Related: About this forumSometimes you just gotta vent
It's gotten to the point that I'm not able to speak to my elderly parents about anything except family any longer. My Dad is PARKED in front of the television, Fux News blaring their propaganda, which of course, he believes every utterance, no matter how ridiculous (Windmill Cancer anyone?)
My Mom is PARKED in front of her computer, posting some of the MOST HATEFUL stuff (to the point that one of her grandson's BLOCKED her) about practically anyone that is not a Republican. She even asked at one point "Why did Grandson #2 block me on FB?" My response was 'have you ever thought to look at your hateful FB posts?'. Of course, no response from either.
Since I'm the only of the 3 'kids' (we're all AARP eligible now) that lives in same State as parents, it's literally up to me to be certain that Mom and Dad have what's needed and required. Yes, they are mobile, yes, they are able to do for themselves, but at times, they do require an extra helping hand. I don't mind, they did same for me and my siblings throughout our lives.
Frustrating to see them get brainwashed by the hatred and stupidity in our Nation at this day and time. Dad has even gone so far to BUY A GUN! As kids, we were NEVER allowed even have a TOY GUN!
I just don't know what to do with these two. I keep my mouth shut, politics are completely off the discussion list. But at times, I almost feel like I just want to start stating FACTS and shut them down.
Anyone else in same situation? Some days it's just worse than others, and today I just had to vent.

(3,276 posts)but just wanted to give you some support here. I'm a firm believer in the power of venting, and am grateful to DU for providing a place for that.
Vent away as needed!
(14,134 posts)My youngest brother married into a fake news liberty university family and he has drank the kook aid
Jokingly Ive told him we can kidnap him get him into a cult de program and he looked at me. So then I said you want me to do shock therapy on the new family I have new jumper cables.
(3,135 posts)Get that alternator cranking some current for those new jumper cable connections.
My entire family (Siblings, Nieces, and at least one military nephew) are all the same way. Being raised in a strict Republican home, I understand why. Neither of my siblings had opportunity to work in a Union Workplace. Growing up in Deep South, the word U-N-I-O-N is a dirty word. Never mind the fact that without Unions, we wouldn't have 40 hour workweeks, Overtime Pay, Paid Holidays, Paid Vacations, Health Insurance, etc.
After decades of being a Union Worker, and part of that time a Union Steward, I've seen what it takes to be a good employee, and a good employer. I've had great bosses, not so great bosses, and complete asshole bosses.
But, all of my family, still believe ultimately, they are going to 'get rich' someday, and all of these 'tax breaks' for the rich will ultimately benefit them as well....never mind the fact that one of my siblings still rents, simply because his credit is so lousy he'll never qualify for a mortgage. My Sister nearly lost their home when they got caught up in that Ponzi scheme known as Amway. But, they all still religiously vote GOP, no matter the scum that's on the ballot.
My Dad was sitting at restaurant table earlier this week, and had the nerve to criticize the Democrat who's one eyebrow is higher than the other. Took everything in my being to not respond "and we have a pResident that's 72 years old, with BLOND hair, a combover from hell that probably takes hours to accomplish and an Orange Spray Tan, and you're going to comment on eyebrows? Instead, I left it alone. Besides, we were in public, and I didn't want to start anything.
It's almost as if they're both completely blind to what Hairplug Himmler is doing to our Country. I always knew both were just a bit racist, though in the past 2+ years, I've been completely awakened to the hypocrisy of both.
When both got on their high horse about the Confederate Flag last Summer, and the reasons why it should still be proudly flown, they waited for a response from me. Just simply stated "Never knew that anyone who admitted defeat, and surrendered was anyone to be admired" Shut them up for all about 1/2 second. But, could tell that they started thinking about what that flag now represents. Maybe next time I'll just respond, the only flag the Confederates should proudly fly is a White Flag of Surrender.
Oh well, you can choose your friends, you're unable to choose your Family. I love them all dearly, I just wish they'd switch on that portion of their brains that actually function for reasoning.