Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forum*Elizabeth Warren Group poll*
Just want to get a feel here. I have seen a few people post that some supporters here support Liz only because she isn't running.
So if we stipulate that Liz is not running for President in 2016 in no uncertain terms, signs up on DU and says quit asking me to run and don't mention my name again, if she tells the large organizations to quit their action in their efforts to get her to run for President in 2016 ,if she says she will sue your ass off if you keep asking her to run. If we stipulate that Bernie will run as a Democrats as he has said he will.
Who will you support in the primary for President 2016?
3 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Elizabeth Warren | |
0 (0%) |
Bernie Sanders | |
2 (67%) |
Martin O'Mally | |
1 (33%) |
Hillary Clinton | |
0 (0%) |
Lincoln Chaffee | |
0 (0%) |
Elizabeth Warren but only because she's not running! | |
0 (0%) |
2 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Bernie most closely represents my views, but maybe O'Malley would be tolerable once we dig up his real positions.
(47,451 posts)
(34,589 posts)Others may run, too.
(6,323 posts)I believe E.W. unfortunately when she says she will "Not Run". There isn't a single thing that I don't align with Bernie on. One couldn't go wrong with either of those two. I still need time to decide on O'Malley but I haven't noticed anything glaring yet.
(7,830 posts)Plus the parameters suck!
(47,451 posts)just ask him.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)But I imagine EW would make a wonderful President as well, and I would be happy to see either running in the general. (Cause as a Dem Socialist, I also don't get to vote in the Democrats' primary.)
(7,830 posts)

(47,451 posts)
(9,688 posts)but I've been enjoying a certain OP in DU today, whose pretext is to save Elizabeth Warren from the "harassment" of her supporters who continue, for obscure but apparently nefarious reasons, to suggest that she should run for POTUS. Imagine! Elizabeth Warren's supporters encourage her to run because they think she'd probably win and that would be a damn good thing. Nefarious harassment indeed!
I enjoy the OP because it shows that *** is running scared.
Quite a few posts from sabrina 1 have explained the importance of having a strong progressive slate across the board, congress, senate, executive. I want to see progressives win.
As a Canadian, I think third way and Republican US politicians enable Harper, Canada's tea-partyesque (Reform, fundamentalist, corporate) to act out in a totally grotesque way. US reach, political/economic/media, is far and wide across the entire English speaking world. That's a fact. It's one big bubble. We're going to get rid of Harper in October, 2015, unless something really wretched happens. I'm hopeful. I want to see the US turn to the left as well. IMO the status quo from the US is getting really really scary.
(7,830 posts)I'll have to pay more attention now, esp in October. Here's to ousting Harper!!
(7,321 posts)was "on the job" electioneering behind the curtains like he did in Sweden and Georgia and probably involved in Ukraine etc. I can't say how disappointed and yet not surprised because I had learned Rove's handiwork was involved.
I also found myself struggling how the election system actually worked, but it was fun watching on C-Span.
In any event I sure hope the hell Harper doesn't win, but are there progressive candidates and a strong movement to oust him?
Oh yeah, btw I know the post you're talking about, absolutely bizarro.
(9,688 posts)In fact, that election is one that progressive Dems in the US might learn from, since in many ways it mirrors the current situation in the US.
Against Harper, the Liberal party, in its wisdom advanced Michael Ignatieff.
Michael Ignatieff was/is a "bushie", in fact as "non-Canadian" as you can get and not be Ted Cruz.
It wasn't a choice that people like me made, not to vote for that fucker to be Liberal Prime Minister, because we were physically incapacitated by our immediate urge to vomit, just at the thought.
The NDP, Canada's union/labor party, hadn't the momentum to take up the slack, when the Liberal party fucked the country up like that. Not to say that we didn't try, and didn't make some solid wins.
Michael Ignatieff as Liberal party leader, is somewhat similar to a TOTAL third-way politician being Dem party leader. You know who. A difference might be that the Liberal party of Canada had been led by the likes of Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, making for a strong and positive tradition that Michael Ignatieff was at discord with.
Justin Trudeau (Pierre and Margaret's son) is now federal Liberal leader. He's a wild card, to be sure, but ....
He ain't no Michael Ignatieff
(7,321 posts)I'll put the rumors aside with regard to Rove's "handiwork" .. I quite enjoy the way put things.. especially poignent:
That is a perfect expression of my own sentiments wrt to who should not be named.
(9,688 posts)I mean, because the Liberal party went with Michael Ignatieff, causing offence when none was needed and there were other and better leaders, Canada ended up with Stephen Harper.
The trick, my USian friends, is to not go with the likes of Michael Ignatieff in the first place.
(7,321 posts)I'm with Jackpine I don't know yet. I like Bernie, but I'm thinking O'Malley might be worthy of my vote, I don't know enough about him yet, I just really liked what I heard him say on NPR yesterday. I've been listening to Bernie for years, I love him dearly. But I'm still not sure. yet.