Diabetes Support Group
Related: About this forumJust checking in...
Been Type II for about 7 years now.
Managed to drop 51 pounds since diagnosed.
I really, really miss beer...

(43,049 posts)My diet's OK, I just don't move enough.
Keep making plans for exercising, but energy and will just aren't there.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)My wife has lost 30 pounds over the last year by following that app. It has put me on a course to lose 20 more pounds over the next 15 weeks, and that is factoring me as "sedentary." It has a way to adjust for diabetics when factoring the carb intake, but I haven't made that adjustment yet.
Thanks for lobbying for this group, and for hosting.
(43,049 posts)and we'll see if it helps.
(Anything's got to be better.)
(12,051 posts)cutting lots of carbs out totally (sweets, rice, potatoes, almost all breads), but I still have a beer once in a while. Still, I know what you mean about missing things; there are days I feel like eating all the baked goods I could stuff in....I sure wish they'd find a cure before we all drop dead.
My best friend, a Type I, says they've been saying for 40 years that a cure will be found in 5 years.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)I'm doing much better about carbs, but still struggling with willpower on some things (I have a real weakness for doughnuts and pie).
I'm helped by the fact that my wife does most of the cooking, and she takes the carbs issue seriously.
(3,033 posts)Type 2 here, normal blood sugars through Atkins. I really really miss mac&cheese, pizza, potatoes, cookies, cake, etc. etc. etc. I've changed my attitude about those foods - I can't digest them, so they're poison to me. I will have one bite if my husband is eating those foods.
As far as alcohol, I have a shot of whiskey before bed and right after I wake up to keep my liver from dumping glucose. My doctor says that 2 drinks a day for women is ok and probably does some good. It keeps my fasting below 85 and below 110 after meals. A really dry red wine is ok too, but I tend to drink more of it, so I switched to whiskey.
Congrats on the weight loss, I know how hard it is. Atkins helped me lose it and keep it off.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)Really feel blessed to have access to good healthcare through my wife's work. It was a 10 week program that met for two hours one night per week. Covered a lot of diet/exercise/carb counting/portion control stuff. Plus, it gave a lot of very practical help with achieving goals.
Right now I'm using the "My Fitness Pal" app for i-phone to help me lose another 20 by mid-summer.
(3,033 posts)oneshooter
(8,614 posts)Washed down by unsweet ice tea.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)With a couple slices extra sharp cheddar. Trying to discipline myself to drink more water, and break the diet soda habit.
(12,051 posts)know it, but it's so valuable to have the taste of something sweet that I keep going back. I don't hate water, I drink it as well. I just have found that the tastes in a low-carb diet are just not terribly enticing; I never liked meat very much, except turkey; I have always liked vegetables, but now am pretty darn sick of them; I very rarely eat pasta, rice, bread, sweets, or potatoes because they raise my BG so much. So the restrictive diet is pretty boring and I end up not even wanting to cook anything or eat anything. It's a vast sea of unappealing meals. Diet soda helped by contributing a couple of different tastes to the vast sea.
(12,051 posts)it tastes fine to me.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)Have yet to pop one open.