2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTREASON

(2,892 posts)This is something no one ever imagined so why the fuck cant some action from the SCOTUS be the same?
(9,651 posts)power!
(2,892 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,651 posts)The GOP knew they were on track to lose both the House and Senate.
(5,272 posts)before he was sworn in as President. Post that, he could simply pardon himself, and most of the GOP will refuse to impeach, and they'll continue to rewrite the narrative.
Of course, I have no idea what the mechanism for not seating a President is. I don't think there's any law that says you can't be President if you are convicted of anything, and that goes for having been accused of treason, or am I wrong on that?
Yes that's a high crime and an impeachable offense, but we have a large chunk of the government that has decided laws don't apply. So, maybe it does call for this being brought to the Supreme Court and having the court rule in an unprecedented fashion, (4to4 on the court by the way, if I'm being cynical).
I don't want him in that office any more than you do, but I'm still struggling to see the path to an alternative...and worse, doesn't that alternative still look like Mike Pence unless we prove vote machines were hacked? Can the court really demand a whole new election due to no confidence in the outcome? Maybe in theory, but again...4 to 4.
I'm not trying to talk you down by the way, I'm trying to talk me up. Is there a way that I'm not seeing?
(6,166 posts)JTFrog
(14,274 posts)I wish I had the resolve to go off grid for a few days. I think my blood pressure may explode and I don't normally have high blood pressure.
(22,240 posts)isn't it. We have entered Rod Serling's Twillight Zone. It's a horror flick.
(40,416 posts)It is really difficult to prove treason in the USA. It's defined in the US Constitution, Article III, Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
The reason why the constitution defines treason in such a way is because the founders knew very well how treason could be used politically. Article III, Section 3 was deliberately put there to eliminate that possibility.
That is why there are many of us who are very uncomfortable with the casual use of the word "treason" in political contexts.
Read your US Constitution. Understand its context. That will help.
That's why the NYT deliberately used "potential treason" in their article (no doubt on sage legal advice).
(22,236 posts)Upon all this latest news, we can finally see why Trump has been kissing Putin's ass so much. All Trump cares about is his own personal well being, and it's obvious that he is perfectly willing to trade the well being of his own country to Russia just to save his own traitorous hide because of the damaging information Putin has on him.
Hopefully at some point soon, Trump will be tried as the traitor that he surely is.
(55,894 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,651 posts)He gets the Presidency plus keeps his reputation clean. Putin gets the foreign policy he wants.
Trump will turn over all of the nuclear secrets to Russia and leave the United States defenseless.
(22,236 posts)It's that scary because Trump is a sociopath, and he'll to anything to save his own hide, even sell out his country. That's what sociopaths are capable of.