2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHillary .... Fighting for the 99%
In a rare post-election tweet, Hillary Clinton says she's "delighted" by New York governor Andrew Cuomo's proposal to offer free college tuition to students of families making under $125,000 a year.

(52,073 posts)

(4,407 posts)it's simply not about Hillary anymore. if we keep her in the conversation, the Repubs will respond to all Trump criticism as if there's still a campaign going on and do same ole dodge by deflection. I have no interest in the moot discussion of Hillary v. Trump.
Now when I discuss Trump with a supporter, I ask "Yes I know how you hate Hillary. But can you defend, without considering Hillary who is now out of the picture, Trump's (insert stupid Trump thing here)? Turns out most of them haven't any justification for his stupidness when they can't just say he's better than Clinton.
(55,655 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 4, 2017, 05:18 AM - Edit history (1)
How dare anyone mention the Democratic nominee when we are supposed to be idolizing Bernie?
(4,407 posts)You mean the FORMER Democratic Nominee? Hillary lost to a human nightmare and we need to at least admit she was not the answer. I doubt the answer is Bernie, but we either make some changes or go extinct.
(22,240 posts)HoneyBadger
(2,297 posts)I could see it as a national cutoff, but in NYC $199k for a family of 4 qualifies you for rent control and $175k occasionally for subsidized city housing lotteries.
(36,594 posts)Hoping California will follow suit
George II
(67,782 posts)...north of the metropolitan area that are as high as $175-199K.
And those dollar limits are for rent stabilized apartments, not rent controlled apartments, two entirely different things.
(2,297 posts)That is who runs things. Stabilized vs controlled is a valid distinction, you are right, but as far as them being entirely different, it is not apples vs oranges, more like Fuji vs Honey Crisp, they both fall under rent regulated.
George II
(67,782 posts)...have had to deal with the likes of George Pataki for 12 years and Al D'Amato for 18 years.
Here's an interesting map of NYS from the recent election:
Even Suffolk County has historically gone republican in elections.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)All I remember is Hillary saying something about Unicorns and Bernie was completely unrealistic for even suggesting such a thing.
But just to be "Factual" here
No where in that article did it suggest or state Hillary was fighting for the 99%
Ok, ok ... I concede .. She might be in fact fighting for them just a little bit - But no way in Hell are they getting one of those speeches
(22,240 posts)at Hillary imo. Perhaps I am misreading you.
They're just being petty and conflating what the federal government can realistically do with a republican controlled house and what a Democratically controlled state can do with amenable houses. I can't remember whether Bernie was running for Gov of NY or for President.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Which were central to all her college arguments
(17,644 posts)and the thread was titled "Hillary fighting for the 1%"
Factually inaccurate
It was Bernie Sanders making the announcement and Bernie Sanders accredited with fighting for the 1%
and its President Elect Donald Trump
The sooner folks accept reality the sooner meaningful progress can be made to take back our country
(2,897 posts)Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)With income restrictions not a Bernie plan
Maybe try to remember their actual plans
George II
(67,782 posts)"All I remember is Hillary saying something about Unicorns and Bernie was completely unrealistic for even suggesting such a thing."
George II
(67,782 posts)Perhaps Senator Sanders should be up in Vermont proposing such a program in HIS state?
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Tatiana
(14,167 posts)There are many people who started off on the wrong side of an issue, only to come around to the right side sometime later. We should encourage people to manifest this type of change.
(55,655 posts)As opposed to personality. There is a reason we see dozens of threads a day about certain individuals and few about issues or policy.
(55,655 posts)Her policy positions on education. That's no ones responsibility but your own. As she said repeatedly during the debates, the main difference between her and Sanders was that she didn't believe middle class tax payers should pay for the education of the wealthy. Her proposal was debt free public college for incomes up to $250k and tuition free community college.
She isn't giving a speech? So how can she possibly support the 99% when she isn't on TV or giving arena speeches? She also didn't swoop in to take credit for a NY State law she had nothing to do with passing.
It's telling that your definion of fighting revolves around giving a speech to fans. That bill became law through hard work by lawmakers and citizens of NY, not because of a speech in a stadium. Your standards are too low.
(27,607 posts)to the 1% on Wall St. or wealthy donors, so the 99% would never hear her speeches.
By the way, I've figured something out. I thought it strange the way Hillary is blamed for things Bill did as president, but now I understand that Bill/Hillary is one entity: the dreaded Clinton Machine. They are not individuals, let alone human.
(2,297 posts)Makes way more sense for NY
(13,466 posts)Tavarious Jackson
(1,595 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)LS_Editor
(893 posts)pbmus
(12,445 posts)
(893 posts)Or the country...
(12,445 posts)That does not mean she and Bill want to sink to his level...
This is a national event...it is not just the Big Cons event.
(893 posts)They - the Republicans - are not playing by the same fucking rules. Will there be a lack of resolve to defend Social Security and Medicare because of country over party? Such a bullshit excuse to appease the orange man baby. We're losing already.
(893 posts)You and Chuck and Trump and 'bipartisanship.'
(12,445 posts)
(893 posts)bahrbearian
(13,466 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)What Trump gives a shit about is wholly irrelevant and does not reflect on Clinton in any way. Be rational.
(893 posts)Attendance is tolerating intolerance and tacit approval of the hate he uses to get elected.