Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumThank you DHS for organizing and assisting in the attacks upon Occupy Wall Street
but not doing shit to detect and prevent the Boston bombings and spending $1 trillion of our tax dollars in the process. FUCK YOU.
This is my opinion and not DUs or anyone else's. Now your IRA bagman Peter King, vociferously anti-Occupy, is saying "we need more cameras". Did I say FUCK YOU? FUCK YOU. Disband yourselves immediately and report for classes regarding the Bill of Rights.
(85,373 posts)low-intellect people of color in stupid plots of the FBI's own devising, that they fail to catch the Oklahoma, Atlanta, and now Boston plots....
And as for the CIA, they are so happy droning people, they have thrown intelligence gathering right out the window, starting with the betrayal of Valerie Plame and her division...
(8,244 posts)Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)DHS is a perfect example of "big government" gone wrong. Its a sly merger of corporate interests and the public purse, and the pinnacle of "market friendly" solutions. DHS is not about protecting the public, its about protecting profit.
Instead of identifying and taking responsibility for pissing off 1/2 of the world, the government created a gigantic bureaucracy that does not nothing but line pockets of well connected interests, manage and manipulate public perceptions, and strip civil liberties when there is a potential for conflict with the status quo.
(4,775 posts)dtom67
(634 posts)That the "Patriot act" and ndaa were designed to protect the Government of the United States,not the American People.
Of course, the reason it needs to be protected is that its policies serve the financial interests of the 1%. In persuing those interests, our government has accrued enemies. As usual, the cost of those policies will be paid by the People. And because we know this to be unjust, we are treated as enemies by our government. Our Liberties must be taken. Our standard of living must be lowered, to make us easier to control. Soon, the internet will be purged of any dissenting voices. This tragedy will be used to further tighten the slave collar around our necks.
And most Americans will beg for it to be done to them.
They often say Freedom isn't free.
Freedom is dangerous; perhaps we should just give it up ...