DU Community Help
Related: About this forumEdit , as I worded wrong and I am sorry. This is happening in the DU Lounge. Anytime my posts go to the top of the forum
said poster goes to almost of the posts under mine and hits "kick" bringing all the other posts up and mine down. A Kick on the Monkees? Janis? Bruce? I guess it wasn't clear what I posted before. She is kicking the posts below mine to make mine drop. It's amusing to watch as it there are one or two above mine she won't do a kick and I never receive a kick from her. There are no messages, just the word kick. It's beginning to be a waste of my time to be a waste of my time to post or even come here know that said poster is playing a childish game. I have numerous posts from Loungers that they love my threads and I enjoyed posting here. I want to bring posters together and have a good time without anything sexual, drinking or vulgar. I don't care if others do it , but it's not my thing, What I am concerned about is the game being played by said poster on OP about saying Happy Holidays in different languages and a general thread to wish each other a warm seasonal greeting. She has posted kicks under those to make mine drop. As such, I have to do some heavy thinking about posting after New Year's Day. I do this to make people feel happy and good. Thank you. Rec and viewed never mattered to me. Only that I could be there for someone,

(28,835 posts)EarlG
(22,761 posts)First, just to make sure there's no confusion, "Kick" is meant to be a compliment... when a thread is replied to, it is sent back to the top of the forum it's in. Long ago, DUers decided that this would be called "kicking" a thread. So if someone doesn't have anything particular to add to a thread but wants to send it back to the top of the forum so others can see it, they'll post "Kick" or sometimes "K&R" ( short for "kick and recommend" ). It's a way of giving a thread more visibility.
That said, if a particular member is bothering you then my recommendation would be to use the Ignore function. Either use My DU > Member Lookup, or find a post by the member you don't want to see and click on their username, to get to their Profile page. Once there, click the "Ignore" button near the top of the page. Then select "Full ignore." Once you've done this, you will no longer see any posts by that person.
If you change your mind later, you can manage the members you are ignoring from My DU > Ignore List.
(43,446 posts)returning after New Years or not starting posts again. Can I Kick my own posts?
(108,317 posts)You have a fan base that enjoys your lounge posts!
(43,446 posts)WhiteTara
(30,564 posts)and of course you can kick your own threads as often as you wish.
Sometimes I join in your threads and sometimes I don't. this is the season for tender feelings and with Mercury retrograde, misunderstandings abound. We need you and you need us. Big hugs for your anxiety of rejection. You are loved...as you say, your threads are quite popular.
(43,446 posts)MOMFUDSKI
(7,080 posts)weeks ago for ??? Unhappy people should just not be on DU. I carried on. Sorry for your experience.
Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)are popular. Dont deprive us because someone is annoying you. I thought k was a compliment. Keeps your posts alive.
(43,446 posts)
(441 posts)I enjoy your posts. I'm mostly shy about posting anything here but I've been enjoying responding to your posts and enjoy reading the responses even if I don't have anything I want to add.
(2,439 posts)There is a poster who posts in the forum a lot who never replies to your posts so you assume she doesnt like them- and she kicks other posts which makes you feel like she wants your posts to go down the page.
I gently say perhaps you are thinking and caring too much about this. Its quite possible that poster doesnt even think about you/your posts. Its also possible she doesnt care for you or your posts but so what? A saying I live by is Other peoples opinions of me are none of my business Not everyone is going to like you, and thats okay!
One person kicking other posts is not going to net a statistical difference in your post popularity. Honestly though, does it really matter that much? Its all fake social constructs.
If you feel agitated when you see her posts- put her on ignore. Its unreasonable though to expect admin here to actually step in when no actual rule violation has occurred.
(43,446 posts)my posts drop like rocks. I want to share with other posters and have them share with me. Rec and Views mean nothing to me What matters is the conversations I have with my fellow posters. I noticed the trick of posting kick to the threads below mine last week. They are more noticeable now. I mean wants the sense of posting threads if this poster is making them fall like rocks. Thank your time in reading and answering me.
(22,761 posts)I understand the situation now, but unfortunately I don't think I can consider this to be a problem.
First, people are free to respond to anything they want. I can't tell someone to stop replying to threads that they like just because it might mean that someone else's thread won't be at the top of the page. That's not how the forums work.
Second, even if someone is maliciously doing what you claim they're doing, it would have basically zero effect.
Your threads are very popular, so any effort to "hide" them by kicking other threads above them would be completely pointless. For example, you started a thread in the Lounge about two hours ago which already has 45 replies -- that's one reply roughly every two and a half minutes.
That means that every two and a half minutes (on average) your thread was kicked back to the top of the Lounge. In order to prevent that thread from being at the top, someone would have to kick another thread or threads 45 times in two hours -- and that would be just to prevent ONE of your threads from appearing at the top of the Lounge, and even then only for about two and a half minutes. As soon as your thread gets one more reply, it's back at the top.
I understand that you are concerned about this but I'm letting you know that it's not a problem. Your threads are consistently well-liked and get a lot of replies -- it's simply not possible for someone to undermine the visibility of your threads by kicking other threads.
(43,446 posts)of September, I am sorry for causing a stir. TY EarlG
(22,761 posts)I hope I was able to reassure you that it's not possible for anyone to maliciously "demote" your threads in some way. Every time someone makes a new reply to one of your threads -- which seems to happen a lot! -- it will pop right back up to the top. And I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. Take care.
(11,057 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)With the old format, if you typed up a reply, then hit post and your reply joined the thread, if you hit back, then it would go back to the page with your just-typed reply Then if the phone rang and you got distracted somehow, when you came back to your computer and didn't remember if you had already posted that reply and posted it again, you would get a double post.This used to happen to me a lot.
With DU4, when you post then hit back, that reply you just typed will be missing the title line, and if you try to post it a second time after being distracted it won't double post because the title line is missing. I am noticing there are hardly any double posts now. Nice work, EarlG.