Related: About this forumDo I risk pissing him off and clean, or do I turn my back and shrug?
I'm visiting my Dad this weekend. He lives in N.Y. and I'm 8+ hours away in Virginia. I drove up to visit and as it was the last time I was here, his house is dirty and needs a good cleaning. It's not a situation where he is in danger, but it's dirty - scum on sinks, tub, dust on everything. The last time my sister-in-law visited and tried to clean, he was furious.
It could be that he doesn't see the dirt and dust that I can see, and more likely that he doesn't have the energy or desire to clean. My brother and I, along with our spouses, would happily pay for someone to come in and clean, but he won't allow it.
So, tomorrow, should I just hole myself up in the bathroom and clean it, and then just go from there?

(153,130 posts)Would he actually try to physically stop you? I suspect his pride is getting in the way.
It's too bad.
Does he see that there are health risks in letting the place get dirty?
Good luck.
(39,215 posts)going into a nursing facility. I am not sure about a male but in my case I would like to be asked to help.
(602 posts)I was living a similar distance away from my mother, and every month I would visit for a weekend. And during those visits, I wanted to Get Things Done! There was cleaning to be done, repairs to be made, errands to be run, and oh so many other things that she never seemed to get round to.
But one day, while we were arguing over my intrusiveness, she asked me why I bothered coming there if I wasn't even going to visit with her; why I was treating her like a client instead of like the woman who had raised and loved me. It dawned on me at that moment (thick-headed though I can be) that my mom still wanted to be my mom. So I sat down, accepted a cup of horrible dollar-store instant coffee and let her talk.
She was so lonely. My father and aunts were all gone. My siblings rarely visited, and when they did, they also wanted to be Useful. I realized my mother spent days at a time alone, with "no purpose," as she put it. She said the mess didn't bother her. She just wanted company, and she wanted to be my mom.
So after a bit of calming down on both sides, I asked if she could maybe cook me one of the dishes I'd really liked as a kid. She jumped at this. So we went grocery shopping, where I picked up a few "extra" things that she otherwise probably wouldn't have let me give her. And then when we got back, I offered to "tidy up" the kitchen while she started prepping the meal.
I'll be honest: It wasn't all that easy. I had to be a lot more patient than I was used to. I also had to eat off a less-than-clean plate. On the plus side, she was more than happy to let me clean up the dishes and kitchen, since she'd done the cooking.
My mother is now in a dementia facility, and I'm dealing with the same situation with my uncle. He's a little tougher because he spent 10 years caring for my now-deceased aunt, so he's not good at letting others take care of him. But I'm trying to apply the same strategy when I visit him. I remind myself that I'm there to visit, and I sneak in the cleaning and erranding when I can.
In both cases, the few times it's been a serious health issue (eg, really rotten food in the fridge), I've been able to be a bit firmer because, I believe, I've earned a little leeway.
But about a month ago, I moved my mother into the dementia facility. And in my effort to be as efficient as possible, I was a little too pushy trying to get her to do something. In a sudden moment of frightening lucidity, my mother said, "When you get to be like this, other people forget that you're still a human being and you deserve to be treated with respect."
Then she asked me if we were at Disneyland.
One other thing, regarding hiring someone to clean: Neither my mother nor my uncle would allow this. They were both raised to be self-sufficient and in their lives had never had a housekeeper. Any time I mentioned the idea, they were rather offended. I think they recognized the need, but they were somewhat embarrassed. I think, also, they just didn't want strangers around touching their things. There was definitely some paranoia involved in their reaction, but also probably some generational difference.
In any case, I wish you the best of luck with your father. It's not an easy road.
(1,395 posts)phylny
(8,713 posts)Turned out I did clean. I asked him, "What would my mother (who's deceased) want me to do?" I got a lot done and he maintained his dignity. My younger brother and I also paid for some landscaping cleanup, so that was an added bonus
(18,434 posts)samnsara
(18,434 posts)...my aunt died in April and going to their house was always a joy when we were younger and because our house was always cluttered with crap ( mostly done by us kids) and my aunt always had cute decorations everywhere. Since my aunt died that house has gone to shit..but I REFUSE to clean it. I have chatted with my uncle about getting a cleaning service, and a lifeline cuz he falls. Im the executor of his will and hubby uses his new MBA to work on the finances and bills and taxes etc. My Uncle is kind of a curmudgeon so I dont push a lot of stuff. Like your dad his living situation isnt dangerous YET.
We can lead these old farts to water but thats as far as we are gonna get....until they fall head first into the trough.