Middle East
Related: About this forumDo we need a host or hosts? If so, let's put it to a vote.
Since we don't have a poll feature available yet, we will have to run it in a creative way. So, in tradition of the LGBT group, I will facilitate a "poll" of hosts. If you are interested, please indicate so. I will keep this open for a week, then, we will vote.
Also, the group is still new, so if you can rustle up new business, please do. Like the Jewish group in my sig line, I am going to add the Middle East group. I hope some of you will also consider doing this as it may let others know about the group.
FTR, I am cool with hosting this group. I keep odd hours and I only host three other groups, Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality, LGBT and the Jewish group. I would like to nominate Douglas Carpenter, Violet Crumble, and JMach1.
So c'mon...nominate/endorse someone (including yourself) and then we will put it to a vote.
As a side note: I don't know we need more than 4-5 hosts (and that may be too many, but sometimes, more is better).

(42,239 posts)I think an odd number makes more sense.
(27,773 posts)
(42,239 posts)NOT.
Its a reasonably well known fact I don't agree with the hosting system.
(108,317 posts)On edit, Behind the Aegis, JCMachI, Violet_Crumble, dipsydoodle, and Douglas Carbenter have been nominated, with BtA as lead.
That would seem like a good slate....
On edit, you might complete the nomination/election process and then let this group draft an SOP, which could then be discussed among the larger group. I always find it easier to react to a "draft" and suspect others might too. Just a thought...
(135,060 posts)and JMach and VioletCrumble are my nominations. And anyone else the three of you all want to add is fine with me.
(28,445 posts)making some major life changes... but they do leave me time.
Time was always the reason I have never done DU moderation over the years.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)and trust your judgement on however many others as I am less familiar.
(60,025 posts)
add my vote to hers, pls.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)she pmed me a month or so ago about the posssible creation of this group and she mentioned that she had been talking to BtA about it
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)
(36,174 posts)At least that's how I read what BtA was saying...
(27,773 posts)At this point I'm going to nominate Behind the Aegis. I am willing to co-host if requested, although I don't anticipate all that many problems in this forum.
(28,445 posts)Violet_Crumble
(36,174 posts)You as lead host, and Douglas Carpenter and JMach1 as cohosts. I'm happy to be a cohost if I'm needed, btw
Douglas Carpenter
(20,226 posts)cohosting if need be and also agree that Jmach1 and yourself would make for good cohosts.
(45,850 posts)there are a couple of others I can think of albeit they have not posted in a while
(22,144 posts)And would be willing to be a cohost if needed