Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumHave you watched the video "Let your life be the friction to stop the machine"?
Someone posted it the other day but it didn't get many replies so I'm re-posting it here and linking to Oped-News which has the transcript as while as the video. It is phenomenal.
This is where we are. The great question now is whether we as a nation can awaken from this long historic nightmare and face the terrifying and exhilarating prospect of living in the full light of reality without the false props and dishonest constructs of a hoodwinked, herded and dishonored people or, whether we have internalized the falsity and disease to such an extent that it has become an organic, overmastering form of insanity?
For two hundred years Americans have been indoctrinated with a mythology created, imposed and sustained by a manipulating cabal: the financial elite that built its absolute control on the muscle and blood, good will, ignorance and credulity, of its citizenry.
Because ordinary Americans, like any people, need to believe that whatever the ruling elite undertakes in their nation's name must be essentially benevolent, noble in purpose and justified in fact, the myth had to be radically modified for imperial expansion.
The simple, powerful myth of America's altruistic and heroic benevolence, shaped and maintained by the financial/political power elite, infused Americans with a deep and outrageously hubristic sense of racial superiority that, mobilized behind various imperial enterprises, has given all such adventures the character of a quasi-religious crusade. In this way insatiable imperialism acquires the apparent moral perfection of a syllogism.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)probably tomorrow. Thanks for the excerpts, it definitely seems worth watching.