Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumDo we still need an "Occupy" forum?
Although this will likely be hidden shortly, I'll respond.
-I'm disabled and am able to spend some of my available energy presenting Occupy and Occupy-related issues via social media.
-Anyone at all may post as the spirit of Occupy is participatory, horizontal Democracy, with "participatory" being key.
-Occupy is interested in and stands in solidarity with all unions, workers, and members of the 99% against the corrupt factors in the 1%. Posts will always be seen regarding strikes, student debt, income inequality/plutonomy, banks and banksters, the 1%'s illegal foreclosure engine and efforts against it, corporate issues, corporate and 1% take-over of the political system (corporatocracy/plutonomy), etc. It may not say "Occupy" but if it's about the 99% and against the corrupt 1%, it's valid here. Have we so completely forgotten the message of "The 99%"?
-Remember the excitement of knowing we were working together to create positive Change? And that Our Voice was what was important? And how the phony economic crises were used to steal back the narrative from the will of the people to expecting others to solve the great problems? Even though they created the great problems on purpose as distraction and divide and conquer? Remember the feeling of unity and that together, we can do it!?
-GD and other forums on DU are (as evidenced by the ATA question) at some times blatantly hostile against Occupy and the 99% message. I have no idea why.
-GD and other forums move very quickly and important issues to Occupy members and supporters may all too quickly drop out of sight.
There is a real, genuine plutonomy take-over occurring and with this week's "banks are too big to jail" revelation, government is already in their pocket. DU =needs= the Occupy message until everyone realizes that the system no longer represents the people of this country. "One person, one vote" was destroyed by the "citizens united" ruling (a Koch Brothers group, one of many Koch PACs) and this will only get worse unless and until we stand up and make it once again reflect the people of this country and not the very rich. The take-over is not a done deal. There is still time to stop it, so this message becomes critical. Voting will barely make an effect upon it; the issues of income inequality and corporate regulation simply do not make it onto the ballot any more. By design. Through the erosion of monopoly laws, six corporations now control the majority of US media (as well as banks consuming smaller banks). This means that the corporate-owned media determine the majority of what people will be exposed to through such channels. Social media channels are imperative to counter the catapulted propaganda.
Although some of this message correctly and factually points out that Obama and the Obama administration are in collusion with the big money interest, and that may anger many who do not wish to either see things as they are or even believe it, a problem may not be solved until it is both identified and addressed. It does not make me happy to have to turn this scrutiny upon a Democrat, but Democratic mayors were also among the worst offenders regarding police brutality and Occupy encampment clearing, so what am I supposed to say aside from "these are problems and do not reflect the will of the people or the Bill of Rights and therefore must be changed".
It is not pleasant to consistently present this much-needed information where there is such resistance. But, there it is most needed. Thank you to Skinner and the Admins for continuing to support this lateral perspective even when it presents a valid critique of our system and process. Protesting is patriotic. Thank you to all who support the message, contribute to it, and speak back to those who wish the message quelled. I wish those who do not like it, would speak regarding their specific reasons and reasoning why they do not. Peace!

Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(22,845 posts)This is where real change is coming from
(506 posts)and I say again.. YES
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)has become an essential non-mainstream information clearing house to DU. As it should be; in the spirit of traditional Democratic party values, the values of the left, and in global solidarity with those who strive for meaningful change. No other group on DU does that.
Thanks as always, FWWM; your tireless contributions make us all much more informed.
(53,410 posts)because if it weren't for you posting these articles we'd all think Occupy was dead and gone.
I thank you for keeping us updated.
(85,373 posts)and while I don't participate, I do read and pass on information to receptive individuals. DU would be severely useless without an Occupy outlet.
(27,509 posts)How else would we find out that:
North American First Nations sign treaty promising resistance to tar sands, pipelines
Posted in Occupy Underground by you: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12525157
and reposted by me in LBN: http://www.democraticunderground.com/101654143
(3,678 posts)Glad its subscribers are here, too.
Ghost Dog
(16,881 posts)But I'd like to suggest that one of the problems with US Occupy is that it appears only to preoccupy itself with what's going on within your Fatherland.
Some more international solidarity might help (us all).
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)understand the issues and those involved, so I'm uncertain about how interesting they'd be here. I encourage everyone to post articles relating to their area and Occupy interests... Peace!
Ghost Dog
(16,881 posts)for some of the reasons you're citing.
Please, please continue.
Otherwise, the 'leadership' US culture provides the rest of us with these days is, frankly, mostly of negative utility.
hay rick
(8,546 posts)I subscribe to two state groups (Florida and New Jersey) and three other groups- Labor, Economy, and Occupy. You are correct in describing our current challenge as dealing with the plutocracy. They have suborned both the media and our politicians. We need to expose the current crop of politicians before we can replace them. The mainstream media have reneged on their fourth estate watchdog role, so citizens have to find ways to disseminate the truth using alternative methods. What you are doing is extremely valuable.
(4,835 posts)I try to rec the articles that interest me and comment once in a while.
I hope it doesn't go away.
(18,479 posts)Occupy is still alive and still working for Justice.
(26,791 posts)However I consider myself a noob with very little pull.
Love, Peace and Shelter. lmsp
(75,480 posts)
(39,909 posts)When the Working Class & The Poor realize WE have MORE in common with each other,
than we have in common with the Ruling Elite 1%,
THEN, and ONLY then, can we have the change we need.
Our neighbors in Latin America have given us the Blue Print,
and the FIRST step is Awareness.
OCCUPY has been successful in raising the awareness of the American People to the basic unfairness of our current system,
and the lack of representation in our government for 99% of Americans.
I look forward to a productive Spring and Summer as discontent grows.
Thanks for your work here!
[font size=5 color=green]Solidarity99![/font][font size=2 color=green]
(18,998 posts)It is very important that you continue what you and they do.
(5,379 posts)and many kudos to you for posting so often from that perspective. Will try to chime in with more from abroad.
Keep it up!
Response to Fire Walk With Me (Original post)
antiquie This message was self-deleted by its author.
Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)
(45,319 posts)Your posts are great. It should surprise no one that the 1% does not care for Occupy.
(153 posts)Skittles
(162,389 posts)yes INDEED
Teamster Jeff
(1,598 posts)
(4,775 posts)and greatly appreciate the work you put in to keeping the energy alive.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)Wall street has done a great job at keeping Main Street and Skid Row from sharing notes as of late. Occupy helps to get that info shared. They, thanks to the work of Occupy, are able to finally see how Wall Street has screwed all of us, in the economy and in government! This group is a way for that information to get to the rest of us to spread.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)as time allows in the future. Meantime I can't tell you how much I appreciate your work here Fire.
And thanks to Skinner for his response to the question. I appreciate that also, but do wonder why anyone would want to see it shut down?? Strange question. Why not participate if one is that concerned about it?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)I was only posting in defense regarding the ATA thread. All of your words and support and activism mean a lot. We are unstoppable! Another world is possible!
(11,700 posts)I enjoy your posts.
(11,700 posts)I enjoy your posts.
(4,906 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Obviously, GD is too hostile for the Occupy message except for rare exceptions. I'd thought it necessary to "fight" there to carry the message but that is not the case.
(14,087 posts)scene again in a big way, soon. Initially, the whole Occupy message appealed to so many fence-sitters, and provided the rallying cry for so many who have been screwed by the 1% and their fan base.....the idiots among us. Occupy got suffocated by the corporate media, who are, of course, the employees of the 1%. I hope it is temporary, and I have the deepest respect and support for those who are keeping the fires burning. Thank you, Fire walker.
(2,542 posts)You are definitely one of my favorite and most respected DUers