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a government watch list? Do we have some folks that have had their names placed on one because of protesting?

Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 17, 2013, 11:46 AM - Edit history (1)
had hired third-party spying agencies to gather information and names of activists and Anonymous IRC communications. Since the for-profit criminal organization DHS make law enforcement their tentacles via the iWatch "program", LE and "suspicious activity reporting" should be considered as going straight to DHS "fusion centers". FBI and DHS if I remember correctly both lied about having spied on Occupy from day one. 18 mayors conference-called about what to do (AHEM) about Occupy encampments in "their" cities; it is surmised there was DHS collaboration and oversight of the resulting systematic brutal and illegal encampment clearings. One arrested protester, in Oakland I believe, spotted in a police station room as they passed, a board with photos of all of the local Occupiers with cross-referencing arrows, etc.
When Code Pink, Veterans for Peace and Southern California Occupations marched upon aspects of the military industrial complex, you bet your ass cops and worse were watching watching watching and filming everything.
These are the days of Blackwater/Academi/Xe acting as a normal part of the CIA, of presidents twice signing and defending in court the provision to indefinitely detain US citizens without trial or representation, of five more years of FISA's warrantless wiretapping, of DHS secretly building spy tech into drones, of DHS saying they can steal electronics within 100 miles of the US border across the country, of profiteers militarizing police departments, of DARPA drones which can do facial recognition from 20,000 feet, of NYPD weapons scanners and declaring protest zones illegal and instating martial law (after they were the ones again causing the problem). The government "intelligence" agencies have declared war upon Anonymous and Wikilieaks and have taken political prisoners, threatening them with greater sentences than child rapists. The FBI offering bomb-making materiel to Occupiers and taking political prisoners and ransacking activists' apartments for "literature". Raytheon's RIOT software. Yet the government and "intelligence" agencies have completely and utterly failed to prosecute HSBC for laundering international drug cartel monies, stop the illegal foreclosure engine, stop corrupt banks and banking scams, return utterly unneeded bailout monies and continuing subsidies, cops and sheriffs literally using domestic terrorism against a righteous, peaceful 1st Amendment movement such as Occupy...because the government is a tool of the rich and government agencies are thus also a tool of the rich. A second populist uprising may occur (SHOULD occur) and it may reveal the depth of preparedness on the part of the very rich against those who wish a better world for everyone.
In other words, if you've protested, you're most likely already on a list or two. Hey Peter King! FUCK YOU and your DHS BULLSHIT! K' love you bye bye
Anonymous @YourAnonNews
Would #Steubenville ever have charged these two had we, #Anonymous, and the entire Internet not stepped in? We CAN make a difference!
Anonymous @YourAnonNews
#NeverForget that YOU *can* make a difference. Go out on the streets, make noise, raise your voices and your fists! Defend what is RIGHT!
(634 posts)engaging in spying fits perfectly with the third world " economic hitman " model offered by Perkins.
I'm just a regular autoworker, but I volunteered to sit in the Rotunda at the Capitol in Lansing for the right to work protest, where I learned a few things:
1. I cannot sit cross-legged for more than 30 min without a painkiller.
2. you get really paranoid when you volunteer for such things. They told us not to bring our phones because the cops can do whatever they want with them. I left it at home, even though there is nothing interesting on it. As a result, I missed getting photos of Jesse Jackson,Gretchen Whitmer and Verg Bernero. Kinda pissed me off, since everyone else brought theirs.
Got really paranoid when someone pointed out one of the young girls in our group. She was constantly going over to one of the cops and talking. The guy next to me was sure she was under cover. I thought she was just a kid from the teachers' Union. Now I'm not sure.
3. There appears to be a professional class of young protesters that know all the chants involved with such activity.
4 Cops get scared, and that is not a good thing. I wasn't concerned about a riot breaking out at all. the atmosphere seemed "forcefully peaceful". We were pissed , but violence was not on the agenda. Some of the young cops looked like they were terrified. I thought about telling one of them to relax, but didn'treally want a pepper-spray saute to go with my ham sandwich.
5.Its hard to know who your friends are. I trusted the UAW guys that I was sitting with, but was wary of everyone else. At one point a kid got up to speak. He was supposedly from Occupy Detroit, but he seemed to be advocating something a little more rowdy than a sit-in, so we kinda just let him " strain his greens" and sit down. Was he really from Occupy? or was he an agent provocateur ? I'll never know.
Am I on a List because of this? I have no idea.
I think it is safe to say ,however, that even a benign site like this draws a certain amount of data mining.
Ya might wanna think twice about getting your " Spartacus On " on the internet.
I don't know you; you don't know me....
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Occupy's ideals and to recommend they watch "Inside Job" about the bankster scandal.
Anyone promoting violence is a cop or a Fed. Step back. Walk away.
Cops troll for arrestable reactions. Watch for them to hassle and violently arrest the younger and physically smaller / visibly more popular members of your protest in hopes of someone doing anything they can use to make another arrest.
If you are not specifically part of an established movement, some of your fellows may hold different ideals regarding reform and change. They may also not know or not care that they don't have to talk to cops, that they can walk away from any questioning, and if detained, can immediately demand a lawyer and outwait the detention period and attempts at questions designed to wear one down and get them to answer questions in return for being allowed to leave such ugly conditions.
The young know they're fucked ($1 trillion in student debt) and are passionate about Change.
Protests which at the end of the day, go home, allow business as usual to continue and politicians know they can outwait protests and anger. The Montreal student movement worked in shifts of 8 hours so that fresh protesters were marching and making NOISE 24 hours a day.
THANK YOU for going to Lansing to demand change. Trust but don't get fucked. DHS and police are domestic terrorists using force and threat of force to change the political position of US citizens. That's terrorism, ladies and gentlemen. They are what they claim to seek to end.
Fire Walk With Me
(20,234 posts)1983law
(213 posts)for a while. I really support grass roots organizing and hate to see people get caught in a government net when they do so. Still, too many people in this forum that will bitch/complain that if you do not toe some robotic line your some sort of an intruder. Don't need it.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)That is definitely not the point of "the 99%". People here have very strong feelings and experiences and they will show up in text. I really hope that you come back and feel welcome, and if not, please say why, because everyone interested in this, is welcome. Thank you for what you do!
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)spying on the people list. Imagine in a democracy a government spying on its own people!! That could NOT happen in the greatest Democracy ever on this planet. Could it?
I am sure the Government 'enemies list' is long. As everyone discovered during the Bush years, and then had it confirmed during the beginning of OWS, our Government views its own people as 'the enemy'. How did that happen?