Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumGot this off Twitter - How to oppose the most powerful political org
In the nation.
We are talking about ALEC.
You can go to this website and once there, you cana read what the acronym stands for, and how to stop it in its tracks before it stops all of us.
From the URL:
"Let me emphasize that this corporate-run organization is the most powerful political force in America. They convene several national meetings of legislators and corporate leaders every year. ALEC oft-times picks up the meals and lodging tabs for the more powerful of the state senators and representatives who attend. They also pay mysterious fees for vague services under headings like educational. At the Task Force meetings or summits or whatever they chose to call them, ALEC herds your elected officials, corporate heavyweights and the occasional foundation seeking special favors, into little rooms that we used to call back rooms. Together, with no input from constituents, they hammer out the basics of the model legislation that will be taken back to the legislators General Assemblies and often voted into law."
I urge everyone who is in solidarity with Occupy to read this fine article.

(16,254 posts)I find it amazing how many think tanks/non-profit groups have the same membership. Too much power for too few people.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)officials again? Is that not the job of Congress? I agree that Occupiers should, and I believe they are, focusing on groups like this. Sunlight definitely needs to be allowed into those 'backrooms' since apparently it is the people's business they are butting their noses into.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Get in touch with your local Feb. 29th organizers. Support them. Join them.