Related: About this forumQuestions about the movie Baby Driver
Does it contain the following Song?
Does it have Statler and Waldorf saying. "Get those Baby Drivers off the road. Should they be booked? No, burped."

The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)busterbrown
(8,515 posts)But what a waste of time.. Just another speeding car movie.. I love action stuff.. Reviews were great.
John Hamm, Kevin Spacey, phoned in their parts.. The part of Baby (the driver) was just a big nothing. The plot was a big nothing and the action sequences...? Seen them a mill;ion times before.
Before anyone gets pissed at me.. Remember Heat.. Now that was a freaking action film..
(16,903 posts)Not Ruth
(3,613 posts)Has a bit of a Guardians of the Galaxy feel to it. Hamm and James were miscast, James sounds like nails on a chalkboard when she "sings", but Foxx is well worth the price of admission.
(478 posts)Any excuse for posting a great song is fine by me.
Response to Wolf Frankula (Original post)
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(20 posts)Roger Ebert gave it an absolutely glowing review but I left feeling a bit underwhelmed.
(47,227 posts)Stinkfoot007
(20 posts)...but his web site is still posting movie reviews- they are obviously written by someone else now, though. I did not even realize it until you pointed this out!
Response to Wolf Frankula (Original post)
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