Tiny (Cow-Sized) Titanosaur Discovered in Argentina

A new species of titanosaur has been described from Argentina. Found in rocks dating back almost 70 million years, the mini job has been named
Titanomachya gimenezi and was 10 times smaller than its largest titanosaur relatives, making it one of the smallest ever described
Elsewhere in Argentina, some of the largest dinosaurs ever to roam the Earth have been found, including the colossal lump that was
Patagotitan mayorum. At the other end of the scale sits
Titanomachya at around 7 tons in weight and as Riley Black wrote for National Geographic about the size of a massive cow, making it about 10 times smaller than
Though, at 7 tons, would be a pretty Big Cow.
Just found this so charming, whimsical and uplifting on a day filled with dire news that I hope it will lift someone elses spirits as well.
Especially since they caught it on video! 😊