Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren explains to Jon Stewart just how broken the system is

...Warren told Stewart that the rich and the powerful are running everything in Washington these days to the point, even, that everyone has stopped noticing all the corruption. Its just the norm.
The problem weve got is that there is so much money flowing into Washington, so much power (and) so many lobbyists, that it becomes the norm, she said. I want to say it this way: The wind only blows from one direction it only blows from the direction of those who have money.
Taking a look at the systemic failure, Warren said: Powerful corporations (and) rich people have figured out that if you can bend the government to help you just a little bit, its a tremendous payoff, Warren said, and if you can bend it to help you just a little bit more and a little bit more, the playing field just gets more and more tilted, and the rich and the powerful just do better and better.
Watch the clip(s) below:

(45,251 posts)Thanks for the links.
(7,830 posts)You're so right. They're both trying to educate US & are fighting the good fight for US.
I hope Jon stays on this path even after leaving The Daily Show.
(50,983 posts)When John is gone I fear we will also lose the information source.
(45,251 posts)AND Larry Wilmore. Of course, other cast members/writers left long ago, like Steve Correll and Beth Middleford, left long ago.
The show may be better in the future or it may be worse, but it will not be the same. (I know, I'm stating the obvious.)
(57,936 posts)ladjf
(17,320 posts)You clearly understand that some one in power with brains and integrity is going to have to step up to the plate.
Why are you holding back? You and some great VP might be able to tilt the playing field back toward financial equity.
(7,830 posts)grand twittered entrance tomorrow.
You never know what might happen in the coming months.
(17,320 posts)I have no doubt that she has the intellect and communication skills to be a good President.
(17,796 posts)I'll take it.
(5,217 posts)RiverLover
(7,830 posts)But if she is not coy they may destroy...politics in the 21st century is a dirty game.
(45,251 posts)most of the field--both parties. Hillary's run has been dangled before us since 2008.
(5,217 posts)elements in the country who will not hesitate to kill anyone who does not do exactly as they as they want.
(5,217 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)And I think we can give students the same interest rates from the Fed as the banks get without reining in the banks.
Greece is a mess because of the dishonesty and wrongs of our banking system. The world economy was at the brink of disaster because of our banking system (together with the banking systems of some other countries lied and cheated) and Brazil, Russia, India and China are starting/strengthening a new economic organization that will put our banks and our economic system and our oligarchs in a position to have to compete with their systems and their oligarchs.
In short, our financial system is in for some changes whether the bankers like it or not. It's also going to happen whether we like it or not and even whether we start the changes or not.
The changes in student loan interest rates that Elizabeth Warren proposes should be adopted. Last time I looked, the law (revised to make this provision stricter under GWBush) already prohibits student loan debt from being discharged in bankruptcy. That's a big deal. You start a company. You buy a corporation. Chances are you can discharge most of the debt of that company or corporation in bankruptcy. But some kid who signs a loan document to go to college at the age of 22, no job required, no source of income required, just some school admission slip or maybe even a subscription to a fly-by-night online phony school, and the kid is saddled forever with a loan he cannot discharge in bankruptcy, maybe if he becomes disabled or extremely ill or something, but not in bankruptcy.
Check my facts please because I will change my post if any of them are wrong.
It's the kids with poor and middle-class parents who fall into the student loan trap. And those are the kids who become the Steve Jobs, etc. of tomorrow. Student loan baggage is a terrible burden for our young families in their 20s and 30s and even 40s.
Elizabeth Warren is my hero because of her stance on student loans and banking.
Yes. Our banking system has to be reformed. It may not happen through legislation. But it will either happen or we won't have a country. It will take time, but the current system is unsustainable.
(5,217 posts)easy targets because they are often unengaged politically and likely have no political or financial influence. Affluent college students won't need a college loan, so there is little risk of pissing off anyone "important".
Which paves the way for the for-profit schools (and others) to charge these less-than-savvy young people exorbitant prices for often worthless certificates. Since they often will have no assets at that age, bankruptcy may be a sensible choice. Except ....
And thus the need for Wall Street to trap them permanently into a POS over-priced loan.
(5,112 posts)As POTUS she'd face pretty much the same obstructionism as is President Obama. She would be wasting the next year or two focusing on her campaign, rather than continuing the excellent job she is doing in the Senate. Hopefully the popularity of her positions will force a leftward shift on the next Democratic candidate.
(57,936 posts)and right down the line. Who do you think Hillary will appoint?
My guess is more Citibank and Wall Street folks.
I've heard that "she is more effective" nonsense so many times. As have those who repeat it here. It does not really make any sense.
A person is always more effective as president than as a senator.
Yes. She will be obstructed just as President Obama has been.
But did you watch the video?
When Elizabeth Warren is obstructed, she just hunkers down and explains her view a little more clearly.
When Obama is obstructed,. he shrugs his shoulders and tries to make the best of it.
When Hillary Clinton is obstructed, she reaches out her hand for more money and gives in all the while telling herself that "compromise is necessary."
It's time for us to try Elizabeth Warren's method in handling obstruction. Much as I like Obama, I've had enough shoulder shrugging. And I am not about to put up with the reaching out of the hand for more money and "compromising because it is necessary."
I want a fighter. I want a president who can debate and persuade. I want Elizabeth Warren in the White House.
(5,178 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)If she really won't run, she at least needs to tell us why she won't. Young people love her as do us old folks. Everybody loves her. And she makes so much sense. She would be the best for the country.
I love Bernie Sanders, but Ellizabeth Warren has an amazing energy and would work well with Bernie.
Please run, Elizabeth Warren. Please,please,please . . . . . .