2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumJack Pine nuts jobs rooted for Trump and...
when Trump won, Jack Pine nut jobs jumped for joy. It was the happiest night of their life. Trump is LOADED with corruption, so are all the people in his cabinet! Millionaires and wall street! To root for this crap is NOT progressive. NOT AT ALL, so NO I will NOT see them as a credible or meaningful part of the democratic party. Go to their site now and you will see them now praising Putin.

(97,964 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)Don't seem to be able to let go.
Kinda pathetic. I've only looked at that site once. Geez, I'd rather hang out at the cave than there.
Ace Rothstein
(3,325 posts)...after 4 years of Trump.
(9,222 posts)Is this all you got... Is this your donation to DU?
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)Ellipsis
(9,222 posts)Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)People who root for Putin, People who root for Billionaires and wall street in government office more than ever before in history. That is who they are. They rooted for this Trump and why did they do that? Selfishness. I think that is enough to dismiss anything they have to say here on forward and forever.
Response to Tavarious Jackson (Reply #9)
Post removed
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)I have answered your question. Yes, they absolutely rooted for Trump. Go there now and see for yourself. Yes, they love Putin more than Obama and Yes, they seemed concern over Hillary not being trust worthy but believe Trump is better. They're selfish. They ROOT for the death of our democracy just so they can feel righteous. It's sick.
(308,402 posts)supporting the Planet and the ones in our Country who will go hungry and be without shelter with the rw taking over our government.
Not to mention the rw take over of SCOTUS.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)These are the same people who say they want to take over the Democratic party.. ??
(308,402 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)But to do that there has to be a viable, functioning society for that or any party to exist in and be a part of.
Their approach seems to be destroy the society so that nothing can function, then pick up the pieces. It might ultimately work, but many will suffer or die, many.
I guess if you are not in any of the categories of people who will suffer first or the most, it is easier to say "let's elect Trump and see what happens."
I will tell you what happens, it will be so bad and it will happen so quickly, you wont be able to keep up with the incoming stories of chaos and destruction.
The only question will be will nuclear weapons be involved at any point, and I think for the first time since 1962 the likelihood of that is about 50/50.
(57,414 posts)They were a (supposedly) leftist terror group in Uruguay. They figured their antics would cause a right wing crackdown (correct so far), and a popular backlash that would overthrow the neo-fascists and install a leftist gobierno popular (people's government), which never occurred. Oh, they got their fascists, alright, but that's as far as they got.
Any self-declared leftists thinking they would accomplish that goal in the USA by supporting Trump are probably in for a similar let-down. I know one. She still uses terms like "Killary" and thinks she is a people's hero, and is proud of her "efforts (internet armchair warrior)" to see Trump elected, positive it is the next best outcome to seeing Bernie Sanders inaugurated. She is slightly physically handicapped, and is in for a rude awakening when she finds that what little medical care she can get will soon either be paid for out of her disability or not paid for at all. I will not be contributing to any "go fund me" that she may set up, since she has been actively promoting "go fuck you" with her Trump support.
(96,598 posts)...to see these arguments for the delusions they are. The 18th through 20th centuries are replete with blood-soaked examples too numerous to mention.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)They're very much like Trump.
(308,402 posts)Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)especially their pychie in my opinion.
(159,624 posts)Ellipsis
(9,222 posts)brush
(59,161 posts)As if you know nothing about JPR.
(30,481 posts)Some were banned from this site for their racist behavior.
Many on that site called for the killing of Clinton. Others exclaimed their joy at the thought of a bunch of men pissing on her head.
They stand for hate. Racism, sexism, bigotry, etc. It's a part of every fiber of their being. Ignorant hate.
There you go. Now you aren't waiting anymore.
They are sick fucks. Clintons plans on expanding mental healthcare in this country would have greatly benefited many of them. They are Trump Humpers.
(18,395 posts)stop being so belligerent.
if you want to harass the OP, take it to email
(100,677 posts)I find that disturbing on so many levels. Do you?
I also find it a disturbing paraphilia. Do you?
(308,402 posts)of the rigged in selection of trumputin. They are rwingers.
They care nothing about our Planet or our country.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Presidency for years.
Hence my 'obsession' with them
Had they not routinely disrupted at du I wouldn't give a shit. Lot of crazy losers on the internet I don't care about.
(159,624 posts)The same JPR idiots who supported Sanders were the ones attacking President Obama
(3,424 posts)They would post something negative about President Obama in every thread. Even threads that had nothing to do with him or the primaries at all.
I saw it all and it was sickening. And many of the posts about Hillary were downright obscene.
And the racist posts were obvious, though they denied they were racist.
(27,835 posts)... why some people think that any reference to JPR constitutes "obsession".
DUers have been discussing RW sites for years - and no one ever felt compelled to label such discussion as an "obsession" with those sites.
What makes JPR particularly interesting to many of us is the fact that it's a RW site posing as a "progressive" site, full of comments from alleged "progressives" who spew RW talking points, link to RW sources, and are obviously led-by-the-nose by RWers.
(16,500 posts)I kept waiting for a post from Jimrob....
George II
(67,782 posts)...to "promote" a candidate merely to weaken the ultimate candidate. Once their job was done here they drifted over there to compare notes and pat each other on the back, "Well done!"
Sadly on November 8 we found that their destructive activity worked.
(27,835 posts)It was no coincidence that certain DU posters who did nothing but bash Dems 24/7 wound up over there - posing as "progressives" on JPR, the same way they posed as Democrats on DU.
(308,402 posts)calling out those who are supporting the asshole pervert trumputin and the rw agenda's to take over the country.
Our very Planet's life is at stake... this is nothing to crap around with.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)We are looking at massive corruption ahead.
(159,624 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)I gotta ask... why do you confuse the words "concern" and "obsess?" Is that confusion your donation to the English language?
(21,646 posts)Trump is not status quo ! Yeah!
(91,503 posts)years .
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Turbineguy
(38,823 posts)We seem to have left out that they are capitalist imperialist running dogs.
(59,161 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)No such luck.
Response to Tavarious Jackson (Original post)
Post removed
(97,964 posts)that wished that "cosmic fate would give Hillary a stroke"
It's not misdirection. They are SCIUM
George II
(67,782 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)Hekate
(96,598 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)Hekate
(96,598 posts)
(1,009 posts)Anywhere near the level of outrage. Funny that.
George II
(67,782 posts)mcar
(44,139 posts)
(1,975 posts)I dont have any links to the threads, but they are there. To be honest I cant really remember why he was being called a racist, I do know that it was sometime late summertime though.
(3,186 posts)Some of it was outright stated, but the majority was repeatedly implied. Strongly implied.
Additionally, many who could not get enough of that also resorted to implying that even Bernie's supporters were racist (and sexist, xenophobic, indifferent to the plight of others, and violent, ect. ect.)...
It was almost as if Bernie and his supporters were being equated to Trump and his despite Left and Right wing Populism being the polar opposites of each other.
(37,748 posts)I like to pretend thing exist only if I perceive them as such as well. Our shared use of irrational thought and our denial of critical thought in this instance is most convenient, yes?
Funny that, part doo.
(59,161 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)By 3.8 million votes. Bernie lost, and JPR chose to support Trump out of hatred for Clinton and the millions of voters who supported her.
Some of those people have never voted Democrat. There are Paulites and Reaganites, in addition to particular resentment toward people of color and women.
(96,598 posts)Just sayin' some of the rhetoric coming from low post count noobs seems awfully familiar
(51,308 posts)I agree. I'm pretty sure I've identified at least a couple of them.
(52,073 posts)
(1,528 posts)I'm a member of that site in addition to this one. I don't support Trump. I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general. I see things I like and dislike at both sites.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)The fact is that JPR, like DU, is open to a variety of opinions. A broad-brush characterization of JPR is like saying that, in the primaries, "DU supported Bernie Sanders" or "DU supported Hillary Clinton." Each of those statements about DU would be an oversimplification.
During the general-election campaign, JPR, like DU, was open to posts advocating a vote for Clinton. A difference between the sites is that JPR was also open to posts advocating a vote for Jill Stein, as DU was not. Since the election, JPR has seen discussions between, on the one hand, progressives stress the flaws of the Democratic Party and who think we should be looking instead toward the Green Party or a new third party, and, on the other hand, those of us who reject third-party politics and advocate working to reform the Democratic Party. That's another debate that's not permitted on DU. Maybe instead of posting on DU to throw mud at JPR, some folks could consider joining the debate there. Yes, if they do that, they'll run the risk of reading posts they disagree with, but that happens on DU as well.
You write, "I see things I like and dislike at both sites." I'm completely on board with you on that point (and on everything else in your post).
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Clinton had aids, says a lot more about you than any false equivalence between du and jpr.
And incidentally that was only locked after it was roundly mocked on du.
(97,964 posts)vulgar name in the book.
For all the curses that they threw at Hillary, President Obama, and anyone who supported them during the primaries, I throw it right back at them with extreme prejudice.
Hillary lost in Wisconsin by .3%. Jill Stein received 1.1% of the vote in Wisconsin. Similar things in Michigan, and other critical swings sates. How many of those over there, and with the same mindset voted third party?
Russ Feingold and Zypher Teachout lost, along with every Democrat running for the Senate against the ESTABLISHMENT, repulbican, INCUMBENT. How many of the 47% who didn't vote were from that mindset.
They knowledge that they will get exactly what they deserve over there from a trump presidency, will brings little satisfaction to the millions who will be suffering at their selfishness:
Noam Chomsky perhaps said it best:
'Progressives who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton made a bad mistake
"I think they [made] a bad mistake, said Chomsky, who reiterated that its important to keep a greater evil from obtaining power, even if youre not thrilled with the alternative. I didnt like Clinton at all, but her positions are much better than Trumps on every issue I can think of.
Chomsky also attacked the arguments made by philosopher Slavoj Zizek, who argued that Trumps election would at least shake up the system and provide a real rallying point for the left.
[Zizek makes a] terrible point, Chomsky told Hasan. It was the same point that people like him said about Hitler in the early 30s
hell shake up the system in bad ways.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)The JPR admins have banned Pizzagate posts. For a while there was a banner up on the site to make sure the message got across. The policy is still in effect but the banner's gone, so I can't link you directly to it, but it's quoted in the first two lines of this post:
Anyone who continues to post this particular conspiracy theory takes the chance of being suspended.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)Only after the election and after they were called out for their nutzoness.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)The basic problem, though, is the methodology that pervades this thread. It's to look at a discussion board (which by definition is open to different viewpoints), find a few posts that can be derided, and use them to smear the whole site.
The best way for me to illustrate that fallacy would be to adduce examples from DU, but that would probably be alerted, so I must regretfully decline to spread any more wisdom on this topic. Happy New Year to you and yours.
(65,716 posts)Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)If reading criticisms of Hillary Clinton bothers you, may I respectfully suggest that you not read JPR.
Some people, such as chwaliszewski (#24) and myself, read both sites. Nevertheless, I'm not urging that course on other people, for their tastes may differ from mine.
(27,835 posts)Enlighten us all as to how the following constitutes "criticism":
Posting a photoshopped pic of Hillary with a shit-stain on the back of her skirt.
Posting that the Clintons personally directed the murder of dozens of political adversaries.
Posting that Clinton "thugs" beat-up Bernie the night of the Convention in order to force him to concede.
Posting that Clinton "thugs" threatened the lives of Bernie's grandchildren if he refused to campaign for HRC.
Posting that HRC was dying of Alzheimer's/ Parkinson's/ epilepsy (and various other diseases) and was lying to the public about her condition.
Posting that HRC was using a body-double at campaign appearances to hide her illnesses and/or her deranged mental state due to the meds she was taking for her many (non-existent) health conditions.
Posting that HRC had a teleprompter embedded in her podium at debates because she was too mentally "out of it" or "strung out on drugs" to answer questions without pre-written answers being provided.
And posting that "pizzagate" was a FACT - the ban on which only came about after JPR was repeatedly ridiculed for buying into such a preposterous story.
The above is just a small sampling of what's been posted there - and they aren't one-off posts. They were posts that garnered a LOT of attention, replies, and RECs.
A LOT of people, who post here on DU and elsewhere, saw those posts and aren't about to forget them. There is no point in denying them, or denying how many JPR posters glommed onto those stories and spread them.
Maybe THAT is your idea of "criticism". For most people, it is pure, unadulterated Hillary-hate and serves no purpose other than to fabricate lies and proffer them as truth. We also won't forget the Obama hatred, and the hatred for the Democratic Party, that was posted on JPR on a daily basis. Any Dem who didn't support Bernie was tossed under the bus - ridiculed and demeaned regardless of their long-standing records as front-line fighters for progressive causes.
" ... their tastes may differ from mine."
Yeah, no kiddin'. Most people who are interested in intelligent political discussion don't have a "taste" for hate sites. Most Democrats don't have a "taste" for sites that so blatantly have no other agenda than to besmirch the Democratic candidate with out-and-out lies, and urge voting AGAINST that candidate in order to ensure the defeat of Democrats in the GE. Most Democrats don't have a "taste" for sites that pose as "progressive" while constantly quoting, linking-to, and praising RW sources in order to sway people from voting FOR the Dem nominee simply because they are hanging onto their butt-hurt that their candidate-of-choice failed to win the nomination.
Defend JPR all you want. We who have seen it KNOW what it is - a hate site designed to defeat Democrats.
Well, you all got what you wished for - pResident Donald J. Trump. Hope y'all are happy as you lose your rights, your freedoms, your healthcare, etc. - because, as so many JPR posters said, he'll be SO MUCH BETTER than having Hillary in the White House.
Edited to add: I notice that the "HRC is dying from ____ disease" posts pretty much disappeared after election night. So did she have a miraculous recovery - or is this JPR's way of admitting those stories were all bullshit to begin with, but they posted them anyway?
(159,624 posts)yardwork
(65,716 posts)
(18,395 posts)i just glanced at a couple posts. THEY SPEW HATRED AGAINST HILLARY.
Why were those people allowed to post their hate here? Never should have happened!!!
DU should NEVER allow hatred to Democrats be posted. Never again
Thanks Nance for going into detail about the hate directed to President Hillary so we can make sure we knew what was going on in the background.
I'm pretty naive about all that stuff.
(12,448 posts)Although predictably there will be those DEMANDING links to each and every post and whining when you don't provide them. When in reality a cursory reading of that site will show them each and every one of your examples.
(27,835 posts)That's because so many people have already looked at the site, and need no further proof of what it is. They've seen it firsthand.
Even those I know as the staunchest Bernie supporters lasted less than 48 hours there - realizing at once that JPR is full of RWers posing as "Bernie-supporting progressives".
JPR is a great site for those who think Alex Jones is too subtle, and doesn't advance enough ludicrous CTs to keep the mentally deranged entertained.
(26,582 posts)SidDithers
(44,326 posts)Sid
(308,402 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)"The JPR admins have banned Pizzagate posts..."
Once it began illustrating them as fools without question or qualifier, it was an efficient decision to make. No doubt, you'll rationalize it as something else... bias often forces us to do as much.
(47,209 posts)C*nt and n$@@er but not anything pro-Hillary.
They are trolls running a literal hate site.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)Pardon my direct language, but this whole thread has exhausted my patience.
Like chwaliszewski, I voted for Bernie in the primary and for Clinton in the general. I posted several times on JPR defending the latter choice and refuting specific attacks on Clinton. Since the election, some people on JPR have posted general attacks on the Democratic Party, and I've posted with my reasons for thinking that progressives should stick with the Democratic Party instead of looking to the Greens or a new third party.
Not one of those posts of mine has ever been hidden.
(65,716 posts)Posters were not allowed to suggest that Bernie wouldn't win the nomination. Posts were either removed or "edited" by site moderators. This was a published rule.
I saw things on JPR that were so disgusting they turned my stomach. Photoshops of Hillary Clinton made to look like she was incontinent. Dozens of threads promoting the false narrative that she was sick - with AIDS, Parkinson's, "seizure disorder," and so on and so on.
I'm sure that JPR is funded with money from Putin. The narratives are all the same.
The site helped elect Trump. I hope you're proud.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)To recap, bettyellen said (in #34) that JPR "hid all posts defending Hillary. That was literally their only hard rule." I said that was a lie. Your response is to say that you "saw the rule posted there," but your reference is to a different subject, namely Bernie's prospects in the primary.
I said that bettyellen's assertion was a lie. Here's just one of numerous posts on JPR that urged a vote for Clinton and that was not hidden.
Now you add a whole bunch of new stuff, the most laughable of which is that "JPR is funded with money from Putin." If JPR members decide to do a parallel thread to this one, maligning all of DU based on pointing to specific posts, that knee-slapper will deserve pride of place.
But, really, I've been enough of a killjoy. People on DU are understandably despondent over the impending inauguration of Trump and the prospect for four horrible years. If some of them find that JPR-bashing is a welcome distraction from the unpleasantness of the real world, the rest of us should probably just let the hatefest go on.
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Hell, one said that Trump would be 4 years of "comedy" while implying Clinton would be worse.
The worst part is the real JackPineRadical would NOT have liked that site at all. They appropriated his handle for RW causes.
(26,467 posts)Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)yardwork
(65,716 posts)Guess what? The country isn't going to suddenly wake up and embrace Bernie. Instead, you're just as out of luck as the rest of us.
(47,209 posts)Not shocked someone is using false information to defend them. Fake news was definitely popular there.
(14,035 posts)Go over there and make a post about technology/automation (and not trade deals) as being the primary and future cause of blue collar manufacturing job loss and your post will be deleted and you will be accused of pushing talking points they do not agree with. Or better yet, post a critical Bernie topic such as how he failed to appeal to minority voters which is why he lost the primary and you will have the wrath of a thousand keyboards descend upon you.
JPR is the left's version of a conspiracy-filled hate site that loves Russia and the incoming president more than they love America and the current outgoing president. That place is a sewer not much different than 4chan.
(159,624 posts)Arazi
(7,593 posts)Cha
(308,402 posts)I've seen trump apologists on here but they didn't last long.
That would be promoting the rw bullshit agenda.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Place is gross
(308,402 posts)course.
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)I've only visited a few times, but it seemed most people there were originally for Bernie, and some later voted Green Party, or wrote in Bernie. Both before and after the election the posts I've seen there were all negative about Trump.
If you're going to make an accusation that they're praising Putin and supporting Trump, you should link to the specific post. Also just because an individual or two may have posted something pro-Trump doesn't mean that reflects the thinking of the majority at the site, just as the occasional troll here will post something outrageous.
I disagreed with them censoring pro-Hillary posts just as I disagreed with DU censoring pro-Sanders people.
It's too bad there's no site on the Net that seems to allow honest discussion and differing viewpoints among liberals/progressives/Democrats. Sometimes Dems are their own worst enemies, dividing instead of uniting.
(1,528 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)Here are one example from a thread that is interspersed with folks so glad they didn't vote for Hillary, which essentially was a vote for trump by the way:
"I had so hoped Bernie would have been the one to run against Trump but when that didnt happen I backed Trump because it was the biggest FU I could give both parties."
"AnnieL, I'm SO sorry I didn't vote for Hillary!
I live in a swing state and I voted for Jill Stein and Im glad I did!"
"I live in a swing state and proudly wrote in Bernie. I will never regret it!"
"Reregistered Green, voted Dr. Stein. Happy."
"By "in my camp" I meant wanting a third party.
I have no hope of the Democratic Party changing anything. Pelosi said it outright. They are mad at us for supporting Bernie. They still expect us to get in line. They wont learn so we have no choice but to build a third party. Try doing that if Hill was in power. That is why I chose Trump over her. He doesnt have us in his sites. She would have. If you cant understand that I cant make it more clear."
30. Clinton would have been far far worse than Trump.
In addition we dissenters would have been silenced or sentenced as basement dwellers or worse. At least with Trump we can dissent, we can protest, we can complain and we can vote without shame.
Clinton would have led us to full-blown war and threatened us all with nuclear war. No I will never regret my vote and I would never had help my nose
in the event that Trumps presidency is a full-blown disaster I would still NEVER believe that Clinton would have been better.
These types of comments are not difficult to find over there. Neither is the President Obama and Hillary hate comments
(1,528 posts)condone comments like that on JPR. I don't, that's why I don't make them. I don't support Trump (I detest him, actually), do not bash Hillary, and do not agree with everything Bernie has suggested. I actually would like to see Al Franken run for the Dem-Nom in 2020.
(97,964 posts)including those who may frequent that other place. did vote for Hillary in the General Election.
Bernie himself encouraged his supporters to vote for Hillary in the general. While losing the Presidency was bad enough, losing the Senate was a disaster for us.
I realize that no one here would argue with that.
The Post Mortem group has just become another place to re-fight the primaries.
In my view a better use would be a group whose purpose is the best way either stop trump from doing the damage he seems intent on doing, or at least delaying, and doing whatever is necessary to protect those programs so vital to so many.
Unless we can convince three republicans in the Senate to protect some of the programs, it is going to be very hard though
(57,414 posts)"That is why I chose Trump over her. He doesnt have us in his sites." Really? Which websites might those be, anyhow?
Using "sites" instead of "sights" is like using "your" instead of "you're," "loose" where "lose" was meant, or using an apostrophe to form a plural. These are classic indications of a Republican posing as one of us, the same way they use "Democrat" instead of Democratic.
(65,716 posts)The day the White House stated that intelligence agencies had concluded that Russia meddled with our election, I saw immediate posts here questioning the evidence. Then I saw Putin himself quoted in the media, using the same exact wording. It was clear that talking points went out.
Some of the posters who repeat the talking points are useful tools, repeating what they receive. Others are paid contractors.
There are probably numerous little sites like JPR, not to mention zillions of Facebook pages. I believe that seed funding for those sites comes from the same source, supplemented by pocket change from the useful tools.
It's pathetic. People should know better.
(57,414 posts)But then, you would think someone like Trump wouldn't get more that 20% of the vote in a country with mandatory education, too.
As for JPR, "veni, vidi, satis (I came, I saw, I had enough)."
(97,964 posts)the posters
I have no idea if some of the posters over there are trolls or not. I don't frequent that forum, but what happened during the primaries over here was disgusting.
(57,414 posts)This past year was the first time since joining DU that I took a long leave of absence. It was voluntary, not forced. I had a post hidden for the first time ever, being accused of equating Bernie Sanders with Hitler (I didn't, although I did equate the fanaticism of some of his supporters, to that of fanatic NSDAP supporters--but that wasn't mentioned as the reason for the hiding). When I saw the reasons for the hide, it was clear to me who was running the asylum here, and I left from February until after the convention in Philadelphia.
The primary season at DU became one long I-Hate-Hillary fest, with a few--far too few--exceptions. I didn't make up my mind for a while after that, and my first contribution, as a matter of fact, was $150 to the Sanders campaign. I wasn't yet convinced one way or the other, but I figured his was a voice that needed to be heard. The vitriol on DU got to be too much, and I said I don't need this, so auf Wiedersehen. I had heard about JPR, and so took a look. There were enough mixed nuts on DU already, and JPR just was a bigger jar, so I hung out at DFP when at all. It's small, but has 99% level heads, which was more my speed.
As for the spelling, it appears to be an almost standardized rule in some right wing circles to have a certain way of spelling things. I'm not talking about Russians, who are easy to spot for the most part. Russian does not have articles (a, an, the) and Russians tend to leave them out when writing English, or use them in the wrong places. Also, Russian does not have the verb "to be" in the present tense, so they are unsure how to use "is" or "are" until they are very practiced in English. "Vladimir Putin is a great leader" in Russian becomes "Vladimir Putin great leader." But the right wing in America seems to have gone beyond just "Democrat" instead of "Democratic." It seems to have started with the random incorrect use of an apostrophe to form a plural (e.g. "I hate the Clinton's" . That is a telltale BS perversion of English, as there isn't a school in the world that instructed school kids to use an apostrophe to form a plural in English where English has never used one--ever. Why Republicans do that, as well as using "there" for "they're" as so on, is beyond me. Maybe it's just a case of monkey see, monkey do. Maybe someone just saw a typo on a Fox Noise post, and figured since it was from Fox, it must be correct, and every other text in English for the last 300 years has been wrong.
(96,598 posts)...are lying about that place need to be forcefully countered. What better way to counter them than with their own words?
(308,402 posts)reported on here.
It's disgusting and I'm glad the OP is exposing it.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)Yes, we must expose and remember who they are. They have no credibility to speak about anything progressive.
(27,835 posts)... who is in a position to know such things, 85% of the posters on DU were pro-Bernie during the primaries. So let's not even go there with the "censoring pro-Sanders" bullshit.
The only "censoring" the Bernie supporters experienced was when HRC was declared the nominee, and they could no longer bash her 24/7 on DU.
It was the Bernie supporters who established their own website where they were free to call Hillary a "c*nt", accused her of literally murdering her political adversaries, and claimed she was dying of a dozen diseases and was lying to the public about her fatal condition.
So don't even talk about "dividing instead of uniting". And if you didn't see anyone there rooting for Trump, you obviously didn't bother to have a good look around.
(308,402 posts)of the attempts to rewrite history to suit some agenda.
(97,964 posts)seems to be forgotten by some.
Thanks Nance
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)This is about ROOTING for Trump which essentially means rooting for what he is doing and what he stands for. Yes, they rooted for Trump and had a grand fiesta when he won. There is Putin praise there right now EVERYWHERE.
(15,720 posts)But some of them were so completely deluded by their bogus "progressivism" that they went on like the hateful-est trolls on the skeeziest sites for years and nobody here could shut them down. Well, they finally self-exiled, and it's a big improvement.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)There are still a few left. We must not forget what they stand for. They should never have any credibility regarding electing our officials.
(159,624 posts)The hatred of Congressman Lewis in that site is disturbing
https://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/bernie-swiftboater-john-lewis-heckled-during-msnbc-interview/ and https://jackpineradicals.com/boards/topic/thank-you-rep-john-lewis/
(65,716 posts)Trolls appropriated the name of a beloved DUer who is probably rolling in his grave at the disrespectful misuse of his name on a site that promotes bigotry of all stripes and pushes conspiracy theories and Putin propaganda funded by people who are literally destroying the U.S. and the earth.
Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)Booing him is disrespectful and wrong, even if you disagree with him on some issue.
(159,624 posts)Congressman John Lewis is a national treasure
(47,209 posts)sfwriter
(3,032 posts)I agree with your post and have had several like it removed in the past after being flagged. It seems like DU used to be more tolerant. I have not checked out JPR, but doubt very much that it would all be my cup of tea if they banned pro-Clinton posts.
So frustrating.
(30,564 posts)JackAssRadicals.
Mike Nelson
(10,498 posts)...one on Facebook who wants Trump to succeed in all his plans. He believes the horrific outcomes will, as a result, make people regret not voting for Bernie and we'll have a bigger shakeup resulting in some greater good. They don't see real people will be casualties. It's tragic, but I do believe these people are a small minority.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)I did notice how emotionally involved they were.
(9,651 posts)people.
(7,638 posts)Much like tRump they just can't keep their egos in check. Bravo on your fishing expertise. You caught quite a few. Now back to my spreadsheet with this.
(159,624 posts)The JPR posters are really sad people
(889 posts)She was always my favorite. Madder than a box of frogs, but thought of herself as a genius.
(159,624 posts)RonniePudding
(889 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)Don't forget the one who has his own forum there.
(159,624 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)Even she wasn't crazy enough for them? Whoah!
(159,624 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)So how exactly is it that you're so intimately acquainted with so much of the drama and so many past personalities here, including someone whose last post was a full month before you signed up?
(889 posts)Tell me inspector, is it possible to view this forum without being a member?
Madder than a box of frogs she was...
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Sure, okay.
(30,481 posts)They also cheered the thought of her death. They are truly mentally ill people. I don't say that lightly. Many of them need serious help.
(65,716 posts)Thread after thread there with vile memes and photoshops of Hillary.
A thread with feces photoshopped on her skirt suit as "proof" that she was deathly ill.
Images of men urinating on her face. Fantasies of raping and beating her.
These threads were not locked by the site owners. On the contrary, they bragged that posters could use any word - no matter how vile - to describe the Democratic nominee.
No conspiracy theory was too bizarre. It's only recently that threads about the pizza parlor were banned.
THIS is what people here defend.
(2,897 posts)It's sad that folks are still trying to normalize what was happening over at JPR during the primary/general election. It was the worst of the worst.
(15,539 posts)and insofar as I recognize one here for a post most often bemoaning the fact that Hillary was our candidate, it is straight to my Ignore List with that abomination.
I consider them traitors. It's as simple as that. F*ck them!
(18,124 posts)seemed like a Libertarian meeting place for right of center individuals whose view on social/cultural matters were suspect in many ways....not a progressive or truly liberal group of people. Mostly, if not all, white people I suspect.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)Pholus
(4,062 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 3, 2017, 08:04 PM - Edit history (1)
One JPR poster in particular has a nice soapbox over there. Was booted from DU AND DI (even the pre-Trump conservatives knew he was a troll) for lots of Kremlin-favorable disinformation. I saw JPR had an appreciation thread for that troll and at that point....well they just weren't worth a lot of thought anymore.
Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)We must not normalize them.
(1,009 posts)Pholus
(4,062 posts)jack_krass
(1,009 posts)I browse JPR sometimes (I was introduced to it by a thread like this on DU), I don't post there though.
There are some good liberals there, some very very smart people, and some assholes. Its got a little more "wild west" feel... to each their own.
Its NOT a Trump friendly site.
Its NOT a rightwing site.
I have never seen the fabled "Hillary is a C word" thread
(889 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Jenny, the poster who complains about the use of the word got banned soon after.
(1,009 posts)Right here on DU... I've seen Bernie slurped as a racist, which is just as bad or worse than the C word, and just imagine, to my shock.... no "outrage" from the DU intellegencia
(45,728 posts)It is JPR.
The thread is about JPR. Your post is about JPR. The link I provided you is from JPR.
"I've seen Bernie slurped as a racist". Link?
(1,009 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)jack_krass
(1,009 posts)DanTex
(20,709 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)m-lekktor
(3,675 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Did anyone in the real world attack it? Remember that JPR is full of russian trolls
(1,009 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 4, 2017, 06:34 PM - Edit history (1)
George II
(67,782 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Do you have any authority for this claim? I know that the JPR idiots dispute this report
(3,063 posts)I went there once . They were downright mysogynic in their hatred of Hillary. The site design is a really bad ripoff of DU.
(6,091 posts)Snackshack
(2,541 posts)Have their own pros/cons. There are comments there I disagree with same as comments here and on others sites. I visit many different sites that lean both right and left.
Setting aside emotions and listening or reading comments of those whom you disagree with can help broaden ones pov and perhaps find common thread. As much as I despise trump and the Republican Party they are very good at putting up a unified front which is something the Democratic Party needs to do also in order to pushback and fight their agenda. If we are going to survive the next four years this has to happen.
(308,402 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)anyhow.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)When people pull the exact same shit year after year after year after year, I suspect they notice.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)They were pretty fucking clear which side they were on...
(71,265 posts)here.
DU is a better place because those banned and flagged here migrated there.
It turned into exactly what I thought it would and let them have it.
Miss a few people who don't post here anymore but that is life.
(2,848 posts)After Bernie lost the Bernie or Bust crowd decided to go scorched earth and bring us all down. They decided if Bernie can't win then HRC won't be the winner either! It was very childish. I still can't fathom they would root for Trump but those individuals do exist. I did vote for Bernie in the primary, but I was not a Bernie or Bust - I was a Bernie or Hillary person. They chose BUST and now we call get tRump.
liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)They don't belong here.
(24,047 posts)