the opposition research folder was almost 2-feet thick. (The section calling him a communist with connections to Castro alone would have cost him Florida.) In other words, the belief that Sanders would have walked into the White House based on polls taken before anyone really attacked him is a delusion built on a scaffolding of political ignorance.
Trump would have destroyed Sanders in the general election
(24,876 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Sanders was never attacked by the Clinton campaign in the primary but there was a ton of good material that could have been used. Sanders was allowed to coast through the primary process with no vetting because no one believed that he was going to be the nominee. Sanders would have been destroyed in the general election.
George II
(67,782 posts).....and then acting like it was THEIR fault!
(24,876 posts)But, maybe Bernie was on to other shenanigans the DNC was perpetrating on his campaign and wanted it exposed... just a theory, but, no excuse for hacking of anyone, by anyone.
I think we can ALL agree on that!
George II
(67,782 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)Bernie is not a democrat. He's an independent. 2, he never took black folks into consideration had he did that and listened to us and worked with us he would have made out a lot better so stop it with this nonsense.
3. You want to impress us, start winning races locally. Run in everything you can get your hands on. Then move up. Then start catering to voters like me. You can do that then I might start to take a look at you guys seriously.
(1,499 posts)I'm wondering just who you place in that category.
I am black. I grew up in a neighborhood that NO white politician visited during the last election, nor ever visited before. I am in my mid-60s now, a graduate of NYU Law, and for over 30 years have represented primarily young black males and the surviving families of young black males sacrificed on the altar of making white folks "feel safe." I have been involved in liberation both here and other places in the world since I moved to the Bay area at age 18 and in politics since voting for McGovern in 1972.
What makes you think you get to talk for me?
Do people like me not qualify as "black folks?" I mean, I can accept that if that's YOUR definition. I am an economic socialist, I admit. I believe that fight for equality starts, not ends, with $60 trillion of reparations. I believe we have a right to use force to defend ourselves when threatened. I believe that the Michael Browns of this country deserve our loyalty every bit as much as their parents. Do I need to go on? In short, I may not be, and I may not fight for, the type of "black folks" you want white people to think about when you throw out that term. That's fine. I live in white-dominated world, too. I understand why you might not want to stand with someone it sees as "radical".
What I don't understand is how you exclude people like Rev. Middlebrooks. Does that name mean anything to you? He was sitting in the Lorraine Motel when Dr. King was murdered. He's worked for our community for over a half a century. If you want to know more, you need only read. His life isn't "tainted" by "radicalism."
He campaigned for Senator Sanders during the primary, just like I did, and he campaigned in the South, just like I did.
Did our voices not "count" when we, directly (for Rev. Middlebrooks) or indirectly (me) were "listened to" by Sanders? Does it not count when our concerns were addressed? (Example, do you remember when Hillary supporters accused Sanders of being racist for talking about young people in poor neighborhoods hanging around on street corners with no education and no jobs? Now those young people may not be representative of our community, or for that matter, even our poor communities, but they are still there and they f'n count).
I have zero issue with those who say Hillary won the black vote during the primaries because she has spent years, decades in fact, talking to politically-involved people of color, going into their communities and their churches and being vocal about their concerns. She deserves a tremendous amount of praise for doing that when very few national politicians have.
HOWEVER, saying that Hillary did things that very few white politician have, which she did, is not the same as the utter tripe spread by people like you about Sanders not caring about or listening to people of color.
That's pure garbage.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)makes all of you think you can talk for me. What is garbage are responses like this I keep getting.
(1,499 posts)I talked for myself and for a person I talk to on a regular basis. YOU talked for "black folks" and about "black people's concerns".
Don't project your behavior on me.
After the primary I worked hard for Hillary because I know what she would have meant for us and how that psychopath Trump would hurt us. Even though she has baggage in the segment of our community I work with, I never said one word about it even during the primary and neither did Sanders. In contrast, Hillary's supporters spun every thing Sanders said into some sign of special (because all white people are almost necessarily racist) racial insensitivity. It was crap then. It's crap now.
Hillary deserved the support she got from the black community because she worked for it, NOT because of the slander you keep spreading about Sanders.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)but the DNC database does not belong to him. He should have been building his own database. I know I got called by the Bernie campaign begging for my vote during the priamary
(159,624 posts)obliviously
(1,635 posts)We win with vibrant young, Bill Clinton Obama etc(well shame we stopped before etc.)
(96,598 posts)....uses liniment.
(1,635 posts)Relative youth, stamina...
(96,598 posts)....and she also looks the most vigorous, has the quickest most agile mind, and the broadest background in government and world affairs.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)but Bernie did not win the primary and please let's stop rehashing the primary this is why so many of us are sick of this.
George II
(67,782 posts)....over the last 240 years who sacrificed everything to make this country what it was, sometimes I think it has all been taken away from them and us.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)bowens43
(16,064 posts)if you dare speak the truth about hillary here you violate the rules.... so enough said.
(24,876 posts)Bernie & Elizabeth 2020!!!
(90,308 posts)obliviously
(1,635 posts)Jerky could not beat pemmican so let's run jerky again.
(24,876 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)I'd love it if Warren did, though.
(24,876 posts)Bernie has the energy and stamina of a person decades younger. You certainly didn't see him falter on the campaign trail, during a grueling schedule that easily would have tired most politicians his age. He stood his ground and showed ZERO signs of slowing down. The phrase "healthy as an ox" comes to mind.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)I'll be the first in line to smack down comments that diss us old people. Bernie seems to be in great shape, but the reality is that in four years he'll be 78. Maybe he'll still be in great shape by then, but the reality is that the wheels do start wobbling when you hit your '70s. The more important thing, though, is the public perception that a 78-year-old candidate is just too old for what is an extremely stressful job. I'll bet you kroner to krugerrands that there are a lot of people (including party PTB) that simply would not vote for a candidate on that basis.
(24,876 posts)makes no sense to me. If Bernie is still spry into his 70's, awesome, I say let's run him. If he's truly showing signs of wear - or, if a 50-year-old potential candidate is also not in good health - sure, let's turn to someone else who is better off health-wise.
Make sense?
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)Call it what you want. Your argument is ridiculous because it's already been proven that a black candidate can win the presidency, and that a female candidate could have, having won the popular vote.
It's also fairly doubtful that a 78-year-old (who would be 82 at the end of their term, if they made it that far) would even want to do it. Again, speaking as an old person, you get to a point where you just want to sit back and enjoy the time you have left. And "let's run him" assumes that "we" can just turn a key in his back like some kind of wind-up toy and send him out there, whether he wants to do it or the party wants him to do it.
(24,876 posts)Bernie & Elizabeth 2020!!!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)I like Bernie, too, but he will not run in 2020. Bet on it. There are others who can pick up where he left off.
(19,460 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)... we get the best of both worlds!!
(10,561 posts)vote for him.
I agree that his age is not an obstacle to him running again.
I will probably back Elizabeth Warren in 2020.
BTW how do you get so many words into your reply title line?
(29 posts)Anything less than a glowing review seems to be taken as heresy. I hope people start listening to the opinions of others and be willing to listen to some criticism. Otherwise we will be running a weak ticket in 2020
(29,540 posts)
(19,814 posts)Make up a title and bestow it on Sanders in front of the press. Freeze him out on the inside. Run a real Democrat like Dean or Giordano in Vermont in 2018. Let the 78 year old independent retire gracefully or face questions about Lockheed Martin, Sierra Blanca, and/or those missing tax returns.
Schumer is a tough New York politico. He didn't have to run away to Whitelandia or sell his soul to the NRA to win an election. The payback will be rough.
(40,315 posts)and yup.
(3,675 posts)and she couldn't even face her supporters election night at the Jacob Javitz Center, she sent Podesta.
(19,814 posts)How peculiar that that you refer to Democrats as if they comprise a group you're not part of.
I was at the Javits Center that night. Nobody expected Hillary to come out and speak.
It's unfathomable to me why any Democrat would gloat over the heartbreak in midtown that night.
(29,540 posts)Some folks don't follow rules that are in the best interest of the party.
Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)That's the only truth here.
(29,690 posts)I had a belly-full of the Hillary-bashing around this place, some time ago. I know that everybody is stunned and sickened by trump's "victory." But enough is enough.
(4,423 posts)Bernie did not have the baggage that she did, Bernie did have a movement and enthusiasm that she didn't. No one believed that idiot Trump ever had a chance because we believed that Americans would see through his B.S. and eventually get tired of it at least that is what I thought, and I was content with her after her convention speech and I agree she was very progressive, and she would have made an excellent President. Important thing is to learn from this so next time during our primaries there can be no dismissing those that bring valid arguments about why one candidate would be better to run than another, we must resolve to never forget the lessons from this election.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)But now it's Bernie's turn to take his rightful place in the spotlight and show the world what he can do in battling that racist pig tRump.
Bernie & Elizabeth 2020!!!
boston bean
(36,720 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)Bernie will not go away quietly... nor should he... he's earned the right to get his turn at bat.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Listen, I don't hate him.
I am pissed at him for not conceding... really EVER.
And I am pissed at him for not helping his supporters support the dem nominee.
He lost by millions of votes. Time to move on into reality and understand what happened during this election, not some sour grapes about having lost a primary.
(24,876 posts)That is simply untrue and, perhaps, upon further reflection, when the wounds of this recent battle have healed, you'll see things in a different (more objective) light.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)but, we had no choice but to accept the results of the primary and support the ultimate winner... I don't think Bernie could have campaigned any harder for Hillary.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,876 posts)"Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nominating process, and I congratulate her for that. She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."
Bernie could not have been any more explicit in acknowledging Hillary's victory and pledging to campaign hard in trying to help get her elected President.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)PatsFan87
(368 posts)"Listen, I don't hate him." - Mhm. Sure you don't.
And if we are going to talk about relevancy, Bernie will be a senator, the face of the progressive movement, and in charge of outreach for the party while Hillary will be sitting in her living room in Chappaqua. It seems a tad hypocritical to me that you're willing to bash Bernie but others are not allowed to bash Hillary. Perhaps model the behavior you'd like to see on here.
(29 posts)The Op seems to not want to hear anything but an echo chamber of how amazing Hillary was.
I think this is very symptomatic of the entire election on our side. I have stated before in this thread that I had no real preference between the two just a strong hatred of Dumbf. There were a lot I liked in both.
BUT the OP has decided to ignore the proven evidence that the primary was less than fair. I will list 5 instances that come to mind.
1: The debate scheduling. I don't think anyone can argue that the debates were scheduled to be on nights where the viewership was known to be low. It later came out that Brazile leaked 2 debate questions to the Clinton camp so Hillary would be prepared for the question. As many of you know Brazile was later asked to resign over this at CNN. She never actually apologize. (Yes I know stolen emails and so on but the fact is that it happened and never should have)
2: The Co- Location of Hillary offices at DNC offices in Nevada. There was not even an attempt to hide what was going on there.
3: The voter access that has been discussed.
4: DNC finance chair was caught fundraising for Hillary. Henry R. Muñoz III was caught fundraising in San Antonio in direct violation of "The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and even-handedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process.
5:Lining up super delegates before the August debate even started the Clinton camp announced that they had lined up 1 fifth of the Super delegates.
I just find the entire thing leaving a bad taste in my mouth, And I think it is a lot harder for Bernie supporters to admit defeat when they were killed by "friendly" fire before the war even started.
Blaming them is not going to get you anywhere, just less democrats wanting to support you next time.
Just my .2 Happy Holidays
(4,322 posts)Hillary did much over the past 40 years to support the Dem organization structure, without which NO Dem would have ever been elected. The building and supporting of an organization (any organization) can be boring, difficult work collaborating and negotiating with others. It is as if a person joined the military, spent one year providing great ideas...then wanted a full pension, while others spend 20 or 40 years in that organization earning a pension.
(10,561 posts)awful human beings. The GOP would have had made up scandals waiting for them and they would have sold them very effectively. There may have even been a bogus FBI investigation.
We will never know whether they could have managed to live their fake scandals down.
In 2004, had Wes Clark been the nominee, the Swift Boat Veterans would have shown up just the same, just in a different form and with a different set of lies.
(32,886 posts)Polls that they will not vote for a socialist.
(962 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)and the rest of the south. Assuming Bernie loses all those states since Hillary lost all of them to Trump except Virginia which she won narrowly is a pretty solid bet. And that being the case Trump would have had over 270 EVs against Sanders as well even if we give Sanders Wisconsin and Michigan.
The problem for Bernie beyond that is, if you increase the states for which you have no way of contesting in the general election, as Bernie would have done, it allows your opponent to reallocate money and time and other effort to the remaining contested states. Bernie has no way of contesting the south, Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania. You have to have massive support and enthusiasm among the African American community and Latinos to contest those states against the GOP and the lack of enthusiasm for Bernie among those demographics is why Hillary crushed him in those states.
No crystal ball is needed. Sanders starts off conceding over 270 EVs to Trump.
(14,035 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)YoungDemCA
(5,714 posts)So no, try again.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Very critical of Hillary. Never a Bernie supporter.
(12,804 posts)Bernie Bro name calling is male chauvinism by another name.
(10,291 posts)truebluegreen
(9,033 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)truebluegreen
(9,033 posts)Or, why is this whole thread even here?
(10,291 posts)and this thread is here because the Poster decided to post it. It has responses from people who agree and disagree and why, in some cases.
(9,033 posts)Both sides are doing it.
(78,249 posts)It's about her blowing what should have been a Reagan-style landslide.
(13,570 posts)factors have to be put on the table including the mistakes she as the candidate made herself. In fact her team has acknowledged mistakes. So please, thicken up the skin a little bit here. This is politics and it is TOUGH business and SHOULD be.
(31,315 posts)The Reeps, in collusion with Russia, stole
this election -- criminally and traitorously.
Clinton ran a fine campaign, nothing less.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)NobodyHere
(2,810 posts)The I hope you never read the GD: P forum.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)some sort of illusion of what might have happened if, based in no reality whatsoever!
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)especially the "I am so god damn sick of it" part.
(32,886 posts)sheshe2
(90,308 posts)Jakes Progress
(11,208 posts)are just excused that some are throwing out to deflect their own sense of guilt. Helping elect trump is a big wad of shame to deal with for the next four years.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)What I am seeing is a few malcontents constantly refighting the primary and picking apart the election to make it look like her fault. Here we go again with a replay of Obama's first run, but he won the general so the losers had nothing to whine about.
We got screwed in a million ways, and many are being hashed out in hindsight, with some Bernistas not able to shut up about their pet theories for the loss.
This sucks in ways we haven't seen yet, but the point is not to refight this election-- it is to get rid of Trump. If he doesn't run himself out of office, we have 3 years to make his life miserable and another year to drive his re-election into the ground.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)HassleCat
(6,409 posts)She happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was a pretty good candidate, an excellent candidate on paper, and probably our best choice. Maybe Bernie would have done better, but it's not Hillary's fault she won the primaries.
It is not criticizing Hillary when we speculate that Bernie could have beat Trump. It's not bashing Hillary to discuss some of the problems she had. We have never found a perfect candidate, and it doesn't seem unfair to talk about why we lost, even if that includes some discussion about the candidate's shortcomings.
(8,008 posts)it would be a disservice not to address the establishment issue. Which, like it or not, is an issue. We need to learn from this not bury our heads in the sand and say la la la la and think everything is OK because it isn't.
Hillary lost because she couldn't hold the Obama coalition. We need to figure out why and in one word I would say it was the "establishment" factor.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)jimlup
(8,008 posts)Obama. Unfortunately, Obama wasn't running.
Don't get me wrong. It isn't a trivial thing but people didn't buy what Hillary (not Obama who would likely have been re-elected had he been eligible to run) was selling. Why not?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)jimlup
(8,008 posts)Because we MUST answer the question because we have to be ready for 2018 and 2020 and if we try the same establishment entitlement stuff it won't work.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)with the establishment crap. Not everyone in the party is hard left and if you want to earn our respect and support get people elected locally first before you start demanding that we all bow down to you
(8,008 posts)
"hard left"

Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)this is why no one listens to you because you dismiss folks like us and I don't have to put up with your mess.
(8,008 posts)dismiss you? ... you dismiss us and have for years (actually all of the decades I've been alive at least.)
Now we have an emergency. Your position of privileged entitlement has vanished. We can go with the same old same old and lose or we could try and understand what is happening...
dismiss us at your own continued peril.
(6,759 posts)25 years of RWNJ hate with total talk radio domination propagandized way too many folks.
(1,635 posts)prəˈɡresiv/
happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
"a progressive decline in popularity"
Time to redefine parameters.
(308,402 posts)It killed me coming to this place during President Obama's years and seeing all the hate.
Well, now it's over..
Happy Christmas~
(14,167 posts)That is not to say that she wouldn't have been the most progressive President of my lifetime, but she lost an election that should have been won and would have been won despite the obstacles if better decision making had been utilized.
We're not robots; we're human beings with our own thoughts and opinions. An analysis is warranted so that we can take steps to ensure this nightmare isn't repeated in the future.
(6,262 posts)It's not that I don't agree with many points in the OP but the truth is we lost. And IMO, there were more reasons for that than just those listed. Our party will get nowhere by claiming nothing was the fault of our candidate or the campaign. We find ourselves in the political crisis of our lifetimes. Analysis is needed, dogged and brutal analysis.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)fleabiscuit
(4,542 posts)Response to boston bean (Original post)
Post removed
(3,075 posts)big question is...
Whatcha gonna do about it?
(44,397 posts)McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)Solidarity!
(5,272 posts)the flames from the other side of this divide. I'm not exactly sure why you're surprised, but then that's typical of most of us here, that we only hear the insults and inflammatory comments that are directed at our candidate of choice. Your very OP is proof of that because it acts like those things you are mentioning happened in a vacuum, like there aren't posts that pop up saying why Bernie would have lost the election, or why he's shitty for one reason or another.
Maybe, I don't know....stop being part of the problem, and we can come together to shame those kinds of baiting OP's.
(18,368 posts)barbtries
(30,235 posts)if she had a fatal flaw, it was the decades of propaganda and hate pushing that found its mark. who's never made a mistake? at the end of the day, Hillary has been a public servant for most of her life in a way that most republicans if not all will never be. so much Hillary hate. even though i supported Bernie until it was mathematically impossible for him to win, i then supported Hillary with gusto and went so far as to beg people to vote for her.
she should have won.
(159,624 posts)SidDithers
(44,326 posts)Sid
(72 posts)democratisphere
(17,235 posts)Not enough Democrats in key States got out to vote for HRC. HRC would have been a game changing President for the good. Instead, we now have drumpf. We Democrats have no one to blame but ourselves.
(36,649 posts)Is that we have too many people here who aren't Democrats, and who want to see the Democratic Party fail. Like Trump supporters, they see Clinton's lack of success in spite of winning the popular vote as a good thing for Democracy. Such delusions are a requirement for them to maintain their world view.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)They are so obvious to spot. Especially when they start with the insults or start laughing at you. I have no interest in talking to people who don't respect us
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)jack_krass
(1,009 posts)Voicing an opinion that HRC was a flawed canididate does NOT, I repeat NOT NOT NOT mean you "aren't a Democrat", as many in this place would have us believe.
In fact, Bernie Sanders holds positions closer to traditional Democratic ideals than HRC.
(36,649 posts)What does mark one out is continuing to repeat the RW lies that she was somehow too flawed, or too unpopular, or too untrustworthy.
And the one thing Sanders could do to SHOW he supports traditional Democratic values is the actually join the fucking party! He has repeatedly refused to do so.
(9,033 posts)hollowdweller
(4,229 posts)Going down the list of threads I don't see that many knocking her.
I think she lost in 2008 and in 2016 and it's time to move on.
I'm not sure the thread YOU are posting is promoting moving on.
Just saying, but it would not be beyond the Russians to keep their surrogates working on keeping up the fighting among dems.
So rather than let them play us by complaining about how Clinton was treated maybe we should talk about what we should be for and who should be our new messengers.
(12,520 posts)However, as a lifelong Democrat I sincerely believe we made a mistake. It had been evident for quite some time that the establishment politicos in Washington were on their way out. A populist movement was surely going to take the day in this last election.
We, as stalwart Democrats, have the obligation to confront the current political climate, listen to all parties in our vast progressive movement, and actually hold ourselves true to the historic values we are supposed to espouse.
A small minority of mostly uninformed voters stole the election and we need to address how we let that happen.
(6,409 posts)They have run the party for 30 years or more, and their appeal is waning.
(9,033 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)So whatever silly slogans you have invented to malign the party you will still be using 4-8-12-20-40 years from now.
(6,409 posts)And has been ever since our party abandoned the New Deal in favor of Let's Make a Deal. We are now the minority party at all levels of government. That will change, and it will change by means of grassroots organizing by progressives. It has been dormant for a long time, pushed aside by big money, but every office we lose at every level inspires people to conclude there must be a better way, something we can do to rebuild coalitions and relationships that make our base both side and deep. If we do it right, you'll be happy, not feeling left out.
(32,886 posts)all we have to do is wait for Trump and the GOP to do their thing as we all can agree they will do it.
We'll be back in the White House in no time at all.
We don't need to change anything.
(6,409 posts)The presidency is all that matters. Four years is no time at all, and any damage that occurs is merely collateral damage. As long as we win the presidency about half the time, we're happy.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Either that, or so marginalized that it might as well be dead.
It's too bad. This country is really going to need a genuine opposition force.
(32,886 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)
(32,886 posts)discussion forum at all? Just have conversations with yourself in a mirror. That way you won't need to make up stuff in other people's posts.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Midwestern Democrat
(872 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)result. Gee why don't I find that compelling.
The down ballot issues and our issues in midterm election years are, in my opinion, very similar. For some reason, somewhere between 5-10 million Democratic voters are only interested in voting when there is a Presidential choice at the top of the ticket.
This isn't an issue about the issues for which the Democratic party stands, it's an issue of how to convince those voters that the other races have an impact on their lives.
Midwestern Democrat
(872 posts)Below are the presidential and midterm turnout rates from 1972 through 2014. Midterm turnout has always sucked - our problem is that our coalition isn't broad enough - it's too concentrated in the cities and on the coasts.
1972/1974 56.2%/39.1% -17.1%
1976/1978 54.8%/39% - 15.8%
1980/1982 54.2%/42% -12.2%
1984/1986 55.2%/38.1% -17.1%
1988/1990 52.8%/38.4% - 14.4%
1992/1994 58.1%/41.1% -17%
1996/1998 51.7%/38.1% -13.6%
2000/2002 54.2%/39.5% - 14.7%
2004/2006 60.1%/40.4% -19.7%
2008/2010 61.6%/41% -20.6%
2012/2014 58.6%/35.9% -22.7%
(32,886 posts)Republicans do.
This is not a size of coalition issue, we have won the popular vote in six of the last seven Presidential elections going back nearly 30 years now. Our coalition is plenty big enough. They just need to vote down ticket and in the midterms.
(44,139 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)lostnfound
(16,873 posts)Too cheery, is it?
(16,457 posts)and see anyone who suggests that the Democratic Party had any contribution whatsoever to Hillary's loss and would benefit from genuine introspection criticized for holding that view.
It strikes me as not very Democratic, and certainly not tolerant, and defensive.
Hillary and the Democratic Party lost. That's the reality.
(10,291 posts)Shemp Howard
(889 posts)So we are not supposed to be critical of Hillary? She is not our enemy, as you said. But neither is she some sort of perfect person, beyond all human faults.
She lost. She lost when she had every advantage. And so we must figure out why. The FBI, etc. certainly played a part. But it can be fairly argued that she, and her staff, made critical mistakes. Are we not allowed to consider that?
(32,886 posts)to frame that question in a post election analysis is, did she make more or worse mistakes than your average Democratic nominee.
The answer to that question is an easy "No".
And no, Hillary did not have every advantage. She was up against a billionaire who had a ton of billionaire friends in a Citizens United reality. The FBI director was against her, the Russian intelligence agencies were engaged against her, a portion of the left lost their minds and decided not to support her, and the press did not adequately analyze her opponents massive faults.
And after all of that, she still had more people vote for her than voted for her opponent. That is a hugely important fact that cannot be brushed aside. It's a major historical event for a President to come to power without winning a majority of the votes of voters.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)But that's AOK, and she should get an "E" for effort. And we've already known for years that the Republicans are ruthless, and will lie, cheat, steal, slander, and play every dirty trick in the book, but somehow we were still surprised and unprepared.
And no, it's no longer a "major historical event". Not when it's happened twice in the last 16 years.
I honestly think this complacency is going to destroy the Democratic Party, abandoning the country to be destroyed by the neo fascists that the Republicans have become.
Honestly, when I read a post like this, it makes me want to blow my brains out.
(32,886 posts)revmclaren
(2,613 posts)X 1000.
This is Democratic Underground, not "Bash Democrats Underground".
I signed the TOS thereby promising to support Democrats here as everyone else did to return. Many are crossing the line between constructive and destructive criticism. I hope the 2016 post mortem forum goes the way of this foul year as quickly as possible.
(39,937 posts)So it doesn't happen to them.
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)It is, at least in my case, to critique the terribly incompetent campaign her people ran and to figure out how to keep it from happening again. Yes, the republicans used every trick in the book, BUT we spent a lot of money in a not very competent way and got out thought and out fought by people we looked down our noses at. 2018 starts now, and while I have love and respect for Secretary Clinton, we've also got to look at why we lost and if that slaughters some sacred cows so be it.
(22,236 posts)because you obviously have a major problem with the least little bit of criticism concerning our loss.
The great majority of those you are addressing never called her "Trump" or an "oligarchy" or anything of the sort, as you implied in your post. You make it sound like anyone who offers constructive criticism about our loss hates her guts or something. Yes, there are a few posts outright blaming her, but the majority of criticism is valid and constructive, not hateful. Some people like to learn from our losses so we'll be better prepared for 2018 and 2020.
Sen. Walter Sobchak
(8,692 posts)you're going to face some frustration and hostility from your passengers.
Had Bernie inevitably led Trump to a forty-five state landslide he would be similarly assailed.
(65,616 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Should someone post another op about empathy with trump voters? Would that elicit less laughter?
Response to La Lioness Priyanka (Reply #528)
Post removed
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)Take your garbage elsewhere.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)SCantiGOP
(14,376 posts)I think you can say in retrospect that she ran a poor campaign. That does not detract from their personal integrity or the value of their ideas.
(12,804 posts)why would she be any better in 2016?
I was not impressed with her in 2008 nor in 2016.
(96,598 posts)
(12,804 posts)yeah, she was a terrible campaigner. She LOST the Presidential election.
(96,598 posts)....is so hard to understand? The actual VOTERS CHOSE HILLARY. She will NOT be the President, for a whole variety of factors not related to the FACT that most people voted for HER.
The EC: holdover from the days of slavery, giving disproportionate power to low-population rural states
Voter suppression: how many hoops do YOU have to jump through to register to vote and to actually cast your ballot? In red states they make it damn near impossible for retirees, college students, and POC to be able to vote, and those are all likely Dem voters
FBI Director Comey: it is now acknowledged that what he went public with just before the election was pure garbage
The private server: was much more secure than the government one, and previous SecStates also had them. So does Jason Chaffetz, RW pit bull
Vladimir Putin: Jesus Christ on a Trailer Hitch. Since when does any American take their information/marching orders from a totalitarian dictator?
25 years of lies and smears against Hillary by the VRWC were resurrected in time for her campaign, and were maliciously repeated by embittered lefties and millenials too young to know how it started
Do not, repeat, do NOT tell me she was a bad campaigner. Look at the evidence.
(12,804 posts)She proved incompetent in 2008 when she lost the Democratic Party's nomination to a freshman senator from IL with Hussein as his middle name.
She proved incompetent again in 2016 when she failed to win the electoral college vote against Trump.
She is incompetent at developing a winning strategy to get her across the finish line. Now all of us will pay for her incompetence as we have to deal with Trump in the WH.
(96,598 posts)And that she lacked that swingy-thingy to go with them, that certain je nes sais quas was missing.
There's just no question in my mind any more that a certain stooped and cranky old gentleman with a wagging finger would have definitely beaten the rich man with friends in the Kremlin and friends in the alt-right and an FBI director who put his thumb on the scale.
(12,804 posts)this year, but the meme inside the Party was that it was "Her Turn" to be the Dem nominee and President and therefore some Dems, who may have given it a shot, held back. Bernie only ran because there was no real challenge to her and her pro-corporate agenda. Primaries are time to have a discussion on where the Party should head.
I'm treating HRC the same way Al Gore was treated by Clintonistas after he won the popular vote and loss the WH.
(34,210 posts)It appears that too many of us are triggered to provocation and posting retaliatory posts.
Maybe, at some point, defeating Trump will be a superordinate goal that reduces the antagonism and Us v Them dynamics at DU.
(7,593 posts)That you think any candidate needs special protection says more about your cult-of-personality worship than those of us focused on winning going forward.
She ran a bad campaign. She was a candidate with unprecedented negative numbers. What's crazy to me is to see Dems circle the wagons and refuse to examine what went wrong.
Including running Hillary
(27,835 posts)What I DO see is certain posters who have nothing to say about HRC that isn't a scathing criticism of her, and usually the party as a whole.
If you believe that running Hillary was some great mistake, you must also believe that the millions of Dems who chose here as their nominee, and the millions of people who voted for her in the GE, were all somehow willing - nay, eager - to collectively make the same mistake.
Imagine that? People making up their own minds, people choosing their own standard-bearer, people voting for the candidate they chose without deferring to your wisdom and better judgment.
(10,561 posts)The Comey intervention was absolutely devastating.
And it was not a legitimate thing for him to do.
Had it not been for this criminal act by the GOP Hillary would have won by the same margin in the electoral college that Obama won by in 2016.
(27,835 posts)... but I'll do so again, because I think it relevant to what we're seeing happening here.
IMHO, where it all went wrong on DU was the change in the TOS after Obama's election, where the "constructive criticism" of Democrats rule was changed to allow for "any and all criticism".
After that rule change, DU became inundated with people posing as "concerned Dems" - who trashed Obama and the Party on every issue on a daily basis, and oh-so-surprisingly never had anything positive to say about either.
Many old-time DUers left as a result - I was one of them. I eventually came back - many, many never did.
What's the difference between "constructive criticism" and "any and all" criticism?
It's the difference between saying, "We lost in the Rust Belt - and I think this is why ...," and saying, "Hillary lost the Rust Belt because she is the worst candidate ever, the DNC sucks, the whole Party sucks, and I think we should talk about how much everyone and everything sucks."
One invites constructive criticism, and constructive discussion. The other invites a bash-fest of Democrats, with the attendant whinging, complaining - and often more than a few RW talking points thrown into the mix.
Is DU still a "gathering place for Democrats"? To some extent, it is - as there are still many Democrats here. But there is no dismissing the fact that a lot of people here aren't Dems, or like-minded people. And I believe this election and its aftermath has given us all a much clearer picture of who's who.
(96,598 posts)
(5,714 posts)In fact, we need less people voting for us. After all, those "uneducated" white trash are just a bunch of Trump-loving bigoted assholes, right?
No necessary.
(27,835 posts)... does voter outreach have to do with who posts on DU, and what the posting rules are?
(159,624 posts)betsuni
(27,607 posts)liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)to the fuhrer's presidency and Bernie supporters will agree, and they will be sorry.
(30 posts)... She would be president elect right now.
(32,886 posts)very few of them would have been elected, to wit:
- FBI Director intervening on behalf of her opponent two weeks before election day with absolutely no evidence to support it
- Russian intelligence intervening on behalf of her opponent
- Nonstop and mostly free Media coverage of her opponent
- Wholly inadequate media vetting of her opponent to include letting him get away with not releasing his tax returns
(30 posts)A baked potato should have been able to beat Mr. Tiny hands and yet here we are.
Does she bear none of that responsibility? Is there no accountability to the party for having put forth someone who could lose to an abomination like Trump?
Not even that we lost but that it was even close?
(32,886 posts)Hillary was an extraordinarily good candidate. It took all of the above for her opponent to eke out a miniscule 80,000 vote margin among three states that made a difference.
(7,178 posts)

Response to boston bean (Original post)
Post removed
(962 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)The party's nominee signed on for the blame as well as the credit. She's strong. She can take it even when we can't.
(15,108 posts)she is a good person and deserved FAR better than what this stupid ass country did to her.
(34,540 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)We our doomed to repeat them.
One mistake would be to continue focusing on the Russians, and ignore the risks of running a candidate who, rightly or wrongly, has such high negatives, and to ignore a party/primary structure that at least has the appearance of corruption. Lack of campaigning in the Rust Belt is another fair criticism to examine for the future.
To focus on external factors and ignore mistakes made by the party, the campaign, and yes, the candidate will doom the Democrats to continued losses. (Hint: moving to the right is not the answer, as data shows the public will respond to properly framed liberal positions)
This is a necessarily painful process, and I understand your frustration, but it is a critical conversation that Democrats need to have. What better place than DU?
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,537 posts)SylviaD
(721 posts)...by the anti-Hillary posts and general Clinton bashing that goes on here.
(44,326 posts)
(159,624 posts)Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)That was about as undemocratic as it could possibly be back then.
(27,607 posts)thing twice today.
(354 posts)The OP sums up exactly how I feel. Of all places, DU should be a haven for us to come together and plot the way forward. Not for constant Clinton bashing.
Also, Bernie would not have won.
We (and all Dems) better get it together, and fast. We're about to take on the fight of our collective lives.