2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe Soviet Infiltration into our Electorate is EASILY the Biggest story of our lifetime
It's. that. fucking. big.
It doesn't *matter* if the media reported on it or not...they have SHOWN us, for the last 15 years + that they have no interest in truth or facts...they ONLY have an interest in ratings and profit.
Enslaving our free press to popularity bandwagons and corporate greed is a threat to the republic.
It's a threat to our REPRESENTATIVE republic, a word you should remind each and every Soviet Republican who tries to remind you that we are not a democracy.
This is a coup...right in front of our eyes...a coup.
And the ones who enabled it committed TREASON.
We don't need the press. We already don't have them, so it is folly to analyze, or even anticipate their participation. They only exist to hold us to a double standard, and to sell us out for profit and ratings.
Or our grandmothers.
The typical R S T L N E will come out here (Wheel of Fortune reference, the letters they always give you) and decry that we need to *submit* something to them. We need to run around and *submit* links and stats for them to scoff at and demand we hone our message.
We need to lick our wounds.
They committed TREASON...and the rhetoric pretending otherwise is nothing more than a desperate attempt to distract from the TRUTH.
Don't let them frame the fucking narrative.
Don't toe the Soviet Republican line.
In an R S T L N E world, be an exclamation point.

(2,297 posts)I have watched how many seasons of The Americans? Crowdstrike actually published a more detailed report in June than what was just released.
(10,291 posts)this is the biggest story of our lifetime.
(37,748 posts)That it is "not exactly a secret" does not deny the premise of the OP, regardless of what you watch on the telly.
(7,604 posts)It's old in the sense that the symptoms of a coup have been readily visible for several months, perhaps for over a year. In other forums, I've been screaming the word. At times, it was like shouting into an empty canyon. Now, we're finally seeing others come around to use the same kind of vernacular.
It's new in the sense that a groundswell of citizens are recognizing this undeniable fact that a coup has taken place, and that an emerging narrative is now bumping up against the MSM's narrative of denial. The "coup" frame will grow as the MSM loses even more of its power and credibility.
Let's make no mistake about this. The Coup is orchestrated by Russia's Putin. He's done a brilliant job of hiding his expansionist agenda behind an international effort to undermine democratic/republican institutions in the US and Europe. The "Globalist-Nationalist" so-called struggle is a false narrative, and Stephen Bannon knows it. It's all about eliminating NATO and Russian opposition to expansionism. Putin loves the "Globalist-Nationalist" frame because he can do his work behind that curtain.
(10,291 posts)I think Putin has allowed enough of it to creep out so he gets credit for it.
After all, small potatoes like us are starting to see this clearly.
I am sure this was all reported prior to the election, but along with DIS-information was also a saturation of MASS information.
(7,963 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)DU always needs new, insightful blood.
Happy to welcome you to DU!
(1,151 posts)Putin is quite possibly the Adolf Hitler of the 21st Century (Trump is a demagogue that appeals to the worst of humankind but he just doesn't have the brainpower to fully step into Hitler's shoes, Vladmir does), like Hitler, he seeks to destroy the liberal, pluralistic democratic order that he sees as standing in his way of his imperial ethno-nationalist ambitions of conquest.
(10,291 posts)but that does not negate this act of war, or the TREASON that enabled it.
(22,240 posts)Cha
(308,448 posts)
(8,491 posts)is the biggest, most urgent, story imaginable. What could be bigger than swaths of the planet uninhabitable due to drought and heat, entire nations submerged, and mass extinctions coming in this century?
And the media has not given climate change its due weight.
Not to take away from your point. I'm just frustrated that the media treats climate change as just another problem rather than the catastrophe to end all catastrophes.
(10,291 posts)HoneyBadger
(2,297 posts)A hundred years from now, no one will care about Trump or Hillary, because the planet will be in ruins from fossil fuel consumption and positive population growth
(10,561 posts)and we won't be able to save the planet.
200 years from now humanity may be gone.
(10,561 posts)HoneyBadger
(2,297 posts)Go figure. Hopefully 2017 clears my head and I can focus again.
(3,675 posts)TheFrenchRazor
(2,116 posts)libtodeath
(2,892 posts)they enabled the treason and thievery to have a ratings horserace.
(15,720 posts)according to the pattern of Wikileaks, Snowden, probably Benghazi (which occurred on Sept. 11 let's not forget) and so on. And that's the really disgusting part of the story.
(10,291 posts)and we need to stop letting them frame the narrative.
(10,561 posts)in American history.
(33,424 posts)They dissolved in 1991.
(10,291 posts)I said "KGB" before too.
You can pretend it negates my point, but we both know better.
(10,561 posts)that climate change is putting humanity at risk of extinction. He claims that no reputable scientist believes that.
In reality, we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction. And many reputable scientists are worried that feedback loops will make the problem unsolvable if we let it go too far and that it will ultimately doom humanity.
(33,424 posts)Not even one.....
(10,561 posts)shraby
(21,946 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)That is for sure. I am not going to revert to 1950s 1960s style rhetoric that was used against liberals during that time period by the far right.
(44,963 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)
(2,116 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)Which they used against anyone to the left of them. Ok, got it....
(2,116 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)TheFrenchRazor
(2,116 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
I think we call what just happened a "presidential election."
It hurts to lose, but calling it a "coup" just makes us sound ridiculous.
(10,291 posts)coup (ko͞o)
n. pl. coups (ko͞oz)
1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph.
a. A coup d'état.
b. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover: a boardroom coup.
You can think that was an election...you have a right to your own opinion. You do not, however, have a right to make up your own facts, or to project what it makes *us* look like...
It is a COUP...and I am not backing off of it.
(9,652 posts)Do a full security background investigation on all of them. Trump on down. Especially Roger Stone.
(10,291 posts)jonno99
(2,620 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)they were in contact with Trump every day.
Revolving door.
Manafort in, Manafort out. Manafort back again.
Funny how they need rock solid proof when any wikileaks would do.
(2,620 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)assessment that there is absolutely no evidence of hacking.
Not true: Ron Baiman's paper gives mathematical basis to point to election engineering of some sort which may include hacking. There were 15 out of 15 'swing state' shifts toward Trump in exit poll predictions vs actual vote count.
That would happen about once in 130,000 years assuming equal chance for poll vs vote count shift in either of 2 directions!
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)mtnsnake
(22,236 posts)because the Russians have all of a sudden transformed themselves and all the former USSR countries back into the Soviet Union again without anyone but us folks here on DU knowing about it.
(1,290 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)and the USA is going to be part of it, because while you were splitting hairs, they were splitting voter files.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)The Russian quest for empire has nothing to do with the Soviet Union. We are in deep shit, but this is a result of Russia turning capitalist. America was safer when the USSR existed. Now we are seeing what the unbridled need to expand is going to do.
Attempting to paint the GOP as reverse Commies won't work, because that system is gone in Russia, and we have other fish to fry. What you are trying to do isn't going to stick. The GOP know the USSR is gone and that's why they feel more than comfortable doing what they are doing.
(22,240 posts)The old USSR was also expansionist although much of that activity was immediate post WWII apparently (due to annexation of much of eastern Europe to Soviet control).
(10,291 posts)This is treason.
(2,116 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)The Soviet Union/Soviet Bloc was the Russian Empire by another name, pretending to be something different, when it in fact embodied the same values and the same drives, under a patina of ideological mumbo jumbo.
If they're looking to start expanding to their old borders again, under a man who was KGB for decades, I doubt that the fundamental motives will have changed much.
I absolutely will paint the G☭P as reverse commies. They are aiding and abetting the Soviet Union by another name, to meddle in our internal politics, and we should paint them Red for it.
(10,291 posts)Thank you for being SPOT ON.
First Speaker
(4,858 posts)...because it defines the sort of world we're living in. The Cold War was more ideological than national, so to speak...we were opposed to Communism, and not Russia per se. Our relations with Russia were good before 1917. Stalin, according to most recent scholarship, was more "ideological" in his thinking than many people thought at the time, as opposed to just being another Russian despot. If we're in a pre-1914 period of Great Power rivalries, as opposed to a 1945-89 era of ideological rivalries, that's an important thing to understand. However--having said that--I agree 100% with Ladeeybug that this is the biggest political story of our time, and the greatest scandal in our history. Trump is a *traitor*. And I greatly respect her attention and devotion to this issue here at DU...
(2,116 posts)DemocraticWing
(1,290 posts)You're going to criticize me for "splitting hairs" but you're using that language on purpose to try and seize on latent Cold War fears among people who probably aren't on our side anyway.
It's dishonest and embarrassing, but pitifully mainstream in the Democratic Party right now. It's only exceeded in wackery by the Pizzagate nonsense on the other side.
(10,291 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Do you really think that anything fundamentally changed in Putin's worldview and values just because the old governing system collapsed?
Trying to compare this framing of our current dealings with Russia to the Pizzagate delusions is genuine wackery.
This is completely appropriate framing for the people who claimed to be "protecting us from the Soviet menace" all those decades, and are now in bed with, and fellating that same menace.
(42 posts)Many millions of Americans actually know the difference between the long gone Soviet Union and modern day Russia, those people cringe when they read things like this. How can we expect to win the future if we have embarrassing conversations like this?
(10,291 posts)Chernobyl
(42 posts)the "Soviet Infiltration". Highlighting a few more words and saying DAMN/FUCK a few more times might make you feel better but rational people know that we are dealing with Russia, not the Soviet Union.
(10,291 posts)well...not very rational.
Welcome to DU.
(42 posts)to claim that the Soviet Union infiltrated anything.
Thanks for the welcome, it's been fun so far.
(10,291 posts)So get used to things sounding stupid, because I reiterate:
As we continue to fight and to tell the TRUTH about those bastards
We must first address a pretty important distinction:
When President Truman, whom I paraphrased in the title to this OP, said, "Sometimes, you just have to tell the truth about those bastards", I am sure that a large majority of the motherfuckers to whom he referred were *actually* *not* *really* *bastards* in that they were probably born within wedlock.
But it isn't the fucking *POINT*, is it?
I say this because there will be MUCH more "Soviet Donald" bantered about...MUCH more KGOP, and YES, we *know*
But it isn't the fucking *POINT*, is it?
Stay strong DU...18 days until we're under water. Keep telling the fucking truth about those bastards. And thumb your fucking nose WILLFULLY at any bastard motherfucker trying to tell you they were born in wedlock. Because it isn't the fucking *POINT*, and we God damn well know it.
(9,652 posts)gordianot
(15,558 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)iluvtennis
(21,084 posts)jfern
(5,204 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)is on fire, would you check for smoke?
Holy fucking wow.
(57,596 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)
(22,240 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)triron
(22,240 posts)I don't get it why so many here squabble about
details when a profound tyranny has just been
perpetrated on our democracy, along with very likely
collusion by the campaign (and it's Republican allies) which was the benefactor,
together with an incredulously complicit media.
(10,291 posts)Because there are people WHO HAVE AN INTEREST in seeing this story fade.
Don't expect the news to cover it...they are culpable.
They orchestrated a COUP right in front of us and people are shrugging their shoulders.
(22,240 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)jalan48
(14,727 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)marginalize the issue.
(14,727 posts)If what you are saying is true do you really think Clinton and Carter would be party to it? I don't unless they are OK with it.
(10,291 posts)Their attending the inaugural is NOT being party to it
(14,727 posts)If this is as big a fucking deal as you say it is, no candidate who knows about it would be giving tacit approval to the outcome of the election by attending the inauguration. You should contact Carter and the Clinton's ASAP and let them know what is really going on.
(10,291 posts)is indeed a logical fallacy.
You're welcome.
(11,996 posts)There has been so much mis- and non- information, I am still trying to figure out more specifically what events you are referring to.
Email hacks?
Voter registration databases?