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Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)but they can't stop people from pursuing their goals.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)AdamScotti Adam Scotti
Pepper spray busted out on crowd not contained at sanguinet and st cats. Crowd pushed to rené-lesveque #manifencours pic.twitter.com/nAxlVhKv0E
Police Montréal @SPVM
IMPORTANT: We ask that everyone leaves #manifencours #cobp17
Carrés Rouges @carresrouges
RT @david_widge: CUTV journalist William Ray arrested during #manifencours now live at http://livestream.com/cutvmontreal #COBP17
David-Maxime Samson @DMaxSamson
RT @fagstein: http://yfrog.com/oe77prjmj Media being ejected from raised area that provides them an aerial view of the scene #manifencours...
Tim Pool @Timcast
Arrest at the #manifencours http://vine.co/v/bdFA3rxPzdI
Anon GovernmentWatch @Anon_GovWatchCA
March against police brutality under way in Montreal; city deems it illegal http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/march-against-police-brutality-under-way-in-montreal-city-deems-it-illegal/article9840467/?service=mobile
#polqc #cdnpoli
Justin Ling @Justin_Ling
This woman, under arrest, is bleeding from the face and legs. #manifencours pic.twitter.com/G9iit8elRA
The Dialog @thedialogonline
Solidarity with our colleagues at @mcgilldaily @Linknewspaper @CUTVnews who were kettled and arrested by @SPVM while covering #manifencours
Mathieu Perron @matness
so far @SPVM has arrested @CUTVMontreal reporter, kettled @Linknewspaper & @mcgilldaily reporters. covering up bloodbath. #manifencours